
In an visual novel where I'm the servant of the Vampire Villainess.

"Huh,Why I'm Here" The moment i opened my eyes i was in a different world and if this wasn't enough i was in world of the visual novel which i played . Can I survive?

SK_YUNJUN · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Meeting At the Guild

After departing from the Bloodfallen Palace, Veronica, myself, and Natasha, accompanied by a contingent of guards from our own household, made our way to the bustling market square.

The scene that greeted us was a vibrant tapestry of diversity, with elves, demi-humans, and even beastmen all going about their business. It was clear that Estradel was a bastion of multiculturalism.

The shops that surrounded us were a thing of beauty, evocative of the classic architecture of Old England. The market was clearly a hub of affluence, as evidenced by the immaculate attire of its patrons.

In the heart of the square stood a grand edifice, known as the Alzerian Guild's Estradel Branch.

"Ah, the Alzerian Guild," I mused.