
In A Web Novel As A Skilled Copier

The Webnovel I was reading was called "The Dance of Power". It wasn't a mega-hit, but it was popular enough for me to read. It had its problems and its flaws, but the universe was interesting and so were the characters. And of course, having something innovative helped its popularity. It was an interactive web novel. A novel where you could create a character sheet and the author would place his character in the novel's plot. I made my character sheet and sent it to the author, but unfortunately, my character was rejected for not being good enough. Now I'm in the world of this web novel, as my rejected character. ________ English is not my native language. I'm still learning, so there will probably be mistakes, you've been warned. The cover is not mine, if the author wants me to remove it, please comment on any chapter oh contact me.

NextageGG · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

One Original [3]

"You have a core now. As I put magic energy into you, your core is capable of storing a lot of energy, you have a big core now."

Watching her satisfied smile, I felt a little relief.

The more magical energy you use in the core creation process, the more the core can store.

Being a level 10 skill, Maya would get a lot of magic energy in a short time, which would shorten her time to use her skill.

Maya was still in bed, eyes closed and a smile on her face, circling her magic control.

'Is this speed something unique to the main characters?'

I was amazed. She was able to finish the magic control circulation process at least 3 times faster than I did.

'Maybe your knowledge about magical energy influences this....'

I didn't want to admit it, but when it came to magical energy knowledge I was probably the worst in the room.

Thanks to the eyes of truth I was able to study and learn much faster by having examples, but it was still difficult.

After all, it was something new to me.

"However, you must remember that this does not make you strong. You only have the means, don't excel until you can use your skill."

Seeing her concentrating on increasing her magical energy, I put the magic control book away, put my shirt on, and walked towards the door.

She opened her eyes as soon as I put my hand on the doorknob.

"You're leaving?"

Although she was much more comfortable than when she woke up, she was hesitant to be alone.

"keep training, don't worry about anything. I'll be back."

I opened the door and walked out of the room, still feeling their doubtful stares.

Although things with Maya were resolved, everything about her was not. Knowing very well the type of place that is the Triangle and the plot type of the novels.

The students in her class would start badmouthing her by spreading rumors, especially now that they can't touch her.

So I had to sort this out.


[Class B3]

Closing the door behind him, Dreyden stood in front of the door.

The room was full, the sounds of conversation fading as the students present laid eyes on Dreyden.

Stopping in front of the door, Dreyden looked from side to side, looking for someone.

As soon as he found him, he walked toward the student, ignoring all the looks he received.

The silent students started to whisper as they watched him walk towards where a fight was going on.

A student from Class C was being beaten up by one from Class B while two others were sitting to the side watching and laughing.

"It was a big mistake to come looking for the boss hehe!"

One of the students sitting in the row laughed as he watched his then 'boss' punch the student.

For them, the fight was one-sided, but the more the boss fight, the more tired he became.

The boss is called the Blaze Fholder.

Blaze was wanting to end the fight as soon as possible. Being the leader of a faction within the Triangle, he had to show his strength at times.

Like now, when a class C student dissatisfied with the bullying of his faction members came looking for him to fight.

He was stronger than the student, however, his defensive ability meant that no matter how hard he hit, the student didn't fall.

Blaze's sharp eyes fell on the student looking him straight in the eye.

"You came to me, who gave you that boldness!?"

He threw up his fists almost as if he'd gone mad.

It was understandable. Despite being a faction leader, he was from a minor faction, having no class B1 or A students.

He could be a tyrant and act as he pleased with the weakest, but the more he expanded his power, the more the true powers laid their eyes on him.

Which left him overwhelmed.

"I will kill you!"

He punched and punched the boy who despite having a defensive ability, couldn't get up.


"Huff...Huff...useless rubbish."

Feeling fatigued overtake him, he stopped his punches and started cursing him.

Clenching his teeth and suppressing the anger that coursed through his body, he couldn't help but remember the abuse he had to suffer from the students in Class B1.

Especially now that the strongest student in Class B, Arlo, has joined a faction.

Looking madly at the student lying on the floor covered in bruises, he raised his arms preparing to punch him again.

However, before Blaze could do anything, he felt excruciating pain in the back of his neck as a vision of him fell and he found himself lying on the floor.


"What the fuck!?"

Slowly opening his eyes, Blaze froze at the sight before him.

"So you're the leader of the red faction, Blaze Fholder."

Looking into those two eyes staring at his friends, Blaze's body shook as he couldn't think straight.

The two friends were already on high guard as soon as they noticed Dreyden walking toward him. They didn't expect the student to attack their boss right away!

Fighting their instinct to fight, they clenched their fists tightly in disagreement.

They wanted to fight, to protect their leader.

However, one of the two absolute rules of the faction was hammered into his head.

'Never, under any circumstances, fight a class A student. You will be crushed.'

They knew the presence that this student exuded was very intimidating, mainly because he exuded a high temperature.

Ignoring the henchmen, Dreyden set his eyes on Blaze who didn't dare get up.

"You must be thinking, why is he hitting me? I don't have any grudges with him!"


Looking at the floor, dreyden's words invaded his mind as he filled with doubt.

Seeing Blaze's confused state, Dreyden bent down and looked at him.

"We don't have a grudge, one of your guys mistreated a person from me for a long time."

Dreyden grinned as his low words pierced Blaze like a needle. He placed his hand on the back of the latter's neck and pulled him closer.

"My protégé will go back to class. If I hear any joke, any joke or rumor about her again, I will break your arm."


Looking into Blaze's fearful eyes, Dreyden slammed his face into the ground, still grinning.


His vision began to blur as his face was released.

Dreyden's smile seemed to have gotten darker, he said coldly, "Do you understand me, Blaze?"

Swallowing hard, Blaze looked down and muttered under him breath.

"I-I see..."

Hearing the answer, Dreyden released him as he stood up and started walking back toward the exit.


As soon as he got a little farther away, one of the goons ran over to Blaze helping him to his feet.

"Tandy, gather everyone in the training room, and look for any rumors about this student and his protegee."

Seeing his boss's serious face, even though he was in a lot of pain, the student nodded before running to the exit.

"Whoever put us through this..." He looked at the student beside him helping him. "Is going to die."


My dorm room was full of steam. The hot water in the shower was a little loud.

On my bed, I could see a small water stain around a mark.

'This girl likes to take a shower.'

The small smear of water indicated that she had put so much effort into circulating magic control that she broke into a sweat.

I straightened the bed sheet and sat on the rug starting to circle my magic control.

My magic energy was at 210, which took quite a while as I didn't leave the dorm for a day just to train.

It was watching Maya using the eyes of truth that I realized. Because of knowing the shortest and most favorable energy channels, her time was shortened, so I wanted to train.

As soon as I started training, I heard footsteps.

It was Maya, who had just gotten out of the shower.

She was dressed and drying her long hair with a towel.

'Looks like I'll have to test this idea another time.' I thought.

"You're back. Did you manage to solve your problem?"

I nodded when I saw her put the tablecloth on the table and grab the alarm clock that was on top.

"Classes will start in a little while..." I felt a kind of wistful tone come out of her voice as she forced a smile.

It looked like she hated the idea of ​​leaving this room.

"Yes. Remember, now that you are with me no one will harm you. But you are still weak, so don't fight anyone."

She nodded and we walked out of the room together, with me walking ahead.

"We're going a little early because today is a special day."

As soon as we stepped out of the room, down the hall, some students were still talking no matter what the time was.

Pausing, I glanced briefly at Maya before once again facing the movement.

"Today is the day to choose a spiritual weapon, so choose carefully, probably tomorrow will start the combat classes between students."

Surprised for a second, Maya arched her brow.

"Having this kind of information is a privilege of the A class?"

"No, it's my privilege. Go to your class soon before they get all the good weapons."

Surprised, she nodded before starting to walk toward her room.

In the novel, Maya is weak, she doesn't have a chance to choose any weapon, and she takes what's left.

In fact, since transmigrating I never thought much about spiritual weapons, I honestly enjoyed fighting using my fists.

But I knew having one was essential, because fighting with your fists against a spiritual weapon, well, that's stupid.

"Well, that's my cue."

After looking down the hall for a few seconds, I closed my eyes and decided to leave.

Even though I had high potential, I had already done everything I could for Maya, now it was time to focus my efforts on myself.

And also to stop the first villain of the novel.

forgive my disappearance, I took a while because I had a great creative block, everything I was writing I thought was shit. Even these chapters. I'm just posting because I want you to know that I didn't drop it.

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