
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter Three: The New Knight

Right outside the camp in the open plains still scarred from battle hundreds of on lookers were watching the ceremony that was about to begin. A knighting ceremony was supposed to be a large even often with multiple men being knighted at one after another. This celebration was different however as only one person was being knighted compounded by the circumstance of being in the middle of a campaign also made the occasion unique to say the least. Most of the onlooking men were peasants who wouldn't dare to miss one of their number rising in status. Moments like this were a source of pride for the lower class as it showed them that their situation isn't completely hopeless. 

Nikolas was kneeled before me ready to accept his promotion 

"Nikolas Adamos. First son of Adam Adamos lord of nothing are you prepared to rise in status."

"I am"

"Nikolas Adamos. First son of Adam Adamos are you prepared to uphold the laws, honor, and pride of Orpheus,"

"I am"

"Nikolas Adamos. Repeat this oath and accept your knighthood." "I Nikolas Adamos swear to uphold the law of Orpheaus.

"I Nikolas Adamos swear to uphold the law of Orpheaus."

"I Nikolas Adamos swear to honor the orders of the Emperor above all else."

"I Nikolas Adamos swear to honor the orders of the Emperor above all else."

"I Nikolas Adamos swear to protect the people of Orpheaus and ensure their prosperity."

"I Nikolas Adamos swear to protect the people of Orpheaus and ensure their prosperity."

I tap the ceremonial sword on both of his shoulders finishing the ceremony 

"Then rise Nikolas Adamos. Rise as a Knight of the land. Rise as the first of the Adamos noble house. Rise and carve your mark in history" 

The crowed went up in a roar of applause as the peasants voiced their support for the newly knighted man. The Nobles were notably silent their gazes filled with contempt that a commoner was allowed to be knighted. It was too late for anything to be changed now the only one that had the power to do so was the emperor but even he would face serious discontent if he did. His father wouldn't have allowed it to begin with that is why the ceremony was adhoc and improvised so that his father couldn't overturn his decision.

"Sir Nikolas tonight you man drink and celebrate to your hearts content tomorrow you will report to me directly. There is much to be done so don't be too hungover tomorrow." I turn and walk away without waiting for a response. Tonight Nikolas will enjoy himself after I plan on working him to the bone. 

"Sir Adonis come with me." The giant of a man nodes and follows me into the command tent. I gaze of the map of Valburgh. A small carving of a knight is placed by a large field surrounded by thick forests representing our army. further ahead of the knight are three small red flags each represent the important cities or castles of area. The closest one was the most important of the settlements. It was the capital city of Polis located along the coast of the azure sea it was a major port city and well defended. The Second flag was placed slightly to the left of the city but not along the sea it was a fort that was located on a large hill overlooking the main path to Polis that comes from the north. The third and final was located to the right of Polis. While it was a fort it also doubled as a supply depot and a naval base for the merchant fleet of Valburgh which in times of war would be requisitioned to be used as warships.

"Adonis I would like to hear your opinions on the next phase of the war. Without the prince we are forced into besieging a castle which is potentially very costly. Take a look at this map and tell me if you have any suggestions." Adonis walked over and examined the table with a grunt. 

"burn the villages draw out the garrisons." His voice is rough and dry he keeps his words short and simple definitely not one to talk very much. It is a strategy that could work but they were going to conquer the land so earning the peasantries enmity was something to avoid. 

"And what if we can't burn the villages" He takes a second to think. He isn't one I should intrust with independent command but as commander of a unit I ultimately control I believe he could thrive. 

"Assault the fort take it fast then move on." It could work but assaulting the fort would most likely lead to high casualties something that was to be avoided as much as possible. "Your suggestions do have some merit I thank you." Adonis nods in acknowledgement waiting for another order. I have something different in mind than planning strategy. Adonis is perhaps one of the best swordsmen in Orpheus his massive strength lets his greatsword carve into armor most would have trouble penetrating. While before the last two battles he was mostly unknown his deeds were quickly spreading amongst the populace. "Adonis I would like you to help teach me how to fight better. My strength lays in my mind but besides the tutors my father hired to train me I admit my sword skill is rather subpar."

My sudden question caught the brute off guard making him consider the pros and cons. "I will teach you." I nod and note to pay him extra for his efforts. I might not a a seven foot tall behemoth of muscle like him but I can still learn something.