
How do you want to die?

Alex paid no attention to them and gently gathered Emily in his arms and moved toward their car. The door was wide open which was a result of Emily's escape attempt.

He gently laid her down on the seats, he looked at her frail figure for a while.

"Zero, run a scan on her '' He said in his mind. Emily was not unconscious yet, but he did not want to bother her with questions and at the same time did not want to reveal his secret.

[She has a few bruises on her body and she has some internal pains, but her life is not in danger] Zero quickly gave a report after doing a quick scan on Emily.

Alex took a deep breath. He was relieved that she was fine and he could take care of things here before taking her to the hospital. He could not just leave these men there and let them go free, but he did not have any place to put them. So, he would have to do justice here.

Alex averted his gaze and glanced at August who was a few meters away.

"What about him?"