
Imprisoned by Silk and Gold.

"You hit your head, Delany. You hit it when you were six. You looked dead, probably why your brother left you alone." "I don't have a brother dad and you don't have a son." Thomas looked broken and his eyes started to water. "I have a son. He is 12 years older than you. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He looks just like your mom! Thomas's eyes watered. Your brother had been brainwashed by his luna bitch to take out her rival pack...and that was us, Delany. Your brother killed my wife and led the attack on our entire pack. They slaughtered everyone, women, children men they killed everyone!" "This is the lowest shit you could ever pull dad." "Just look for yourself. Like I said. you lost your memory. You woke up and couldn't remember anything except for me and your mom i thought it was blessing in disguise. it meant my baby girl didn't have to remember the mass genocide of her entire pack. I mean just look at the photobook. It's all their." I couldn't help watch my teary-eyed father break down. He pointed to a photo book on the table and I reluctantly picked it up. Of course, I wished there was some magical excuse for his shit but I knew this idea was absolutely absurd. Until I opened the photo book. My head suddenly spun and an inner voice told me to keep going. Going through the pictures was startling. There I was, running around with distant but familiar kids. I had grandparents, and they looked in love with me. And I had a brother! My dad was right, he looked like my mom. Actually, we looked a lot alike too. Memories of a past life flooded my mind. I'm from a pack of werewolves. A large and happy pack. And then my stomach dropped. My brother's wedding was a murder scene. I watched as my memories flooded back into me and I watched my loved ones being slaughtered by my brother's mates pack...on his command! My heart began to break as I watched my mother's sad eyes. She had amber color eyes. They were soft and loving and I watched as she was sliced apart by large wolves. Her eyes her distorted and bloody. She was gone. How could I ever forget? I fell to the floor in pain and a voice told me to hold it together. "I know how rough I've been on you but I needed a wolf. And I thought if I was rough, you would..." I had so much anger. I wanted to rip my brother apart. I wanted to slice that mate of his into a million pieces. "I know what you were thinking dad. You were thinking about uncle Peaty. You were thinking of how his anger changed him into his wolf at 10 years old. I wish I could have been a stronger daughter for your father. I wish I could have been there for you." I stood up with a sense of conviction. I finally understood it. My father had dealt with the over baring pain of the loss of his entire pack. As Alfa, the pain must be unimaginable. During the slaughtering, he felt each one of his pack members pain and fear. He would have felt each and every one of their deaths. The burden he felt, brought tears to my face. I couldn't help but run into the arms of the man I waited my whole life to get away from. "I missed you, dad! I'm so sorry." "I missed you too, baby girl! It's good to have you back!" This was like having a reunion with someone I hadn't seen in years and then it was interrupted. BANG. BANG. BANG...The front door flew wide open.

PiperShea · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 12: Problems

"Now I know your lying. Mom wasn't the Queen." I say almost agitated.

"Oh, yes she was!" my father beamed with pride.

Dad you have made me bleed for years. I know what color it runs and.." I point to my skin with blue viens, " shocker its blue, dad!"

"You're not getting it, hun." I don't mean literal gold blood. I mean your ancestors are Royal from all the way back, dating back to when the first werewolf was born. You have the purest of werewolf blood."

"You've already told me this." I reminded him.

"Not all of it. I've kept a lot from you. Bout time you learned kid!" my father boomed.

"Well, that's going to have to wait. We are under attack!" said a stern voice from just outside the doorway.

I looked up expecting the pack doctor but it was an Alpha. His presence was powerful however I didn't feel the pull that I should have.

When an Alpha walks in through a door it's practically a genetic instinct for werewolves to bow to those stronger or of higher rank in the pack than them but oddly the Alpha turned to me and bowed generously.

"My Queen you are awake," he said with a stiff smile.

"Queen?" I yelped. So it's true!

"My pack is completely prepared and at your disposal." The Alpha spoke quickly getting straight to the point.

"Meaning?" I asked looking from him to my father.

Again the man wasted no time. "My pack and I are willing to fight for you, my Queen," the Alpha clarified. Before my son left he explained who you are to him. As my future daughter in law, It will be my pack's job to protect you. And as an Alfa is is my duty to protect the Queen.

My heart skipped a beat. Luca already claimed me as his future luna. My cheeks brightened and Rune purred at the thought. but I couldn't ignore the Alphas words. "What do you mean, fight for me?." I was starting to get a little annoyed feeling completely left out of the joke.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I went straight to it, didn't I? Seeing as how the doctor just alerted me that you have woken up i guess I can imagine how no one has told you yet."

I nodded my head letting him know how right he was.

"In that case, I'll be the first... My queen, the Alpha of the blue blood pack has sent a small army to our borders. They proclaim that If we don't give you up before the blood-red moon ceremony they will attack."

I couldn't believe this. Again there is another problem. It has been none stop problems. How I wished Luca would come to my rescue again take me to another room in his warm embrace. Suddenly, as serious as this all was, I was finding it hard to concentrate. With every second that goes by the pull towards my mate was borderline madness. I felt hot and bothered. My chest burned and my breathing was becoming labored.

I completely understood that there was a mess outside but my core was telling me to run to my mate as fast as I could. "why would he leave?" I suddenly ask out loud to nobody in general.

The Alpha seemed to understand my sudden anticipation. He didn't shy away and respectfully answered my question. "I'm honestly not sure."

I didn't like that answer. "will he be back for the ceremony?" Rune needed answers just as bad as I did.

"My son said nothing, my queen. He simply demanded your safety while he was away."

My god, this was insanity. I felt like a million little things we're all happening all at once. I just learned who I was. I've been put in a hospital twice now. Became one with Rune, found my mate, became a queen of the packs, which I didn't even know existed two days ago and now I'm meant to fight in a war to what...break up with Ronan?

But honestly, I didnt care about the blue blood pack. I was just going to murder them anyway.....wait wait wait... That's when it hit me. That's when I realized I was being lied to. Anger started to flow freely. I looked straight at my dad. "How is the alpha of the blue blood pack, Ronan? I thought the whole justification of you beating me my whole life was because we were going to kill the luna bitch that stole my brother and made him alpha of the very pack that murdered our family! How is any of that true if the alpha is Ronan and not my brother Zeke?" By this point, my anger was like a free-falling waterfall?

"Ronan is technically your Nephew- in law." My father answered emotionlessly.

"What the fuck dad. Why are we going to assassinate my Nephews pack? My anger surged to a new height. Was he taking advantage of me?

I needed to clear my head. I hopped out of bed successfully this time and ran outside of the room, slamming the door behind me. I needed to distance myself from everything.

Leaving the room I was suddenly able to smell my mate's scent. He was here not too long ago. Rune howled with anticipation. I knew this pull towards him was because of the red moon ceremony, yet it was still odd to have an insatiable thirst for a man I hardly knew. I let Rune take over after we got outside the pack hospital. Becoming a werewolf allowed me to easily follow his scent. Apparently, Luca wanted to leave unnoticed as his tracks took off leading through a secluded and dense part of the woods.

"He is in his wolf form too, " Rune announced. "He's not too far away."

"Where do you think he's going?" I asked Rune.

"I don't know." As Lucas's aroma got stronger my heart started to beat uncontrollably. He is so close now I can feel our heartbeats sink.

Can he feel this too? Can he feel me? Rune picked up her pace.

Luca POV

I'm almost to the authority hideout. They are probably already set up for the assassination of the King and Queen. I just hope I am in time to explain, Delaney. My wolf growls. Failure is not an option, we WILL save her!" I had to push past my indulgences though. My entire body demanded I head back to my mate's side and mark her. The further I strode away the more my body became agitated. I could feel the power of the red moon drawing my lust out for my mate. Every step away felt weighted down. I swear I was even getting quick whiffs off her. "She is here Luca" our mate has come for us.