
Immortality: Primordial Vampire

In the mysterious world of Yahrnam, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath layers of history and myth, Noir Origin awakens to a new existence. Reborn into this enigmatic realm as a Primordial Vampire, Noir finds himself thrust into a struggle for survival and supremacy amidst warring races and looming powers. Determined to carve out a place for his kind in this tumultuous world, Noir sets out to rally his fellow vampires and establish their presence in the face of opposition from rival races and ancient powers. In this novel, MC will build his Empire and Develop the vampire race from scratch. --------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my work.

Primordial_Evil · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth

Victor's heart pounded in his chest as he turned around, determination etched on his face. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled the trigger of his gun.

'Bang. Bang. Bang.'

Three bullets erupted from the barrel before silence fell, signaling the depletion of his ammunition. He swiftly dashed towards the nearest wall, seeking cover from the relentless onslaught of enemy fire.

The enemies, momentarily halted by Victor's barrage, seized the opportunity to retaliate. A rain of bullets stormed towards Victor's direction, each one a deadly reminder of the perilous situation he was in.

With practiced precision, Victor retrieved another magazine of bullets, his last lifeline in this harrowing battle. His heart raced as he replaced the empty magazine with trembling hands, knowing that his survival depended on this final supply of ammunition.

As the enemy closed in, Victor's resolve hardened. He was a soldier of the Special Forces, trained to confront danger head-on. Today, his mission was clear: to resist, to fight, and to survive against all odds.

'Resist and bite. Bite hard, because we are all in sight.'

With grim determination, Victor fought alongside his comrades, their valiant efforts a testament to their unwavering resolve. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of blood-red, Victor found himself standing alone amidst a sea of fallen comrades.

The weight of his losses bore down on him, a heavy burden that threatened to crush his spirit. Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, Victor refused to yield. With stoic resolve, he steeled himself for the inevitable showdown that awaited.

His surroundings were enveloped in darkness, Victor moved with silent precision, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Like a ghost, he stalked his prey, striking swiftly and decisively.

With each kill, Victor's movements became more fluid and more calculated. His enemies fell before him, their demise swift and merciless at his hands. Yet, with every victory came a price—the toll of his own wounds, the ache of his battered body.

But Victor pressed on, driven by an unyielding determination to survive. Even as the enemy closed in, he refused to surrender to despair. With each passing moment, he drew closer to his ultimate fate, his destiny intertwined with the chaos of war.

And as the final bullet pierced his chest, Victor embraced the darkness that enveloped him, his spirit ascending toward an uncertain future. In the silence that followed, he found himself standing before a magnificent palace, its beauty a stark contrast to the chaos of the battlefield.

The most majestic and beautiful, otherworldly and breathtaking palace was in front of him. He could just sit and watch this view for eternity.

"Welcome to my palace," a voice echoed from all directions, filling the air around Victor. It seemed to come from everywhere—above, below, to the right, and to the left. Victor couldn't discern whether the voice belonged to a man or a woman.

"I don't have a gender, I don't have a body," the voice continued, addressing Victor's unspoken question. "I am everywhere."

"Who are you?" Victor asked, his voice tinged with awe.

"I am the Eternal being," the voice responded, its tone resonating with power. "I was alive before time and space. I was not born and I will not die. I am the creator of all beings and their lord."

"God!" Victor exclaimed, realization dawning upon him.

"Yes, you can call me by that name," the voice confirmed.

"Why am I here? Am I going to hell or heaven?" Victor inquired, his mind racing with questions.

"Normally, you would be judged and sent to one of those places," God explained. "But I have a proposal for you."

"What is it?" Victor asked, intrigued by the offer.

"I am giving you the option to go to a new world and gain power there," God revealed.

"Why are you giving me this option?" Victor wondered aloud.

"I can see everything. I know everything," God replied. "When you were younger, you desired power. Now, I am giving you the chance to fulfill that desire. How far you go depends on you. And to be fair, I also showed you heaven."

Victor hesitated, torn between his desire for power and the allure of heaven. Then, another thought crossed his mind.

"What if...," Victor began, his voice trailing off.

"I can turn you into a vampire and grant you immortality," God offered.

"Will I ever be able to become as strong as you?" Victor questioned.

"No, it is impossible," God answered.

"What will be your choice?" God prompted.

"I will live my dream. I accept," Victor declared, his decision made.

"Very Well. I shall grant your desire."

An unknown and ethereal power surged through Victor's being, intertwining with his spirit and essence. At that moment, he felt a profound transformation overtaking him, as if he were being lifted beyond the confines of humanity into a realm unknown.

His very essence shimmered with newfound energy, pulsating with an otherworldly force that defied comprehension. With each passing second, Victor felt himself changing, his mortal form morphing into something beyond the limitations of the human realm.

Eternity stretched before him, a vast expanse of possibilities waiting to be explored. He was no longer bound by the constraints of time or mortality—he was becoming something timeless, something eternal.

As the metamorphosis took hold, Victor knew that he was destined for a new existence, one that would transcend the boundaries of humanity. He was becoming a creature of the night, a vampire—an immortal being with powers and abilities beyond imagination.

With a sense of both trepidation and excitement, Victor embraced his newfound destiny, ready to embark on a journey that would shape the course of his eternity.

"A new life awaits thee. embrace and control your new nature. And do not fall into the temptation of desire.