
Chapter 4

In every generation there is a Chosen One.

She alone will stand against the vampires,

the demons, and the forces of darkness

She is none other than, YOU...

Love isn't brains, children, it's blood.

Blood screaming inside you to work it's will.

I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.

You thought I stopped loving you, but I never did.

I loved you with my last breath.

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -

"I won!" Katherine said while coming out from her Hennessey Venom. Amber was behind her and when Athan saw her face, he became a little worried.

"Are you alright?" Athan asked Amber who is rubbing her forehead.

"I really hate her when she drives." Amber said making Athan smile.

"She's really great. None of us have beaten Drake, she was the first one and it will really hurts his ego." Athan said.

"Anyway, why are you all here all of a sudden? Paps told us that you'll be coming but he didn't know when." Amber asked curiously.

"Drake wanted to come ahead of time. He spoke with his father and the Elder that before her 21st birthday, he would train her himself to prepare her for the transformation." Athan said.

"Wow! The Prince of Raeb will train our Princess. That's..." Amber wasn't able to finish her sentence because Athan spoke.

"It's mean that her life will be in grave danger. For our Prince to personally train her, it's very unusual. He's arrogant, a jerk, selfish brat and we really don't know what has gotten into him to have that idea." Athan said making Amber giggled. Athan looked at her.

"What's funny?" Athan asked. "He's your Prince and yet, you're backed stabbing him." Amber said.

"Oh, he knew that. He knew that he's a pain in the ass." Athan said.

"I heard that, asshole." Drake said using the mind link.

"It's the truth and nothing but the truth, jerk!" Athan said through the mind link. They looked at each other and then, grinned making Amber rolled her eyes.

"So, Drake, how come you only showed your face now? I mean, I new Uncle Lorenzo ever since my childhood but I never met you." Katherine asked while they we're walking going inside the gym.

"I'm busy with some stuffs." Drake said.

"Like?" Katherine asked.

"Like, protecting you from a far." Drake wanted to voice out.

"Like studying, training, and..." Drake was interrupted by Katherine.

"Girls?" Katherine said smiling.

"Maybe." Drake answered.

"Why are you here, then?" Katherine asked.

"Something important came up and I had to stay with dad." Drake answered with a lie.

"Come on, Ambs." Katherine said pulling Amber from her seat. She already change into a more comfortable clothes for her training.

"I am not feeling well and this is all your fault. I felt my stomach was turned up side down." Amber said.

"Oh come on. You're only faking it." Katherine said.

"Why don't you go up first with Athan?" Drake said. Athan is pointing himself and Drake nodded.

"This would be fun." Athan said.

"Don't you ever dare!" Drake said using mind link.

"And why?" Athan asked.

"You'll be dead if she finds out so control your power." Drake said.

"She will find out soon." Athan said.

"She's not ready yet." Drake said.

"Why do I feel that there's something with you that's not normal." Athan said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Drake said.

"Hello? Are you done looking at each other?" Katherine said. She was curious seeing the two men are only looking at each for a while now.

"Coming, Princess." Athan said and wink at Drake who looked at him with daggers in his eyes.

"Ready, Princess?" Athan said.

"Stop calling me princess." Katherine said.

"You should be used to it." Athan said. Drake cleared his throat sending warning to his friend.

"Fine, fine. Okay, let's begin. You strike first." Athan said.

"You should not be saying that." Amber said.

"Come on, try me." Athan said.

Katherine shrugged her shoulders and then, attacks her opponent. She gives Athan a jab then, a cross, then followed by a hook.

Athan was able to dogde her attacks.

"Not bad." Athan said.

"Really?" Katherine said and before Athan could boast again, Katherine gave her a punch sending him on the floor. Athan looked at her with a shocked face.

"That's our girl!" Dawn said entering the gym, following her are Thana, Amdis, Alaric, Blade and Kieran.

Alaric offered his hand to Athan to help him stand.

"What happened in there?" Blade said with a teasing tone.

"I was caught off guard." Athan said scratching his head.

"Sorry." Katherine said with a peace sign on her hand.

"It's alright, Princess. My handsome face is all yours." Athan said making the girls rolled their eyes.

"Looks like I don't have to introduce you with each other." All of them looked at the entrance of the gym hearing a familiar voice.

"Paps!" Katherine said running towards her grandfather. Serafino gives Drakes' group a warning not to bow their heads.

"How are you?" Serafino asked giving Katherine a warm hug. He's with Vladamir and Lazarus with Cassius.

"I'm great, Paps. Drake and I had a race and I won and then, I had Athan on the floor." Katherine said boasting on her achievements.

"You what!?" Serafino's voice echoed on the whole gym then, looks at Amber.

"I'm dead!" Amber said to herself.

"El...Paps, she stole the keys from me." Amber said.

"Enough!" Serafino said making all of them quiver because of fear.

"Paps! Don't get angry with Amber, I'ts my fault. I always wanted to drive my own car but you wouldn't let me so I had no choice." Katherine said but her grandfather didn't mind her explanation.

"From now on, Drake will bring you to work and fetch you from work." Serafino said.

"What!? I don't think it's a good idea, Paps. Besides, Drake must be busy with his personal life so it's not fair for him to be stuck up with me." Katherine said looking at Drake to support her.

"It's fine with me." But to her dismay, that's what she heard coming out from his mouth. Athan, Alaric, Blade, and Kieran looked at each other with curiosity in their faces.

"And from now on also, you will all stay at my house." Serafino said. Well, that sudden announcement made Katherine happy because she will now be staying with her friends but the question is why. Anyway, she'll just enjoy life with her friends.

Serafino left them and they continued the training. After Athan, Alaric, Blade, and Kieran followed him trying to win against Katherine but they have the same fate just like what happened to Athan. Either they kissed the floor or hugged the wall.

"Doesn't she realized how strong she was?" Alaric asked while rubbing his face.

"Well, she doesn't but we do realized it already." Thana said smiling.

"Don't worry boys, we feel you." Amdis said with a grin on her face. They saw Drake stood from his seat.

"Well, this one will be phenomenal." Athan said looking at Drake who is walking towards Katherine who is lying on the ground.

Drake gave a bottle of water and a towel to Katherine.

"Thanks." She said and sat up.

"Tired?" Drake asked.

"A little." Katherine replied.

"Then, let's fight." Drake said.

"I'm tired." Katherine said faking her expression.

"I'll let you drive my Bugatti only, if you win against me." Drake said making Katherine smiled brightly.

"Deal!" Katherine said and stood up warming up her body.

"What if I win?" Drake asked making Katherine looked at him.

"You decide." Katherine said.

"But I doubt if you can win." Katherine said with a smirk.

"Let's see." Drake said with a devilish smile on his face.