
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Some Gift

Class ended and it was time for lunch. All the students flocked to the dining area and sat in their seats kursi. In front of them there is already a breakfast dish and dessert that is so tempting, they just eat it and fill the emptiness of their stomachs.

Yesterday when opening a gift from Gavin, Clare got a chocolate package that was so long, Clare really felt so happy that she didn't want to share. She brought the chocolate and ate it after the main meal. Her friends just saw Clare eating and felt really enjoyed it, really Clare is very stingy about food, especially chocolate.

"Clare, please share." Zoya asked who had been gulping her saliva.

"Just buy it yourself," said Clare lightly.

"Stingy!" Jules sneered.

"Not stingy not rich." Clare chuckling.

The three of them sighed at Clare who was super stingy about food. Not long after, Thumbelina came with a heavy looking box. Even until Thumbelina flew up and down because of the weight and was helped by Chasper who pushed the box when Thumbelina had given up.

Clare took the box while Thumbelina immediately flew over to Clare's front desk while Clare opened the box.

Clare saw a piece of letter placed right above the box within the box.

"Happy Birthday My Daughter. Maybe when you receive it, your birthday is over, but at least mom and dad have given you a present. Better late than never. Oh yeah, tomorrow next month there will be chocolate stock too, don't forget to brush your teeth after eating it. love you baby." read Clare smiling amused then closing the letter again.

"From your parents, very lucky." Zoya said jealously because she was an orphan. "You have parents who love you. Don't waste it."

"Don't you have a grandmother who loves you very much? There's no need to be so jealous." said Clare.

"Quickly open the gift." Blaire exclaimed curiously.

Clare immediately opened the contents of the gift and apparently there were a lot of chocolates neatly arranged, there were about 30 chocolates and it made Clare's eyes sparkle as if she saw expensive jewelry.

"My monthly chocolates!" Clare shouted happily like a child.

"Shareeeeeee!" Jules shouted reaching for the box but Clare quickly grabbed it and hid it in her arms.

"Buy it yourself!" Clare amused.

"Clare don't be so stingy, at least just one." Blaire pleaded.

"Just plain chocolate, you guys are already like this." Clare muttered lowering her lips

"Just one, Clare is a good kid." Zoya cooed showing her small eyes trying to melt Clare's innocent heart.

They both follow Zoya's style of pleading in front of Clare making Clare not strong.

"Okay okay, just one." said Clare resignedly.

"Two!" Zoya offered.

"Three!" Jules bargain.

"Well, you don't have to." denied Clare.

"Yeah yeah, just one." Jules said grinning.

Clare got them a chocolate each and then closed it again still in her arms as if no one should touch her.

Then Gavin passed behind them and saw Clare hugging a box of chocolates, Gavin quickly approached Clare intending to ask for the chocolates.

"Clare, share it." Gavin said making Clare frown.

"Buy it yourself." Clare said nonchalantly.

"There's no way you eat that much." Gavin assured.

"Even I can eat it in a day, this is my daily chocolate and I have to save." said Clare still not wanting to share.

"Gav, she's stingy". Zoya whispered but still it sounded like Clare didn't care what Zoya said.

"You were given why I didn't?" protested Gavin.

"If I give one class, then you can protest. I only gave my three friends, what's wrong with giving up 3 chocolates?" said Clare.

"4 chocolates, you have to let it go."

Clare huffed in annoyance. "You're so pushy."

"Gavin, go see your brother, don't bother us. I know you're trying to get close to Clare but I know how innocent this little kid is, she won't be sensitive" Zoya whispered.

"Clare is innocent, but not stupid." said Gavin then left after teasing Zoya.

"Damn you calling me stupid!" Zoya shouted almost bursting Clare, Blaire, and Jules' eardrums beside her.

"You bastard." Blaire sneered without having to glance at Zoya.

Clare went back to eating her dessert, after she finished eating, she got up from the chair. She accidentally threw a glass with his strength to make herself and everyone shocked.

"Sorry... " Clare said slowly and embarrassedly while her cursed friends just giggled seeing Clare's funny expression.

Clare is so disadvantaged by her power that it often activates itself and creates chaos. Clare really confused how to control it.

Now Clare is tidying up her dorm and arranging her box of chocolates as best she can and locking it so it doesn't get stolen, you food possessive. Anything Clare will share except food.

Suddenly a dove flew towards Clare carrying a letter for her. Clare immediately took it and read the letter

Come to the principal's office Prof. Armstrong now.

Apparently Prof. Armstrong called her, what's wrong? That's what Clare thought. She will know the answer when he meets the principal.

Clare immediately went to the 20th floor where the principal's office was. She met Prof. Ganger, as the deputy principal of Neuvrost Academy.

"Clare Davish?" She said and Clare nodded quickly. "Prof. Armstrong is waiting for you."

Clare nodded then followed her into the Prof.'s room. Armstrong who is so private. Prof. Ganger, open the door access to Prof.'s room. Armstrong with fingerprints then let Clare in alone.

Clare walked down the hall to a large door at the end, when she arrived at the door, she was just about to open it, the door opened by itself making Clare almost flinch.

There is a classic room that is so big and luxurious. Clare stepped in and was taken in by this cool and quiet room, her eyes on the piles of books on the shelves and neatly arranged, tidier than a library. There is a fairly large fireplace and several displays or walls or nightstands everywhere that make this room look alive.

"White is the color of light and black is the color of darkness. Each choice determines the direction of life and destiny that will be owned." said someone on a chair with a fairy figure that looks like an animal and can fly.

"What does it mean?" ask Clare.

"Clare Davish, you chose the white box to mean chastity. Do you know why you chose him?" asked Prof. Armstrong even though he already knew the answer

"I like white, that's the only reason." said Clare for no other reason.

"White symbolizes purity and innocence, that's why you are too innocent for everything. It's not just because white is your favorite color, it's your innocence that attracts you in every way."

"Professor knows, what did I get?"

Professor chuckles. "Even though I'm not told, I still know."

"Can the Professor help me? At lunch this time I made a mess. I feel wronged by my own power lately." Clare pleaded.

"What's your problem?" he asked.

Clare recounts her experience since learning of her power that can control objects. In addition to destroying glasses during a party, he also made Loraine's elf fly erratically by accident, At first Loraine was about to bully Clare but before that happened the situation immediately turned around. That's why Clare left the party and brooded outside the castle.

Then this morning, Clare also got into trouble by Louis. She, who really didn't like Louis, accidentally made Louis fall suddenly because Louis initially told her to get things back into the forbidden forest. Clare wanted to laugh, but instead she felt guilty and ran away, Clare was really embarrassed. Plus he just made the whole dining room quiet for a moment because she accidentally broke a glass.

Professor Armstrong nodded his head understanding the problem Clare was facing, Clare was really struggling!

"Your power appears suddenly when your emotions are unstable, you must be able to control your emotions." he said.

"My emotions are always stable, but still problems happen to me."

"This isn't the first time a girl like you has complained. Previously there were 3 girls who complained about the advantages they chose," said Prof. Armstrong.

"3? What are Blaire, Jules and Zoya?" guessed Clare.

Professor Armstrong nodded. That's why I transferred them to another dorm besides the 1st class dorm. Looking back, it looks like you didn't master telekinesis, but beyond that melebihi. You can control not only objects, but living things around you even the elements and the like." explained Prof. Armstrong.

"I can control Louis, that means Louis is under me." Clare muttered in disbelief.

"That's right, there's something else about you that you still don't know," said Prof. Armstrong.

"What's that?" asked Clare.

"Are you sure you want to know now?"

Clare nodded confidently, she was very curious what other secrets she had inside that she didn't know other than eating a lot but not being fat, eating chocolate every day but her teeth were strong.

Professor Armstrong got up from his chair and walked towards a water well in the corner of the room. Clare followed and saw her reflection in the well water.

"How to use it?" asked Clare.

"Put your hand in and see what color the water will turn into," said Prof. Armstrong.

Clare obeyed and put her hand in the water, for a few seconds nothing happened to make Clare confused, until finally the water slowly changes color to white as white as milk. What does it mean?