
In Against the Gods with Xenoverse system

Jerry who had been out of the army due to leave was in his home playing games. It was raining and clouds rumbled. Due to this he couldn't go out to meet his friends so to kill his boredom he decided to play a game of his favourite series dragon ball on the pc. When he was playing the game suddenly he saw a loud thunder strike as the room went dark. The next thing he felt himself loosing consciousness. So read to find out what happens next. Will Jerry die or some miracle will save his life? ******************************************* ATG and Dragon ball belongs to their respective authors. ******************************************* If you want to support me then be my patreon; https://www.patreon.com/Kingxix

pratiksymbol · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


"Oh that. I actually haven't cultivated at all." He answered with a smile.

"WHAT?!" She shouted with incredulousness in her voice as her eyes widened.

"You .. you mean that you haven't started to cultivate and you are this strong already!!! How can this be possible my teacher Chu Yueli said that it's impossible to become stronger if one doesn't cultivate profound energy." She said with a shocked voice. She couldn't believe that there was someone who was strong but didn't cultivate at all.

*Brother how did you become so strong??? You just defeated five powerful Cultivators so easily." She asked with stars in her eyes.

"Ugh why do you want to known?"He asked even though he somewhat knew the answer.

"I...I want to find my mother. She suddenly went away somewhere and said to my father that she would never return and she even warn him not to search for her as the place she was going had people who could kill my father in a blink of an eye and destroy this world. B...but I want to meet my mother again." She said with a downcast voice. Jerry could feel that she was quite sad.

"That is why I want to become stronger so that I can meet her again and reunite my father and mother cause I know that father has been suffering after mother left." She said clenching her fists. Jerry saw this but he didn't say anything. He knew that her mother probably would never return because she was now with her ex lover leaving her children behind to suffer.

"So what about you other siblings?? He asked .

"My older sister has joined the Frozen Cloud Asgard one of the strongest powers in this area and she is quite strong too as she is already in Spirit profound realm and my older brother although he is in elementary profound realm he is physically quite strong." She said proudly.

"Well that's good I guess" He said as he looked at the ceiling.

'This girl is quite strong for her age I must say. She is 14 years old and is only one level below that Quingyue girl. Xia Yuu also should have a unique physique like her siblings. Maybe I can check her body with the use of ki' He thought. He suddenly sat up and and looked at her.

"Come here for an instant." He beckoned her. She got up from her chair and walked towards him.

"What is it Brother Jei?" She asked stopping in front of his bed.

" Give me your hand." He said as he opened his palm. Xia Yuu blushed a little as she complied with his request. She stretched out her right hand and put her palm on top of his. Jerry looked at her palm which as white as jade and put two of his fingers on her palm. He sent a strand of ki in through her palm in her body.

"Uh what was that brother??" She asked astonished when she felt her a energy enter her which was quite different from profound energy.

Jerry didn't answer her and simply let the energy move from one part of her body to other. He could also feel her ki which seemed to have been locked up. But his eyes widened when his ki strand reached her lower stomach as his ki strand suddenly was absorbed into what looked like a orb like object.

"Umm" She grunted and closed her eyes as face flushed.

' Ahhhh what is this warm energy. It feels so good!!!!' She thought as her body was flooded with an unknown energy.

'This is something I didn't expected at all.' He thought. He removed his finger from her hand and lied down.

'So even she has her own unique physique but i don't know what sort of physique it is on top of that she also has ki but it seemed like it has been sealed up. It's probably due to not using ki because of profound energy the beings of this world can't use it. But if i force it with ki then the lock on their ki might be broken.' Jerry thought as he could sense their ki which seemed to be locked up.


"I know what you mean to ask but I won't answer it. Atleast not for now" He directly cut her off. She looked at the ground with downcast expression when Jerry got up from his bed and walked out from the hut. Xia Yuu also followed him out.

Jerry wanted to know that if all the others also had ki or not. And after checking their body he found out that he was right. They too had ki in their body but it was sealed.

After a few hours;

"Un" the white haired woman groaned as she slowly opened here eyes.

"Where ...am I?" The woman said as she tried to sit up. But to her surprise she found that she couldn't move her hands and feet.

"What....." She couldn't complete her sentence when she looked forward and saw a man standing a few feets away from her. This was the same man who had knocked her out as she felt a terrible pain at that time. She tried to tear the ropes but to her surprise and horror she couldn't. She even tried to pump her profound energy but nothing happened

"Wha..... what did you...do??!" She asked with quivering lips as a terrible feeling crept as her back.

"I have destroyed your profound veins and crippled you for ever. No need to try you and your pals won't get away." He said as he approached her. Xia Yuu who was watching this from behind the door gulped.

"No....noooooo...no. This can't be possible...wahhh" The woman couldn't take this and directly cried out. Jerry who was approaching her stopped in his track and looked her without any pity.

At this time the other four men also started to wake up. When they saw Jerry they tried to use their profound energy and tear their binds but failed and finally came they came to the same conclusion. And that was they were crippled.

The woman kept crying while the men looked at Jerry with fear and trepidation. They didn't know what the man who crippled them was going to do to them.

"It's time that you answer my questions and if anyone tried to commit suicide I will do things to you that would even put gods into fear." He said as he narrowed his eyes.

Here is the new chapter.

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