
The Monsters II : Ancient Innate Powers?!! They Are Also Cabbages!!

what the crowd saw was after the shield shone and the light disappeared it turn into a slim man wearing gold colored jacket and white pants he looked handsome with sharp features and a fit body this totally shocked the crowed as they couldn't understand what in the world was going on

seeing bewildered face of crowd and their begging gaze for answer Olivia answered with a chuckle " it's a low level humanoid shield, this type of innate power is only seen in ancient time so you guys may have only heard in ancient mythical stories or from bards, actually if a living armament evolved further it can become a humanoid weapon well though its very hard"

the crowed was even more speechless they feel like, the more they heard more their life span is decreasing from all this shock

humanoid shield?!

only seen in ancient time?!

only heard in myths?!

then why do we feel like even in ancient time it's rare type, and now it's going to be like cabbages, the crowed looked at remaining sixty or kids and gulped down

after that another girl awakened a lion type real beast who too turn it a man but seeing this crowd was not stunned because they have heard level 10 beasts turning into humanoid form, even though this beast is not level 10 surely it was something all of them have knowledge of

After that many humanoid beasts, humanoid weapons, special spirits and artifacts appeared the crowed was no more shocked like first, they too thought it was ought to be so, they now knew they shouldn't try to gauge limits of this monsters

When it reached forty sixth kid another phenomena happened which shocked the crowed

even though crowed thought they won't get shocked again or there is nothing that can make them shocked even if a deity was awakened by Leon's, were shocked that their souls jumped out of their body,

Because in sky above a sphere appeared tree elves, unlike normal elves, tree elves are born from nature like elemental, nymph and some some special living beings

The crowed were shocked not because seeing tree elves but because there is five of them

It's common knowledge to any one that humans can awake only one innate power at a time but now they saw five!

They were thinking there is nothing that could shock them again but this shocked them again they really can't make heads or tails of this matter so they could only look at Leon's

Olivia said " it's a servant type innate power it's also a type of innate power seen in ancient times, servant type innate power can be attack type, support type, creation type and other special type or all this in a single one, and no they are not five different beings here this five tree elves are a single entity though they have different powers and character, it's like they are different parts of same body" seeing understanding and awe on faces of crowd she continued " most servant type are humanoid beings and they are called as servant type is because unlike other humanoid innate powers who stand equal to us they like to stand, act and take pleasure being servants to their master but note this, only to their master, serving their master is their most cherished desire higher the servant type innate power more special abilities they unlocks like in this case, they are support type servants and higher their levels more support type skills they have if creation type they will be able to create higher level potions or weapons or whatever they are skilled at" explained Olivia

The shock which the crowed felt subsided a little after hearing that they are like a different part of a body but single entity still crowed now felt more awe and respect to Leon's because even though all kids awake such monstrous innate power they were not at all arrogant, the kids all behave normally

In the crowed the fatty who just woke from unconscious state mumbled himself " just like I thought high level innate power are really cabbages in here, and ancient and mythical innate powers here are like some low level herbs aah....Leon's are really monsters "

Hearing this the thin man said " brother if Leon's are monsters don't you think other super-forces are more powerful after-all Leon's are only numbered thirty among super-forces "

When he heard it the fatty look at thin man like a ignorant fool and said" I'm a three star merchant of merchant guild a super-force that ranked ninteen in super-forces" he pointed at his left and said" this is my uncle a mithril level wind mage and 7 star merchant of merchant guild, even we from super forces haven't heard any such innate powers so do you really think other super-forces are powerful than them" he pointed at leon's floating above

The thin man was shocked he never thought this fatty is a 3-star merchant of merchant guild he then respectfully said " oh so this brother is from merchant guild, so brother must have seen world more than me please enlighten me brother " said thin man amiably

Seeing this fatty raised his head with pride but seeing the five tree elves floating above the sphere his pride disappeared like deflated balloon he looked at thin man and said " I can assure you even though I have seen....cough..cough..no .. heard about this type innate powers in other super-forces they all were one in ten millennium geniuses in their respective forces, not like in Leon city were you meet a peddler in Leon city who have humanoid armament as innate power or a normal shopkeeper who have innate power which increase her over all pros 100 times it's really a eye opening for me " he sighed again, his uncle sitting in his side also sighed

Seeing this thin man shaked his head and said " brother let's don't talk about those monsters, brother are you here for once in ten-year auction of Leon city auction hall"

Fatty said " yes I'm here for the auction, after all it's one of biggest auction conducted in thousand deity continent with all super forces, top forces and first rate forces and others attending who won't like attend such fun and more importantly the auction will have many precious heavenly resources, pills, weapons and even some artifacts though there is more than one month remaining many forces have arrived early like us"

Thin man said" oh then the city will become incredibly lively coming days"

After the servant type innate powers two more servant type innate powers appeared many humanoid weapons, humanoid beings, forbidden skills, artifacts, humanoid beasts appeared and low, med, high living artifacts appeared as it went further among them a high level flying palace type living artifact and high level world type living artifact appeared even though, crowed didn't act shocked they nonchalantly thought it's normal, after all due to shock they felt til now all their brain has fried so they just watch it as enjoying a drama

When it reached the seventieth kid above the sphere appeared ten people of same colored armour except one who have a red cape they all have sword sheathed on their left the look valiant and ready to do march

When crowd saw this they thought it's a servant type innate power but when they heard Drake they found it wasn't " army type innate power a squad of warriors" hearing this crowed was confused they just seen a servant type attacking innate power though they were only seven person there is no difference in both except numbers

Someone among crowed raised this point to drake so he explained " well you can see it in their attire and expression, though both are serving it is the inherent differences, servant type which ever type they may be they will serve you properly but army are mainly to attack though the can serve you it will be very different think of some brawny soldiers in maid outfit you can understand it " saying till here looked at the crowed and continues" but biggest change is in their number army type may be mage or warrior or both they came in squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, corps, army and a squad have ten person but a platoon have ten squads and so on "

Suddenly as to prove Drake's word above another sphere appeared a hundred people half wore mage robes half wore warriors full-body armour they stand in ten rows in each row there is ten persons at front of each row stand mage or warrior with different colored robe or armour seeing this crowed nodded their head in understanding they didn't show any shocked expression or such because they have all become numb

Among the crowed some one suddenly said to the person sitting beside him " I think Leon's are using the ten star magic spell is not because they are afraid of other super-forces or something" hearing everyone sitting in his area looked at him

A person asked him" why brother? Why are you saying so?"

The person answered seriously " I think they are erasing all outsiders memories is because, that they are afraid that if other super powers know of this matter they might hit their head with a pudding and commit suicide"

All who heard this froze seeing this he continued " or may be they thought that natural order of world might be destroyed and people who knew of this matter will go crazy"

Hearing this a tough and naive man laughed and said" big brother you are quite funny"

Hearing this the man said" No I'm serious even if they didn't commit suicide I'm sure most of the arrogant, conceited, self-important young masters and geniuses of those forces will go crazy and die" he finished with a smile

As all Leon family members floating in sky are of gold level beings and have senses that cover ten thousand meters they happens to hear this and their lips couldn't stop twitching they thought with wronged face 'we are erasing your memories is to keep ourselves low key not prevent others going crazy or of righteousness'

Most of kids have awakened now except Prince, Emily and a kid called Raphael and now it have been four and thirty minutes hour since the ceremony has started

Suddenly above one of remaining three sphere a appeared a gigantic black arc shaped object, it exactly look like a new moon but in black color it laid flatly in sky due to its appearance even barrier expanded a little as its more than thousand meters long,

the sphere disappeared to reveal Raphael Leon, he beckoned the sphere hurriedly and the sphere flew too Raphael while shrinking and it bound around Raphael hand like a bracelet

Seeing this particular site every one was confused even Leon family members was confused as they only felt like it is a living type artifact and nothing much so jayce asked " little Raphael what type of innate power is that"

Hearing this Raphael scratched his head and said bashfully " eh? It's a flying arc type humanoid artifact "

Flying arc is one of high level and luxurious means of transport in thousand deity continent though Raphael's is arc shaped most are not as they are called so from ancient times

Hearing Jayce was bit surprised and said "little Raphael you are lucky even among us that is rare" smiles jayce

Crowed thought 'what the f*ck it's only rare, even in our dream we didn't thought of existence of such things '

" but why doesn't it show its humanoid appearance then" asked jayce again

Hearing this Raphael bashfully answered" she is shy to appear before everyone"

Hearing this every one laughed and said" hahaha... its quite like it's master" hearing this Raphael looked at his black bracelet and he instantly disappeared and appeared beside his parents

After thirty minutes above one of last two sphere appeared a white lotus when this lotus appeared a wave energy spread to surrounding were ever this energy went every one felt spirited and clear minded all of their fatigue vanished in an instant and some of them, who had internal injuries in them felt like they started heal

And some of them even breakthrough next level due to their mind clearing and healing of internal injuries

The white lotus have ninety-nine, nine centimeter sized petals the flower is nine meter in diameter and it have a ninety-nine meter long vine with nine hundred ninety nine leaves of nine meter long and it has a yellow colored flame floating above center of flower which looked like a girl of nine centimeters size

The scene was spectacular that everyone who saw this tried their best to burn this image into their minds as this was a such beautiful scene which is almost impossible to see

When the sphere disappeared a cute innocent girl showed up it was Emily, seeing this lotus she was very much happy feeling her happiness the lotus flower came beside her, the girl jumped into the center of lotus flower which is actually flower bed of yellow flower of size nine millimeter of ninety centimeter in diameter

When the girl sit on the flower bed the vine bound around the flower to form a beautiful sphere with opening at front and leaves become wings and she fly to her father drake happily

everyone was mesmerized in this scene when she reached at drake side everyone woke from their trance then Olivia said " special innate power a living type lotus flower with healing, attacking, defense, supporting, and flying powers well I also think those petal, sepals and leafs are not for show"

Hearing this everyone was happy for Emily as she woke healing power as she wished and it can even protect her even though it's mainly for healing every on has a gut feeling that its attacking power will be exceptional especially that flame at center

Now everyone has awakened their innate power except for Prince Leon present young master of Leon family so every one was looking above the last sphere