
Impotent CEO's Accidental Affair: Running with Her Babies

He was rumoured to be Impotent yet how did he ended up impregnating a lady? She ended up getting pregnant for an unknown man... But why did her babies got stolen right after their birth at the hospital? •••••• The plan was simple, Lottie was to act as a rich man’s daughter and replaced her wealthy best friend on her blind date, but things didn’t go well as planned when she ended up spending the night with the wrong man thinking it was him she was meant to meet. But unknown to her, he was the city’s most popular and wealthy billionaire Ralph Chapman. She was drunk when she had a one-night-stand with the billionaire but she could not recall his appearance soon after the deed was done. She got pregnant and gave birth, but her twins were taken away from the hospital in exchange of money, and worst still this happened while she was unconscious. After recovering from the tragedy, she wanted to start life anew but because she was the adopted daughter of her family, she was made to become a substitute bride and married a crippled and impotent man instead of her sister. Now fate plays a trick as it happened this same impotent and crippled man she got married to was the father of her two stolen babies. Was luck on her side or was her life in danger if her husband finds out she was the mother of his babies who he wasn’t aware of all this time?? Yet, it was only a rumor because her husband wasn’t crippled nor impotent.

Izu_6830 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs


However, instead of feeling better, Lottie feels worse. Her vision was slowly becoming blurry, and her breathing was getting heavier.

'Why, why am I like this?' She screamed inside, trying to regain her senses, and slapped her cheek hard - the pain made her cheeks burn even more.

She felt a nameless fire burning fiercely in her body. A thin layer of sweat covered her body from the heat making her hair and some part of her clothes wet.

The heat in her chest grew unbearable, followed by irregular hissing from her mouth as her heart began to beat erratically.

"What do I do now?' She thought amidst the heat she felt bad followed by irregular hissing from her mouth as her heart began to beat erratically.

Realizing something strange had happened to her, she couldn't help but curse.

'Damn it!'

Instantly Lottie's body trembled with emotional turmoil.

"That waiter put drugs in my drink?

W-Why is she doing this?' She muttered while squeezing the clothes on her chest, trying to draw as much air as possible because now even breathing felt like a tremendous task.

The man mow noticed she was acting strange and stretched to touch her. "Are you okay? Is something wrong? You are acting weird!" He told her.

Now that the effect of the drink was something she could not handle and he had find out, she was now doomed.

This was all Jess' fault.

Although Lottie's mind could still clearly think, her body was weak. She wouldn't be able to fight anyone at this point.

She forced herself to stay calm. She would stay still and find out why that is man will not allow her to be when he was gay - when she regained control of her body, she would find a way to escape.

Lottie put her head on the table, pretending to be unconscious.

"Come… let me take you to a room!" The man told her.

"Don't touch me!" Although she struggled with him, in the end she felt him carrying her without her able to do anything.

She felt even tenser when the door behind her opened. She could feel the strong scent of men's perfume, making her head hurt even more.

Ralph stared at the young sleeping girl with lustful eyes. He could see the girl's pale face looked innocent.

He had already drank half bottle of his own champagne and his vision was now getting blurry due to the effect of the drugs.

If such a strong drink could intoxicate him as a man, how could it not do worst to a woman too. He thought although she knew about this, she still drank after all.

And even though she was wearing an oversized white gown, he could see her curves and delicate hands.

A lascivious smile framed his greasy face as muttered to the sleeping beauty before him, "Playing hard to get right. Now let's see how you escape from me!"

Now, Ralph inhaled her womanly fragrance as he then undressed Lottie's with unhurried gestures which made the an already-drunk Lottie even more lost in herself.

The delicate dance between the two filled

the room with a lingering redolence.

"You're such a temptress!"

Lottie as on the verge of succumbing to the teasing. Coupled with relentless assault on her sanity, she felt as if there was a fire inside of her threatening to consume her!

Her hand slowly slid off Ralph's back as she flipped on top to sit on him. Her tender lips widened and closed seductively as she gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore..."

Ralph narrowed his eyes as he could no longer hold back.

Simply said, at that moment, Ralph needed the woman in front of him.

She said she would not get married to him now right, now in his drunken state the only way was for him to lay with her.

A devilish smirk slowly twisted at the corner of his mouth. 'Interesting.'

Ralph pulled off his clothes and pressed against Lottie with his torso. "Miss Spoilt, let's have some fun."

His thin lips found its way on Lottie's neck and as his lips repeatedly brushed against her neck, his sensuous breath around her ear aroused her at the same time.

Lottie then lifted her chin and her hand on Ralph's chest suddenly tightened. The alcohol in her breath was spicing up the sensuality between them both.

Ralph's lips were glued to her alcohol-tasting ones; his demeanor was dominant and rough.

One followed by another, the kiss became more intense and passionate.

His sweet tongue pried open her pearly teeth before it swept in as if he wanted to tear her mouth apart.

Ralph Chapman's knee was pressed between Lottie's legs suggestively.

Unexpectedly, Lottie lifted her legs and pinched Ralph waist with them, as if to indicate for him to continue.

Ralph was stunned for a split second.

Was what he was doing right?

He knew he wasn't suppose to be sleeping with her, but the alcoholic had taken over him now.

"You said i am a gay right, let me show you how a gay can set a woman right. Haha!" Ralph laughed as he continue kissing her.

The room was momentarily silenced for three long seconds before the naked Ralph climbed into her, placed her in his arms and, after taking her clothes off threw her on the soft bed. There was no hint of tenderness in his movements.

"Woman, you're the first person ever to seduce me and get away with it!"