


The door opened and in walked Paulina, /"good you are up girls. There is good news, young master Shane will be joining us today and Mrs. Lockwood wants to throw a little party for him. So get your asses off the bed, let's get this done. Up you go, chop chop/" she clapped her hands as the girls scurried to get up and dragged who should use the bathroom first, /"you all should fit in there, I need every one of you in that kitchen in twenty minutes/" with that said, she left the room.

All through this time, Lilly has been in shock, Shane is coming back! The sweet boy who treated her like a sister is coming back. He is really coming back and she is going to see him again after thirteen years. How will he look now? The last time she saw him, he was fifteen and she was just five. Now after the years, he will be twenty eight, will he still recognize her? Will he still treat her like his sister?

Hell no, she is not a young girl who only play around while her parents are busy, she is now a grown girl and a maid in his house. She is to serve him now not play with him.

Without her knowing, her heart was thumping loudly in her chest, Shane is coming back. Why is she reacting like this?

/"Lilly what are you waiting for? There is no time/" Nora's voice dragged her out of her thought into the present and she hurriedly stood up from the floor to join them in the bathroom. But deep inside her heart, she knew today will be really different from the rest of the days she had spent there as a maid.

The household was busy as everyone rushed to get one or two things done. Margaret didn't want to go to the office but a very important meeting had to call her out. But she made a mental note to be back right before her son would.

The house was arranged and many meals were prepared, mostly Shane's favourite food. As the oldest staff, Paulina knows all that he loves for she has been around from when he was just three years old.

Abigail didn't have the time to discuss with her daughter as they all rushed to get everything ready before Margaret would be back. They all knew how angry she would be if they couldn't get the house ready.

Finally, it was time for the highly awaited young master to be back, Margaret wasn't back from the office and Paulina figured she might have gone to the airport to pick up Shane.

Just as they were starting to get worried, the gate opened and Margaret's car drove in.

/"Outside everyone/" Paulina shooed and they all went outside as they watched Margaret's car slowly come to a stop in front of them. Her chauffeur first climbed out and opened the door for her, she stepped out, her gaze scanning the faces of her servants before she turned to the young man, getting out from the other side of the car.

He walked around the car to stand beside her, his hair was darker than the night sky and it was parted at the side, he has a long face like his mother, his eyes, a pale gray like hers too, his nose perfectly pointed and a thin line for his lips. He was tall, his mother who was considered tall was a head shorter beside him. The black blazer he was putting on top a red shirt was as dark as his hair.

His red pants enhanced his strong long legs, a mere looking at him, took the breaths of the young maidens away. His gray orbs fell on their faces one after another until it settles on Lilly's. He let his gaze linger on her small face for a little longer before shifting to Paulina, he smiled, showing perfect set of white teeth, /"Paulina/" his deep voice resonated around them.

/"Master Shane, it's good to have you back/" she curtsied.

/"I hope it would be good to be back too/" he looked at his mother as he said this but she said nothing.

/"Paulina, set the table. He is quite famished/" Margaret ordered.

/"Yes ma'am/" she curtsied then turned to her followers, signaling with her eyes to them to greet Shane.

/"Welcome home sir/" Diane was the first to say with a shy blush, making Margaret frown when she saw that but she said nothing. Her son is quite eye catchy to the ladies so it's understandable if a little blush is seen here and there.

/"Welcome home sir/" the rest said together.

/"Paulina, introduce them/" Margaret commanded.

/"Yes. Master Shane, this is Diane, Patience, Nora, Gina, Martha and Lillian/" she pointed at each of them as she mentioned their names.

Shane's eyes settled on each of them when introduced and once again, his gaze lingered on Lillian's face a little longer than the rest.

Lillian could feel his gaze on her, she was already having a hard time calming her fast beating heart at the sight of him, now with him staring at her like he was trying to remember her, her heart was like a thousand drums were drumming in her chest. She tried her possible best not to look him in the eyes, the eyes she remembers quite well and often think about. He looks so different now than how she remembers, he looks taller, more mature and much more handsome. Even his very face takes her breath away, just what is wrong with her? She has never react in front of a man like this before.

/"Welcome home Master Shane/" Abigail greeted. She had noticed the longer look he gave her daughter and she wondered why, it can't be that he recognized her, she was only five when he saw her last.

Shane smiled when he saw her, /"Abigail. I'm sorry I never had the chance to show my condolences on your loss./"

/"It's okay, I understand./"

Shane had a question at the tip of his tongue but at the end, he didn't ask, they will be plenty of times to ask her later.

/"Master Shane/" Julia and Rebecca also greeted. They were among the maids who were around when he was still there.

Shane gifted them a smile too and a small greetings.

/"Alright, let us go in. I will want him to have a little rest before the guests will start arriving. Paulina, everything is ready right?/" Margaret inquired.

/"Yes ma'am./"

/"Good. Let's go in son/" with that, they both went into the house while the male servants brought in his luggage's and the maids placed them in his room.

Shane sat in the living room, waiting for them to be done before he finally went upstairs. Like he expected, his mother cleaned up his old room, not like he is complaining, he preferred it to a new room.

He placed his hand on the doorknob and pushed open the door only to freeze when he saw the young girl standing inside and staring into the space.

Lillian wasn't among the maids that cleaned the room in the morning, after such a long time, she finally entered this room once more. Happy memories had come rushing into her mind that she didn't realize that Nora and Martha who came in with her has already left, when she sensed a strong not so familiar presence around, she turned only to stop shut at the tall man standing with the door closed behind him, his gray eyes searching her face for something.

/"Sir, the...the room is ready/" she forced herself to say without stuttering.

/"Lillian?/" He titled his head to the right as he asked, his pale gray eyes sparkling in the bright room.