

"Base? Anne lets first scout our surroundings, and about base don't you think it will hinder our progress after all if we build a base it is a waste of time and we can't move freely like now and moreover papa said he estimates the deity sanctum is lager than central continent the biggest known continent, so it's impossible to explore this plane if we build a base and coop inside it, so lets first scout our surrounding before we decide anything" then he looked at Lora and said "big sister Lora ask them to scout situation of our immediate surroundings"

Hearing this Lora looked at the the ten scout standing in a row and waved her hand ten mortal tier weapons appeared before them and a mini telescope like item, she looked at first one on right and nodded her head, seeing this he took the weapons and distributed to every one and returned to the row with a weapon and the mini telescope like item

Seeing this Lora said "you don't need to fight anyone, just scout the area around this building and come back, if you face any dangers retreat immediately" hearing this they gave her a military salute and went outside through the door without any fear or panic of being in new place

This scouts only have normal military clothes, unlike their three commanders, they don't have any amours and powerful weapons, its not Leon family don't want to support them with armour and weapon but the weapons and armour which is made for innate beings need a special metal called void metal which is a very precious and rare metal

This metal is needed to mix with other metals during forging of weapons and amours only then they can be summoned and unsummoned along with innate beings, this metal is very hard to find or is literally extinct in known world and even if they find it, it need universal being to extract them and even if they find a universal being free enough to extract this metal, there is only very very few that can forge it into weapons and armour, because the process of forging it is a lost art and those who know to process they all do it in a barbaric way so it took a long time to forge it and so the Leons can only give what they have to commanders as they are more powerful and hard to resurrect

The reason Lora only gave mortal tier weapons to them, even though she have the higher tier spirit tier weapon is because, they have no cultivation and so no energy to use a spirit weapon so it doesn't make them powerful it will only hinder them

While Hearing what prince said Anne giggled and said "dump master why should we stay one place if we have a base, master I think you are forgetting something"

Hearing this prince asked with a puzzled expression "forgetting what?"

Seeing this Anne face palmed and said "master you are for getting about silver he can act as our moving base, if we use him as our base we will have great advantage may it be during collecting resources, attacking someone, defending against someone or escaping! hehehe don't you think I am genius master?"

Hearing this a bulb lit on prince's head as he said "eh?..I nearly forget about silver due to all this excitement, well that is really a wonderful idea we will be one step above others with this, Anne you are really my best support maid"

Hearing this a happy expression appeared Anne face, and she shot a proactive look at Anna only to see latter avoiding her

Just when prince finished his conversation with Anne the scout returned

Seeing this everyone was perplexed because it haven't been even two minute after scouts left

There was a grim expression on their face, looking at their face they know something is wrong so Lora questioned them

Hearing this leader of the group said "commander our surrounding's is secure" hearing this everyone heaved a sigh they thought there was some terrible beast out there, but next sentence made them gloomy " but we are standing below a waterfall, that white color water curtain is water spraying from that waterfall but the problem is that this building is standing on hundreds meter high stone pillar surrounded by water and we cannot see any shore in vicinity as its blocked by fog formed by spraying of water from waterfall and we didn't saw any shore in visible area"

hearing this everyone got worried as they know getting trapped in middle of desert and water is a terrible thing, suddenly they heard childish and calm voice "Don't you worry guys, we can leave this place easily with my battle ark come lets go outside and check it out" said prince

"Little Prince the silver you two were talking is a battle ark? So we are not trapped here? yeaaaahh" hearing prince has a battle ark and they are not stuck here as they thought one person started to jump around she was a petite beauty with a black pony tail hair and golden eyes and last girl among the group, she has a lieutenant ranked army type innate power, her soldiers are all slim and petite beings. The two of three commander she summoned, two of them have vertically pointed years and carrying a bow and thin blade sword, yes they are elves, while other one carrying two curved dagger is a normal human, she is little aunt of prince yes she is daughter of someone among prince's grandfather's generation, and her name is Mari Leon

"Yes little aunt, lets go outside" said prince while walking outside he was quite excited as it was starting point of his first adventure, likewise he can feel excitement of all of his companions though they were all trying reign over it, as their parents had told them to vigilant all time and don't forget their surroundings due to excitement"

Just when he walked past the door he heard sound of water falls which was quite loud, he knew this was effect of a formation cordoning off outside sound to the room, when he stepped his last step to outside from the little steps of the building, water from waterfall sprayed into his body but a barrier prevented it, he know it was Anne his support maid

When he looked up what he saw was a breathtaking scene, he saw a gigantic water fall who knows coming from were, as he can't see its top, the stone pillar he standing was less than thousand meter away from the place water falling to the river

The river surrounded the pillar and they can't see anything in surroundings due to the high density of water spraying from the above, made it look like the sky is covered with fog

"If we don't have phi phi with us well I don't know how will we move further " said an average looking boy with golden eyes he is a cousin of prince called Albert Leon one of two host of major ranked army type innate power

"Yeah well that's true, also I think everyone who come after us will also face such trials, perhaps some people will stuck at their first trial without being able to take their first step" said another boy who have three bronze stars in his shoulder he is the other host of Major ranked army type innate, his name Taran Leon

While prince looked at Anne and asked "Anne, will you be able to find out, to which directions land is, it will be better if we have better idea which directions land is before proceeding"

Hearing this Anne looked at prince with her calm and amiable smile and said "yes Master, please wait let me check" she then opened her pouch and took a glass ball, inside it were floating runes of four Elements which are water, earth, fire and air of basic eight elements on four different sides at center

She took the ball and let it float in front of her and activated it when it was activated from center of the glass ball a sphere like ripple was formed and the ripple extended to outside in a blink it vanished to horizon

Everyone was looking at the scene with concentrated expression to know what is happening, after five minutes the rune of water began to move from center to down the sphere, after few seconds rune of air moved followed by earth, rune of fire was still floating in center

All this rune combined to form a light beam down to the water. Though they don't understand the process, they knew what the result is and it shocked them as the real exit is through the water

Seeing this Emily asked confused "is it saying real exit is inside water or it has any other meanings"

Anne shook her head and said "it really is under water and it is also showing that there is no land to any other direction and not only that there is not even water in those direction its like blank space"

"Wow if we don't have this artifact we will be trapped here for a long time" said Cale Leon

"Yeah who will thing right path is inside water, we all will be fooled if not for Anne" said Prince

He then talked to Vega in mind 'Vega send silver outside' he waited for few second but he didn't get any answer so he called again only then he got s reply

Seeing this prince asked 'what happened to you Vega, now I noticed it you were silent since we arrived at this plane is there any problem'

'Master since we arrived here I feel like something is going to happen...or...change....its..very...I don't know...hmmm....I don't know how to explain it' said Vega in his mind

'If it's something you can't understand now, we will understand when it's time, don't worry just sent silver outside for now ' hearing this Vega too thought her master is right fretting over something she doesn't understand is waste of time, so she send silver out

When everybody was looking at the glass ball a two hundred meter long an fifty meter high and arc shaped battle ark materialized before them with full of beautiful runes and inscriptions

Seeing this everyone was amazed while prince had a bewildered expression

He asked Vega 'Vega why did his size become smaller?'

Hearing this Vega answered 'oh master the law in this place is little weird, so to have maximum efficiency in flying silver had to take appropriate size, master this problem could only solve when master will be able start practicing energy'

Hearing this he sighed as he know of this problem id due to his body limit Vega could only provide limited quality and quantity of energy which in turn limits the power of innate power

Prince looked at his family members and said "come one guys lets go" then a space gate materialized before them, through which prince urged them to enter

They then arrived at captains deck of silver each of them took a appropriate seat while they all unsummoned their innate powers except prince

Prince then sit in captains seat and said "OK silver, give us outside view"

Suddenly their sorrounding changed, it felt like they are sitting in glass chamber as the can see and hear what is happening outside, seeing this everyone exclaimed with amazed expression, after all they are still kids and they haven't even seen inside a battle ark

Seeing this prince felt little smug he coughed and said "everyone put those belts in seat around you other wise you will fall from seat if ark did any fast maneuver" he explained like adult but no one wood have thought he learned it through falling from the seat and rolling around the ground for his first time, if it was his real body he would have broke his nose but it happened inside Vega with his soul so it didn't effect him much

Hearing this everyone wore the belt when everyone wore the belt prince said " OK everyone we are diving into water hold on"

The ark which was standing still above the stone pillar suddenly lit up with runes and inscriptions all over it and a formation below it, as it directly jumped into water like a eagle diving to catch its pray

In the captains deck they all watched as the surrounding blurred a little then they saw water in main screen and they dived into the water, and the ark began to swim vertically without any deviation

Guys support me through comments and reviews, and today there is one more chapter coming!! I am trying to increase my chapter and this is a.... test? yeah test so support me guys :-)

leonoduscreators' thoughts