
Immortality: Primordial Vampire

In the mysterious world of Yahrnam, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath layers of history and myth, Noir Origin awakens to a new existence. Reborn into this enigmatic realm as a Primordial Vampire, Noir finds himself thrust into a struggle for survival and supremacy amidst warring races and looming powers. Determined to carve out a place for his kind in this tumultuous world, Noir sets out to rally his fellow vampires and establish their presence in the face of opposition from rival races and ancient powers. In this novel, MC will build his Empire and Develop the vampire race from scratch. --------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my work.

Primordial_Evil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 4: Countess Cloudwalker

Noir moved at high speed. He was in his Blood Mist form which granted him the highest speed. It has been three days and nights since he departed for Capital.

Sun was slowly rising in the east. The first ray of its light was piercing the dark sky. Yahrnam was bigger a hundred times compared to Earth.

Not long after sunrise, a city surrounded by Tall walls could be seen in the distance. Noir could sense a huge barrier covering the city.

"As expected from the capital. Such a strong barrier."

After a short time, Noir reached the gates of the capital. even though it was early in the morning there was a long Queue waiting in front of the gate, waiting to enter the city.

Noir joined the Queue and waited for his turn to enter the city. To enter the capital you needed an Identity token. Noir got one from the assassin group he had massacred in the last city. The other thing was your Race. Noir was pretty confident in faking his race and entering the city.

Around noon, it was his turn. Tewanty guards were protecting the gate.

A fat guard came forward. He had a long beard.

"Halt, Identity token."

Noir took the identity token from his ring and handed it to the fat guard.

"Noir Origin, Human."

The guard glanced at Noir and then he threw the token back to him.

"one thousand mana stone."

Noir handed the mana stones to him without batting an eye. it was obvious the guard was taking more than what the fee was to enter the city. But why should he care? it was not his money. He had just borrowed it. yes borrowed it and was never going to return it because the owner was dead and dead does not need wealth.

Guard eyes lit up. And a look of respect appeared in his eyes.

'No matter which world it is, People always respect money.'

"Please, young master. enjoy your stay in the capital. we wish you a good stay."

Guard bowed his head.

"From next time the young master does not need to stay in the Queue."

"Thanks and good work."

Noir responded with a cold and arrogant tone and walked inside the city.

The capital was different than other cities. Even the outer part of the capital showed how wealthy these families were.

Amidst the towering buildings that stretched towards the sky, Noir found himself surrounded by the bustling energy of the city. Cobblestone streets wound their way through the urban landscape, their surfaces gleaming in the sunlight, a testament to the meticulous care they received.

Luxury carriages glided effortlessly along the thoroughfares, their polished exteriors reflecting the opulence of their occupants. People bustled about the streets, their attire speaking volumes of wealth and status, adorned in expensive fabrics and exquisite designs.

Noir walked through the city and observed it. Until he found an information seller.

Using charm Noir asked.

"Where is the Darkmoon organization Branch?"

"In the inner region. Near the entrance of the core region."

"Is there a requirement to enter the Inner region?"

"Yes, You need to have a house inside there or someone from the Inner region give you a guest token."

'A token or a house.'

"How much is the cost to buy a house inside the inner region?"

"one million mana stone is the starting price for the houses."

'One million? I only have a little more than that. I have to give all of my money to buy a house.'

"Where can I buy a house?"

"Near the North entrance of the inner region, you find the Cloud Business Tower. it is one of the largest business organizations in the human continent. You can buy a house through them."

'Could Tower, huh.'

Noir moved through the outer toward the north entrance of the Inner region.

The entrance to the inner region was heavily guarded by forty guards and a separate barrier was protecting it to ensure the security of the people living inside.

Soon Noir spotted the tall tower.

"Cloud Business Tower."

After walking inside a young woman in his early twenties walked towards him.

"Welcome sir, How may I help you today?"

Noir clothes were created by God which added to his already otherworldly charm. Any woman would feel attracted to him.

"I want to buy a house to get a token to enter the Inner part of the capital."

"Certainly sir. please follow me." The young girl said in a seductive voice.

After becoming a vampire Noir could hear even the weakest voices from far away.

"Look at him, He is handsome."

"Do you think he is single?"

"Hah, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?"

"Even if it is one night I am still willing. Sleeping with such a handsome man is worth it."

Noir walked with a cold face while shaking his head slightly.

'These women.'

Soon they reached the desk and the woman took out a book. she started to explain about different houses that were used for getting a token to enter the inner region.

As he was looking at the houses. A butler in his late forties walked towards Noir.

"Sir, may I have your time?"

Noir looked at the man. he was a Tier 6 Martial Realm. His hair was white which showed how much he had lived and how much hardship he had been through.

"How can I help you?"

"Lady Cloudwalker wants to talk with sir."

whispers started to rise in the crowd.

"Countess Cloudwalker? The owner of Cloud Business?"

"Even she fell for his charm? having a good look is something."

"Silent maybe they hear you. No one would be able to save you."

The butler stood waiting for my answer.

"Yes, lead the way."

Following the aged butler Noir reached a device like elevator.

'This world has an elevator?'

After entering it it moved at high speed but Noir did not feel any discomfort.

'Magic sure is amazing'

After the Elevator reached the top of the tower Noir followed Butler and reached a room.

"Lady Cloudwalker, I have brought the guest, you asked for."


inside Noir saw a woman, one of the most beautiful women in both of his life. She looked like she was in her early twenties.

In her early twenties, she possessed an ethereal beauty, her porcelain skin contrasting starkly against her flowing locks of white hair. Her piercing blue eyes held a depth that hinted at wisdom beyond her years. Graceful and poised, she moved with a quiet confidence that drew all eyes to her. Despite her youth, there was an aura of mystery surrounding her, as if she held secrets of worlds unseen. She was a vision of otherworldly elegance, a presence that lingered in the minds of those who crossed her path.

She moved closer to Noir and She stretched out her hand.

"I am Elena Couldwaler. It is nice to meet you."

Noir shook her hand.

"Noir Origin."

"Please sit Mr Origin. I have a matter to discuss with you."