
In a mage world

"You talk about fairness?? The world isn't fair. Everything is about privilege in the end.The fortunate feed on the misfortune of the unfortunate. Think of the beast you killed for reward, ever thought it was unfair?" Alex snorted. What would you expect from a cultivator in a mage world? Alex dies while trying to breakthrough into the immortal realm. He is later transmigrated into the body of a teenager who had just died on earth. Witthout his cultivation, Alex , with the help of his immortal system, creates his own mage path that makes him defy every logic of magic. Doing the impossible, facing all alone, undying, gaining lovers unintentionally and also enemies. Alex now has to survive in Niniola, the realm where all mage reside with his family (siblings and girlfriends/wives), protecting them from all danger while at thesame time fulfilling the promise he made to a certain guardian, traveling different worlds in search for the chaos orbs to revive his parents Please join our discord to connect more with author:https://discord.gg/2rNbwtyNAh

Vee_High · Fantasía
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323 Chs


The baldy probably did not want to offend the sexy teacher so he quietly went to his seat, immediately he rested his buttocks on his supposed seat,what happened next was very...very insightful.


The chair instantly crumbled and the baldy landed heavily on the floor, his pants got ripped and he had an injury on his elbow, which was caused by the desk in front of him.

Half of the class erupted into a vigorous laughter,the teacher just glared at the baldy who was still on the floor.

The baldy looked at everyone laughing at him with red eyes,he held the part that was now ripped open on his pants and stood up,he turned around and his gaze subconsciously locked on Alex who was smiling at him.

He instantly knew that Alex was the culprit but he couldn't think of how it turned out to be possible.

Clank.. clank.. clank

The teacher hit her ruler on her table in front of the class to get their attention, after the class finally calmed down,the teacher stared at the baldy who seemed to be frozen in place.

"And what's all this commotion for?" She frowned at the baldy,she was very annoyed.

"It was Alex,he set this all up" the baldy yelled while pointing his finger at Alex,he did not even hesitate to involve Alex on the matter.

The teacher and all the rest students simultaneously fixed their eyes on Alex,even they,were surprised when the baldy claimed that Alex did such a thing.

They all knew Alex very well and believed he had not enough guts to pull such a trick,so this only raised another suspicion in their hearts, thinking that the baldy might just be wanting to frame Alex.

Alex shrugged in response,he knew what they were thinking and took advantage of it,he wanted them to think just that,he wasn't going to accept doing it anyways, after all,no one would believe him if he said that he used magic.

"Alex, do you have an explanation or do you want to defend against his words?" The beautiful teacher yawned and asked lazily, since it was her job,she could not just ignore such matters, though she really wanted to ignore it.

Alex stood up and said expressionlessly"I don't know anything about it ma'am, I just returned yesterday and I didn't even get enough time to set some things, how would I have time for something as barbaric as this, moreover,he didn't offend me" Alex said with a righteous tone while his face still remain expressionless.

The baldy almost puked blood at Alex's words.

The teacher nodded her head, unintentionally being adorable,she turned to the baldy and said sternly.

"You are excused for today" she only threw those words at the baldy and didn't bother with him anymore.

She went to the board and started writing equations on it.

The baldy gritted his teeth and looked at the teacher and Alex with hateful eyes,he could only swallow his grievance and stagger out of the class under the amused gazes of the rest of the students.

Alex was laughing crazily in his mind yet his face was completely void of any expression at the moment, like none of what was happening mattered to him.

Class went on as usual, during interactive sessions, although zero helped him understand whatever was explained by the teacher or other students and also.gave him the answer to every question,alex didn't show off,he never for once raised his hand for questioning, neither did he volunteer to answer questions,he only answered questions directed to him.

This greatly puzzled the teacher because the Alex she knew would always take some time to think before answering a question but Alex right now would just answer straight up like he just revised the question.

He would also usually ask a lot of questions during these sessions, even though it was an old topic,yet Alex today was completely different from usual.

The teacher still continued her teachings anyways, Alex's change saved her the time and effort of re-explaining,she was thankful for that.

After some hours of going through different subjects in class,the bell finally rang, signifying that school was now over and students started rushing out of class with joy written all over their faces.

Alex smirked at this,so he wasn't the only one that was bored to death during the class, these kids sure aren't having it easy,he was already feeling dizzy from all those equations on the board,he preferred cultivating and fighting beasts instead.

Alex had just gotten up from his seat when his phone released a beep beep sound,he had a message.

He fetched his phone from his pocket then tapped on the icon on the screen,his WhatsApp opened and he was redirected to one of the Whatsapp groups he belonged to,well,the only Whatsapp group on his phone actually.

He saw that the message was from Becky,she was asking if they could have lunch together at the cafeteria, Ken's eager response quickly popped up on Alex's screen and he could only shake his head with a sigh.

He thought for some time if he would have any other thing to do and realized he was quite free,so he sent a simple yes in response before keeping his phone and headed out.

On his way to meet up with the geng.

Alex had just left the class when the baldy returned with senior Harrison, only to find out that they were a few minutes late, the whole class was already empty.

Every single thing in the class was in order except for a particular seat that was in ruins.

"So you are saying Alex pranked you and your seat got destroyed"Harrison said as he turned his gaze towards the baldy.

"Yes,he did,I am very sure of it because of the way he smiled at me this morning when I came into the class." The baldy had already bandaged his injured elbow and also changed from his uniform into something more accepting.

He was now wearing an orange coloured t-shirt and blue shorts.

"Only a smile? don't you have any other evidence? something better to hold him with?"Harrison's eyes narrowed while still staring at the baldy.

The baldy's body trembled slightly, thinking he had offended a senior,he lowered his head, staring at the ground with clenched fists,not saying a word.

"So how do you expect to deal with him when you have no other evidence or solid proof of your claims and he already denied it" Harrison raised a brow.

This baldy had come to him some time ago saying that Alex pranked him and destroyed school property while he got injured in the process,but Alex had denied it when their teacher asked him.

Harrison himself also wanted to deal with Alex,he had thought he finally had a quick chance to punish the boy when the baldy came to him but was now disappointed when he heard the whole event.

He could only feel sorry for this baldy,he was the one who got injured anyways.