
A sweet kiss vs dangerous kiss

"Well, hello again, your majesty."

The creepy man then pushed Justice and make him stumble at Xavier, the two friends were ready to face the man, but they were cautious of him.

"I have to say my gratitude to you, your majesty." Said the mysterious man. He even bows to Justice with an exaggeration.

"Why? Why do you owe me gratitude? I don't even know you?!" He shouted at the man, confused and also afraid to gaze at his black eyes, the creepy black color that now fills his eyes.

"Oh, but I do know you, recognized you immediately," He smiled and slowly got closer to him and Xavier.

"F*ck, what is this? How come you have gone with him from the sewer?" Whispered Xavier, his great axe already in his hand, ready to attack anytime that he wished for.

"Tell me that Anne is with you the whole time? Because that f*cker over there shapeshifted into Anne." Justice pointed at the mysterious man with a face full of rage. He felt deceived.