
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · Fantasía
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94 Chs

What makes me feel good

Rumius almost had to ask master to repeat herself, even when it was something he knew she hated. " B-Back-up? He has back-up?" He stammered.

Rumius looked to his left and right in a way that was almost unintentional as they walked briskly.

" There are other bandit camps around?" 

Master walked on without looking back, but still answered his question at the same time." No one said that there weren't. With such a big desert as a playground, there's more than enough prey to go around." She said. " But that horn…" 

Rumius saw creases near her eyes appear as she narrowed her eyes in silent frustration. "It looks like we never did catch our ' sandworm'. We've merely bitten off its tail. And with ruckus just now, the head is definitely turning our way."

"Let's hurry." 

The Mayaka was waiting for them on its belly, bathing in the sun. It turned its head lazily when it saw them approach, but obediently, the giant beast tipped its body sideways and closer to the ground. A rope ladder dropped from the top with a twisting rustle.

Master grabbed hold of the ropes and began to climb. Each of her movements was more hurried and forced than Rumius had ever seen them. It was like, she was actually hurrying away. Rumius refrained from asking questions for the time being and followed suit until they were both back on the Mayaka's back.

" Isadora, that horn. What was that?" A familiar voice called out with urgency. Rumius looked up to see a familiar tan figure, muscular and clad thoroughly in leather gear meant to resist the desert's heavy breaths and fierce sandstorms. He sat astride the Mayaka's long neck with its reins in hand, looking perfectly normal if not a little grumpy.

" The bandits seem to have allies. We need to go." Master commanded as she stormed towards him. He could feel a distinct aura coming from her. In the mana world, white light gathered around master swirled in intricate patterns as if a spell was being casted. " If we stay, we will leave ourselves open to ambush." She said.

Mr Mauvelai looked only too happy to comply. Without taking the time to give his acknowledgment, he made it known by cracking the reins and whipping the air. A moment later, the very ground beneath them all seemed to quake as the Mayaka rose to its feet. A brief shadow caught his eye as Glia vaulted up onto the Mayaka's back just in time.

' Phew. That makes everyone. We can leav-'

Rumius then realized that what he had thought was wrong. It was terribly wrong.

He staggered to his feet, trying to make it to his master's side but the rumbling ground beneath his feet fought him. He fell, and the ground rushed up to meet him, delivering a painful blow against his nose. Rumius clambered to his knees and shouted as loud as he could, praying that his voice would reach his master's ears.

" Master! Wait! Th-The people! The prisoners!" He yelled over the noise. " They're still there! They're still in the camp!" Master froze, and so did Mr Mauvelai. The rumbling under them diffused to a halt. 

" Prisoners? What are you talking about?" Mr Mauvelai asked, looking confused as he turned behind to look at Rumius.

" Tch."

Rumius looked to her with fear as Master clicked her tongue. She looked back at the camp with narrowed eyes that held a look of annoyance. ' What a nuisance.' The icy blue pools seemed to say.

 A feeling of dread slowly crept over Rumius. Surely not? Surely she wasn't going to leave them all behind to die? If they left these people behind, it would be like returning them to the bandits! And they would end up being treated even worse! They could be killed!

" M-Master?" Rumius called out her name, pleading. But his heart fell when he heard her left out a long sign.

" We can't. There were at least 40 people there. We neither have the space nor the luxury of time." She said flatly. Rumius's heart plummeted. Then, she rounded on Mr Mauvelai.

" Get us moving Mauvelai. You have your wife waiting for you. And I don't want to carry two bodies back to Agravoss." She snapped. Mr Mauvelai caved visibly at her words. He ducked his head and the crack of the reins sounded again. And again. And again, as the thunderous sound of the Mayaka's footsteps became higher and higher in frequency until their massive mount had broken into a semi-gallop. With it, the camp, and its condemned prisoners, receded further and further away. 

Rumius watched the flag atop the large tent recede until it was no larger than a grain of sand. A single drop in an ocean of monotonous beige. Just like how all those 40 people who had looked so happy, who had looked so thankful to be free, would return to being another drop in an ocean of slaves, condemned to a life of misery and servitude. It wasn't fair.

It just wasn't fair. Rumius grit his teeth in frustration. 

' Dammit master. Why? Why are we running? Can't we fight? Can't we just fight and win? With you here then….' ' Oh right. It was because she was here.' He realised numbly. Rumius collapsed to his knees and fell back on his butt.

Eventually, Rumius lay down with a feeling of defeat. The sky looked down at him from above and somehow, he felt as if the clouds were frowning at him. They didn't look happy one bit. 

" Fuck off. What do you want me to do?" He mumbled, closing his eyes and feeling the numb impact of his fist on the Mayaka's tough hide. The thunderous drumming of the Mayaka's footsteps were his only response. ' This wasn't earth. His ideals couldn't survive here. He couldn't a saint even if he wanted to. And he didn't even want to.'

' What benefits me is right. What benefits me is right.' He repeated, trying to carve the words into his mind. When he opened his eyes, the sky was still frowning at him, but that least the clouds that made up its eyebrows were further away.

That was when suddenly, their mount screeched to a sudden halt. 

For a second, Rumius felt his butt leave the ground. Gravity pulled him back down like a persistent lover as his hips crashed against the Mayaka's not very soft hide. At least it was better than the ground below. Rumius cried out in pain. He rolled over onto his belly and began crawling to his feet.

Travelling on a Mayaka was rough. But even then, it shouldn't be this rough. At this point, it was almost bouncing him like a ball.

Another rumble tossed Rumius into the air even as he scrabbled for purchase. Another slam followed, this time, face-first made him cry out in pain as his arms were slammed against the ground. Even then, the momentum was enough to pull his head into the Mayaka's skin in a vicious, loveless kiss. The taste of blood filled his mouth.

Though half-blinded its pain, Rumius forced himself to look up. He saw master yelling something and pointing. Glia and her crew had their weapons drawn and ready. Mr Mauvelai was screaming something as well. 

' What? What is going on? What's happenin-'

" gu-arrgghh.' Rumius bounced for a third time. The impact made the world spin and in his mind, there seemed to be a loud sound of stomping coming from beneath them. The surroundings spun like a storm as Rumius hung on for dear life.

From across him, a geyser of sand erupted from the desert. From it, a defeaning screech shook the sands.

New chapter! Whoo! Sorry for posting so late, but here it is! I appreciate everyone of you for reading and supporting me. I'm aware that my work is not nearly as good as you guys deserve but I'm working my hardest at it so please bear with me! Thanks again and have a good one!

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