

After understanding he got two very capable maids prince was very happy, he said looking at two maids "OK you guys let's check out our battle ark hehe even those old monsters was shocked seeing the battle arc it must be something "

Hearing this the maids was also in anticipation after all even at their peak a real battle ark was something very valuable to them

Prince asked Vega to take them were the battle ark was

Suddenly their surroundings become blurry when their gaze become clear they appeared in a starry space and the battle ark was in front of them staying afloat

Seeing this they were really in awe after all it look exactly like a new moon. they flied towards it. as it was space controlled by Vega they have no problem in breathing as she supplied them with oxygen, Looking at the battle arc from far prince felt something was not right because the ark looks more than ten times bigger than what he saw outside, readings his thoughts Vega answered him

"This is how it look like in its peak, when it was released earlier due to your low level I can only supply low quality energy to it, so the ten kilometer size, actually at present, it can only show best performance only at below one kilometer size, that ten kilometer size of earlier was just it showing off as it had developed little bit its own consciousness. it is maintaining its full size here is because I am not restricted by any means and so I can support it fully" said Vega and then she continued with a inspiring voice "actually master if you find a way for its consciousness to fully mature it will undergo its tribulation to become a living battle ark" said Vega

"Oh! but if then, where do all this space is disappearing when its size is reduced?" This confused prince if it was such a big ark how it can become that small after all he haven't seen or heard air ship and battle arc getting smaller as it all had fixed shape unlike artifacts

"Hehe it's actually like bag with folded space when a more quality and quantity energy supplied it will get unfolded its that simple" said vega

By now they reached beside the battle ark just when prince was about to ask were is the door, a oval shaped space gate appeared before him which shocked him

Vega again introduced "master your battle ark transport people in and out through space gates were it will check your body completely and sterilize it and alert you if there is any problem in your body let's go actually this is a normal procedure conducted on those who travel in space if they get off in any planet as a security measure"

They then went through space gate to reach a place look like a hollowed mountain there can see various roads leading through the walls to location unknowns

"Master there is totally ten levels in the ark this is fourth floor which is entirely is agricultural field and fifth floor is medical bay and sixth is laboratory with every possible features. master top most floor is hanger for battle insect, birds, boat and ships bottom most floor is also hanger for battle insect, birds, boat and ships and in between them there is two small cities were crew member can live that is on third and eighth floors and remaining floors are for storage of raw material and manufacturing place of ammunition and other products " explained Vega and they went captain's deck which just teleported before them this were the core of battle ark situated, actually captain deck can teleport to any were in the ark

Getting into the saucer shaped floating captain's deck they arrived at circle shaped room with more than hundred in diameter, whose entire wall is a screen and when the door is closed it also become part of the screen the screen showed outer space

Prince came beside the big crystal like seat in center which had a big crystal balls on both its armrest and a bigger football sized crystal floating in front of the seat. he first looked at the seat and enjoyed its grandness then he sat on it

He looked exactly like a kid sitting in a large single seat sofa which destroyed all grandness of the scene, instead it look awkward

Suddenly the seat shrink to fit prince size and it solved the awkwardness, sitting in his seat prince looked at various crystal seats around him, all the seat including his seat have several vein like patterns were the vertebrae of sitting person will come contact with when seated, and one or two crystal ball on armrest and a crystal display for other instead of crystal ball

Suddenly he heard Vega's voice in his mind "the crystal ball is heart of the ark if you willed it you can connect with the crystal and can feel each and every inch of the ship like back of your hand" said Vega

He did exactly what she said and with a woosh sound the crystal ball lit up at the same time the vein patterns in seat also produced a dim glow along with crystal ball in armrest

Prince was amazed with feeling he got, he can see inside or outside of ark with a single thought and he can sense even minute movements in ark, when he was combing through the ship, he saw many bean shaped objects in both fifth and sixth level he even saw a heart shaped object in center of the forest and many vein like pattern spreading all over the ark from it, he saw many runes and inscriptions and formations he haven't seen before the all were spread throughout the ship

he saw six dense group of vein like patterns three above the ark and three below the ark, it look like scribbles of kids but had a beauty of its own and even though he know it is in dormant he can sense terrifying energy inside it

Then he sense many thousand small such groups but nothing compared to the six as they were insanely powerful, he then willed his senses to return back his body

Seeing he is back Vega asked with a giggle "how was it master?"

Prince said with amazed expression in his cute face "it was really wonderful, I felt like I become a powerful giant with strong body and senses sigh it was really an amazing feeling but what was that six scribbles like think?"

Hearing this Vega burst into laughter and said "its not scribbles dumb master but its a combination of large scale formations, inscriptions and runes which formed the main cannon of battle ark there are six such cannons its called foruin combinations and there are also small and medium foruin combinations

"Oh I see" nodded prince his head like a adult and he asked "what was the bean shaped objects in fifth and sixth levels?"

"They are training chambers with which you can train crew for the ark" said Vega

Really it came with all things thought prince then he said to Vega "let's go" then he got up but and walked to the door but when he got up the crystal ball also floated with him seeing this prince looked at the ball only too see two round blue circles blinking at him back, when he suddenly saw this he felt funny and smiled seeing his smile the crystal ball also felt intimate to prince and formed a blue curve below its eyes

Seeing this prince asked Vega "ehh? Vega what is happening"

Hearing this Vega answered "didn't I say it has developed little bit consciousness and emotions its consciousness reside in this crystal"

"Oh! Come here....ehh? Oh what should I call it? how about hmm silver hmm it suit it OK silver come here" the crystal ball flew to prince's hand

Hearing this Vega said "sigh master you have no naming sense look at me I named myself Vega isn't it a fantastic lady like name"

Hearing Vega prince said "is that a lady like name but a guard of my uncle have same name but the guard is 'he' so I don't think its lady like" snorted prince

"Vega, Anna, Anne let's go to some fantastic place next"said prince

Meanwhile Theodore arrived at family heads chamber at elder tower he immediately issued orders to captain of Damocles, admiral of dragonfly fleet and general of blaze corps to prepare and move out at moment of notice

then he sent scouts to west of deity continent and ordered them to report any type of phenomena happening there, he also informed them there will be a appearance of ancient domain to make them understand seriousness of the mission but no further details

Then he called all grand elders and informed them news about the imminent appearance of deity sanctum and asked them to prepare to quell the chaos that arise among population when various power houses arrive at their territory after all, Leon families territory is situated in west of deity continent so the family will be at the heart of all the commotion

In such a period protecting people of their territory is their own duty and they won't betray the trust people have on them

Hearing the coming situation Bryce Leon said "brother then I will call back all territory guards to their duty and I will strengthen the patrol over territory after appearance of deity sanctum I will also order all patrol boats to be in air patrolling territory twenty four hours to avoid any mishap also brother give me clearance to deploy high level patrol air ship to various part of territory "

Hearing this Theodore said "please do as you said brother and the I have granted high level clearance to every one here, for any safety measures you take" he then looked at Antony and continued "fourth brother you too should increase the surveillance on the territory as you know there will be many rogue warriors and mages coming so there is high chance of crime and most importantly the super-forces, top forces and other forces will also come you all should be highly alert after all there will be some arrogant young masters and evil people among them so deal with it all accordingly"

"Brother I Think we should ask guards from family members who are staying outside the territory and deploy their guards and let them mix with crowd disguised as rogue fighters if we do so, I think we will have a perfect surveillance network and we need not deploy many high level forces after all we can't show all of our trump just because of a deity sanctum" said the shrewd cunning Timothy Leon

"Yes brother you are right and if there is any problem then they can just notify us and we can deploy force accordingly" supported Jayce Leon

"Yeah that is a great idea we only need to keep army in the territory alert and deploy when, surveillance network created by those disguised family guards request to" agreed Theodore immediately

Then they all left for their assigned works

Four days later, its January fourth prince has been traveling around his mini universe the last four days very happily, today like always he arrived beside Anna and Anne to fetch them to resume their travelling

Seeing prince Anne said "master we are bored travelling all this forest and mountains with no life let us visit some other places" after all Vega is a new universe were there is only forest which she created there is no life as formation life take a long time

Hearing this prince also thought its true after all he was just excited that he got to see many places as he haven't seen any other places as his mother won't allow him to go anywhere, they had told to him he had visited his mother side grandparents but that was when he was less than one year old how would he remember it?

Nodding prince asked "where do you want to go?"

Hearing this Anne said "master lets go for shopping raw materials in Leon city market I want to by some materials it has been ages since I created something and I have zero materials in my bag so lets fill it"

Hearing prince smiled and said "OK then lets go it will be different experience as I haven't shopped for this raw material thingy" prince readily said as he was waiting for this

Prince then left mini universe and he summoned his maids when then walked to villa to search for his mom for money

Just when he reached his villa he heard his third mother talking "no Maggie do like this.... yeah ..yeah don't let the needle prick your finger.... yes.. like that"

Seeing prince Zoe said "my little prince come let me introduce you to your first maid your father selected for you"

Seeing this prince looked at Maggie and said "oh yes father had told me about you hello I am Prince Leon"

Seeing this Maggie stuttered "ha..hai young m...aster I am m....mmaggie"

Prince looked at Zoe and said "third mother Anne said she want to refill her stocks for raw materials so I am going to city market I want some money"

Hearing this Zoe looked at Anne she know this maid have all type of creation class so Zoe took a card from her storage ring and gave it to prince and said "here its a Admantium card give me it back when you return home" she looked at Maggie continued "also bring her with you after all she is your maid"

Hearing this prince looked at Maggie nodded his head and said to Zoe with a cute smile and said "thank you third mother you are the best"

"Stop coaxing me you brat OK be careful when visiting the market" then she turned to two maids and said "I will leaving him in your care" in response the two maids bowed

Prince along with two maids and Maggie left the the villa through a teleportation portal and exited to a large square with all types of shops, hotels, inn etc and large number beast cab and mana cab filled roads

Prince looked around first then start to walk towards a ten floor pavilion seeing this Anna said "Sigh master, don't you have any romantic muscle in your head, why don't you walk to here from castle, with us beautiful ladies, think about it how many girls will become jealous of us walking by your side and how many man will try to flirt with us which will induce jealousy in you and you will come for our rescue and we will become happy, master don't you think it will be interesting" asked red maid

"I don't know of something called romantic muscle but i know if we walk from castle it will take days to reach market from the golden castle after all we are not even at iron level" replied prince to Anna with a cool face

Hearing this Anna froze then she said with a broken laughter "he....he.. I totally forgot that"

Hearing this Anne murmured "big boobs no brain" while looking at Anna

Just when Anna was about flare up prince said "we are here"

When they looked at front they saw a huge board written thousand treasure pavilion, this is the Leon city branch of thousand treasure pavilion who ranked twenty three among ranks of worlds super-force they control all kind of treasures throughout thousand deity world

They entered the pavilion and was welcomed by beautiful sales girl

"Welcome to thousand treasure pavilion may I know what are you looking for young master" said the sales girl after seeing prince followed by three maids

Waving his hand like adult prince said "Anne here want some materials please gave everything she want" then he looked at Anne and said "give her the list"

Anne took a small roll and give it to the sales girl who take the roll and unrolled it, at first the sales girl didn't find any problem but when the list start to unroll it was little too tooo long the list was approximately thirty meter long the sales girl had to call another two sales girls to help her check the list

Prince who was sitting at the side hasn't stop twitching his lips since the list start to unroll he looked at Anne who has the same amiable and calm face and he thought she is a devil

When sales girl finished checking list with help of two others, thirty minutes has finished

She looked at prince with sweating face as if she had done hard labor and asked "young master we have most thinks in list we have marked that we don't have are you really buying this much materials?"

Hearing this prince looked at Anne who said "yes of-course we are be buying and arrange all the things to a warehouse I will put it to my pouch" said Anne patting her blue pouch

Hearing this the three sales girls went to prepare materials and after one hour they came with middle aged man who bowed seeing prince and said "young master I'm manager of thousand treasure pavilion of Leon city veseinar please young master come with me we have prepared all materials you want"

Hearing this prince praised thousand treasure pavilion in his mind after all he had thought it will at-least take six hours to arrange all resources but it look like they finished in one hour

Then the manager walked to underground with prince and maids, were there is many warehouses manager came beside a warehouse and said "everything inside is yours please check the resources I can promise you they are first quality and we haven't done any type of dishonesty"

Hearing this prince looked at Anne, who walked into the warehouse

Seeing disappearing Anne prince asked "how did you mange to arrange it all so fast I thought you will take more time"

"We didn't arranged them one by one we just take all the other resources that is not on the list to outside and the remaining inside warehouse was what you guys needed" answered veseinar

Hearing this prince's mouth twitched just when he was about to talk Anne came back with her trademark smile stand behind prince side and said "everything is done"

Seeing this prince asked "can I know how much is the bill"

Manger looked at Anne asked " did you check all goods this fast"

Anne answered "yes I finished checking and collecting the goods everything is fine" she patted her pouch

Hearing this manager's jaw dropped he thought he was fast but she is super fast how could she be so fast but when he looked at the pouch he understood it must be a treasure manger looked at prince and said "its 3,000,000 Admantium coins" said manger recovering his composure

Prince's face twitched a little but later he calmed down and took the Admantium card and give it the manager who kept the card on a crystal pad with some vein like patterns after a moment he returned it

Saying thanks prince and his maids left the pavilion just when they set their foot outside they heard a rumbling sound followed by gigantic beam of light shooting to sky can be seen from the west part of the city

Prince and his maid looked at this gigantic beam of light wondering what is it

While ancestor got a message from Theodore "DEITY SANCTUM APPEARED"

Hello guys author here, well guys I am trying to increase my speed but as I am a newbie my typing speed is a bit slow, I am trying to improve, so don't worry and support me guys yours support is my inspiration

Newbie mistake

Arc -Ark

leonoduscreators' thoughts