
A Deep Connection of a Family (Part 2)

"David, what are you doing to them?!" Anne was trying so hard to calm herself, she kept glancing between the unconscious Xavier, Justice, and Henry, while David still smiled while in his seat.

"I don't know. You tell me, how many hours that your lovers have? You're the one with the knowledge of medicine and healing." David smirked and calmly look into her. "Tell me, Anne, was it worth it to let go of them? You know how many things that you can gain as an empress?"

She looks at him, while her hand was checking on their pulse, "What? You're delirious, David! I never let go of them. I love them equally!"

"Then, let me tell you this if you are still trying to search for the witch of the mountain, then you will lose all of them. In fact, you probably already lose these three at any moment now." He stands up and approached her. "Just give up on my mother, Anne. She was living in a land that you can't even touch."