
Imperfect Desires

"Are you looking for your Mr. Right?" "Why would I wait for him? Mr. Right is lost on his way." He quirked his brow at her answer with a faint smile at the corner of his lips. "Then what are you doing?" He questioned in amusement. She placed both her hands on his chest and pushed his masculine body against the wall taking him by surprise. Her honey-brown eyes blinked at him with mischief dancing in them as she planted a firm kiss at his jaw and said, "I'm planning on taking advantage of Mr. Right Now!" His eyes widened dramatically in disbelief. Before his eyes darkened with desire and passion. He placed his hands on her small waist and she could feel the heat of his big hands through the flimsy fabric of her shirt. His head leaned ahead as he whispered close to her ear, "Feel free to take whatever you want." She felt his hot tongue licking her earlobe making her heart to beat erratically. ~~~~~ Chen Xiu; known as Ms. Goody-two-shoes. A Superstar who was said to have it all which made her the center of hatred and envy as well. Little did anyone knew that the same Superstar had to nurse her own wounds in the silence and darkness of night where no one was looking. But for how long could she hold on for? Eventually, she decided to end her own misery and ended her life in the darkness of night, her only companion. Having woken up in a new body and at a new place wasn't something she could ever believe in. At least, not until she became Bai Xiu out of the blue. The day she thought to be her last became her first as a second chance awaited her. But whether this new chance was a blessing or disaster, it was hard to tell since she was trapped in a new body with a new life with the shackles of only her old memories. New life or a new curse? What really awaited her? The same disappointing silence of the night or was there someone calling out her name desperately at the end of the tunnel? Were sparks meant to fly in her heart or the fire in her heart was meant to burn her whole? Was this leap of faith gonna make her fall on her face or was she meant to fly the horizon? The new life brought a lot of questions. But the answer was simple... You would never know until you give it a shot! ~~~ This is an original novel by Xiao MeeHee. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! ~~~ Join the Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gwfrsYyc Instagram: amaya_meehee ~~~ Other Novels by the author: "Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty" "The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise" "Master's Untamed Wife" "The Moon Mistress" ~~~

XiaoMeeHee · Ciudad
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1000 Chs

Don't Hate Me

Sleep is often defined as half death. In view of the fact that a person is closest to death when he is sleeping. Then it wouldn't be wrong if we say that every morning a new life is given to us. That's why mornings are called precious; We are born all over again. The mornings bring you dawn of new life and new possibilities.

Life is a gift... We all have heard this phrase plenty of times in life. But how many of us really cherish this gift? If anything we take it for granted. The value of life can only be understood by someone who has only a few days to live.

And in case of Xiu, she was the someone who experienced death first hand. Perhaps that's what made her value each morning where she was able to breathe again, feel again, and live all over again.

There was a Calligraphic painting on Xiu's bedroom wall, it was actually a Chinese Proverb which stated, 'If you do not experience anything, it's impossible to gain knowledge.'

This very statement was what made Xiu feel motivated, determined and vigorous every morning. It reminded her what she had missed upon and what life still had in stores for her. All she had to do was keep her head high and live through this new day of new experiences and knowledge.

But in all these motivational talks, there is always something in our morning routine that we all despise the most. For instance, some people hate waking up early, it makes them feel cranky, lazy and tired. And some hates taking showers in the morning for some bizarre reasons.

However, our Xiu hated the battle with her tangled hair. That was the real struggle for her every morning considering she had long hair that fell to her lower back. Don't get the wrong idea, she loved her long hair but she didn't like the idea of taming them. It was a strenuous task especially if you have to do it first thing in the morning.

As always it took her over fifteen minutes to tame her hair. After that, she prepared breakfast and sat with Nora to give her company.

"Don't be bullied today," Nora started the conversation with her reminder. "If he really gets unreasonable, give him a good beating."

Xiu laughed softly as she nodded, "Will do, ma'am!" Nora was reassured with her words but then Xiu added, "If it really got to the point of my limit, I'll do as you said."

With an apple in hand, Xiu left for office. Nora also picked up her purse and keys before leaving out the door.

She was closing the door behind her when she saw a man coming out of the apartment in front of her. She called out uncertainly, "Darren?"

Darren looked up from his phone screen and his brows raised seeing Nora standing before her. "Ms. Cartwright."

"Seriously? Can't you call me just Nora?" Nora looked frustrated at him for calling her by her last name even after a whole year.

"Okay. Just Nora. Fancy seeing you here." Darren's reply made her glare at him.

"Why can't I be here?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest in an imposing manner.

"I thought you're the daughter of Mr. Jing Ge, the famous King of Hotel Empire. Therefore, I didn't expect to see you in this apartment complex." Darren replied in a nonchalant manner but with honest words.

"I can say that about you as well. Since you stayed at our hotel's most expensive suite for a year. You couldn't possibly be a simple person yourself. That much is already established." Nora pointed out as she stepped inside the elevator with him trailing behind her.

"I never claimed to be a simple person unlike the Princess of Hotel Empire who loves to say that she's only a hotel manager." Darren's words made Nora's lips to twitch. He wasn't wrong. But in her defense, she didn't like people treating her differently after knowing her real status. Unlike the person beside her who was just like her best friend Xiu; Too indifferent to care about her social status.

"Darren, have you ever talked nicely to people?" Her question made him frown in confusion as she said, "It's always like you love pointing out the things people don't like to hear."

"Oh, you mean I'm very truthful. Because people nowadays only don't like to hear the truth. Thanks for the compliment though." Darren's words made her feel speechless. He was a difficult person to talk to and Nora had already learned that when she first met him at the hotel.

Her interactions with him weren't much but she still knew that he was a difficult man.

With a sigh, Nora shook her head saying, "I suddenly feel very bad for the person you love."

Nora's comment made Darren's body to stiffen up visibly which didn't go unnoticed by Nora who was the only person in the elevator with him. Nora felt like she said something wrong since it wasn't difficult to tell by the way it suddenly became cold inside the elevator. His orbs contracted and his jaw was clenched hard just like his fists.

"I didn-," she wanted to explain herself when his phone rang and she was cut off.

He picked up the call ignoring her presence and listened to person on the other side for a while before answering, "I don't care how much resources or money you need. But I'm warning you, don't let PassionArt Entertainments to win that project. Not at any cost!"

Nora was surprised to see his domineering and cold persona. She always thought he was a very easygoing person since he was very gentle expect for his words which never had been gentle at all. He wasn't one of those unreasonable or unbearable guests she had to deal with at the hotel. In all honesty, he was very easy to please. But this side of his... It really reminded her of Xiu when she was angry.

As the elevator stopped, Darren walked out taking long strides briskly towards the car waiting for him. Sitting in the back seat of the car, he waved for his driver to start the car as he heard the reply from the person on the other call.

"Sir, I'll do my best. Rest assured, we won't let PassionArt Entertainments to win this time." Darren made an affirmative sound in response. "If you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" He replied impatiently.

"Why do I feel like you have some personal grudge against PassionArts Entertainment?" The words from the person on the other side were cautious.

Darren took a long breath as he gazed out of the windowpane and looked at the hoardings on the tall buildings. In a soft voice, he replied, "I just want to destroy the company that destroyed her. It's a grudge of life and death. You won't understand how deep-rooted hatred it had become."

The other person stayed silent before informing about some other things and hanging up the call. Closing his eyes, he leaned his on the backrest. 'You won't come back even if I do all this. But... Please don't hate me for destroying the ones you cherished the most. Because they didn't cherish you at all.'

The driver saw a lone tear trickling down his boss' cheek and he couldn't help but sigh in sadness. Who knew the person who had a sharp tongue was actually broken inside? But the people close to him knew very well. His calmness was just a facade to hide how he was crumbling down inside every single day.

"A writer is a person who has taught his mind to misbehave." ~Oscar Wilde

This quote really made me smile today. Because I finally learned my own misbehavior. Hehe.

P.S. Don't forget to comment.

Thank you for reading.

P.P.S. We have hit the first 50 chapters mark. Woah! It's sooner than I thought it'd be.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around.

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