
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Quarrel and Chaos

"Hello Everybody!!"

Zoya shouted after entering and closed the door loudly until her voice reached the room of four seniors. Luckily all her friends were already in the room and thought Zoya's chaotic actions were just a passing wind.

Three days have passed and they have returned to the academy with a lot of shopping bags especially Zoya. They not only buy necessities for the party, but also other unimportant things that they buy.

The shopping bags brought by each fairy were simply placed on their respective beds. Jules pulled Clare who was relaxing on the chair with her cell phone, and pressed her shoulder to sit on Jules' bed. They already bought some things for Clare and Thumbelina brought it specially.

"I hope you like it. For three days we searched for a nice dress. You know? The mall near the academy didn't give us enough discount at all. The items are very good and expensive, we bought a lot but only got 10% discount on all items, isn't that very stingy. Luckily I had enough money to buy them all and I ended up being able to bulk up and get an extra 20% discount. But still the price is too big for someone who is a sedan. You know I'm thrifty to buy guns and now I'm waiting for the price to drop."

Clare is stunned by Jules' complaint about the discount. He glanced at the groceries Jules had brought and it was marked which ones belonged to Jules and which ones belonged to Clare. Jules' shopping bag is way more than Clare's. But Zoya is so much more. Looks like they really enjoyed the three days while Clare was tormented by training at the academy.

"Clare, Clare, Clare," Zoya shouted over to Clare and sat next to her. "You know what happened there? While at the accessories shop, I saw a handsome man who seemed to be buying something. Seeing his face is like seeing an angel, his eyes are very sharp and I really like that. You know, I can't stand to see a handsome guy unemployed so I walked up to him and asked about the accessories I chose. He also asked me what women like. He also made me his model because he said I was beautiful and asked me to choose what I thought was good. I was very happy at that time, finally there was someone who paid attention to me after being ignored by five men at the same time. You can't imagine!"

Blaire continued with a mocking smile. "Then the guy bought the item the girl had chosen and said it was for his girlfriend's birthday. At that time the girl's face looked like an undead and was crazily buying things there. I see, her heart was broken in half and shattered into dust just because of less than an hour's experience."

Zoya glares at Blaire and pats her thigh hard. "Why do you continue! It makes me sad and so sad. I just want to remember the sweet part."

"Why don't you just hypnotize? You're good at that." Blaire replied.

"If I hypnotize him, he will be tortured. I'm not that heartless anymore." Zoya lowered her head in sorrow.

Jules huffed in annoyance and pulled the shopping bag that had been marked as Clare's and reached into its contents. She took a large red square box and opened it for Clare.

"We chose you. It's been made into a set after being matched. It's all here and you just have to wear it. I guarantee you will be like a royal princess especially since this has become a stylish recommendation for Blaire's acquaintances. For the other one, not for the party. Just for fun." Jules handed it to Clare after explaining.

There was a sky blue folded dress and it was very fluffy. On it are also matching shoes and accessories. Totally beyond Clare's expectations. Clare had originally intended to wear the same dress to the summer party the other day.

"This...." Clare felt this was all too much for her and she felt bad.

As if knowing what Clare was about to say, Jules spoke quickly. "There's no need to pay anymore. We've already paid for it. This is all inclusive of the discount I talked about earlier and is certainly different from my groceries. We are friends, friends should not shy away from each other and do not thank each other." Jules emphasized the last sentence seeing Clare looking like she was about to thank her again.

"You really understand me. I'll treat you two next time." Clare couldn't do anything else.

"In that case, better treat us with your appearance. You have to shake us, okay." Zoya said. "After that, you have to promise to take us out for a walk. You and Blaire treat!" Zoya emphasized Blaire's words while glancing at the culprit with a smirk.

Blair replied. "You say it like I owe you a lot."

"Jules too!" Zoya points at Jules making her head hit.

Clare just laughed at Zoya's behavior which pulled Blaire and Jules down. The two of them have always been Zoya's targets while Clare is her partner. It never changes.

Four days have passed. Clare was no longer training with Luke but training alone. Because Luke seemed busy and didn't seem to have time for anything other than his problems with Gavin. Clare didn't interfere and didn't want to know even though she was curious, but she didn't have the qualifications to know.

During these four days also Clare felt calm. Nothing strange had happened to him like the previous Sunday. Vrochis' position was also still the same and didn't raise Clare's vigilance. However, Clare felt that today was very calm and the voices no longer haunted her. Has Vrochis really given up? But it doesn't seem that simple.

Until finally the day of the party has arrived. The four chaotic girls were still in the room and still busy with personal matters. When the three of them were getting ready to change into the dresses they bought, Clare was still sleeping like a baby. Clare took too long a nap and didn't want to be disturbed, once disturbed they fell back asleep and they were tired.

"CLARE! YOU'RE ALREADY DIE!" Zoya screams until one dorm is heard.


That was the only response he received and his face was still covered by the blanket. Zoya tugged at Clare's blanket while Jules tugged at Clare's arm forcefully like a big heavy doll.

"You think it'll be over in 10 minutes? You even have to spend hours preparing everything for the party. You will be core dancer, hurry up get up before 8 or I won't give you heart again." Zoya raves.

"Give me 5 minutes." It sounded more like Clare's muttering. Even the kid still closed his eyes and pulled back the blanket. Somehow she made the night like dawn and had to laze around.

Then an idea crossed Blaire's mind and went straight to Clare who was still sleeping. She crouched right in front of Clare's face and whispered. "If not wake up. I'll have Luke or Louis wake you up and take you to the pool. You know they don't have the heart to reciprocate. At least if Luke refuses, the rest will be very excited to splash you straight in the pool."

Clare sighed. He sat up without opening his eyes and slowly got out of bed and looked at the clock. Her eyes widened when she realized it was 7 o'clock and she still had that pillow face and disheveled hair.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that it was 7 o'clock!" Clare groaned and immediately darted quickly to the bathroom. She almost slipped when she entered the bathroom.

The remaining three humans looked at each other with strange looks. Since when was Clare so crazy like this? They forgot that Clare was always crazy especially since she was given a mission to kill monsters.

A few seconds later, Clare ran back into the room and whirled around in a panic and confused with her messy hair.

"Where's my towel?" Clare asked as she paced back and forth looking for her towel.

"In the bathroom cupboard, you didn't see it?" Jules replied irritably. She wanted to laugh, but annoyance filled her.

"Oh." Clare scratched her head non-itchy and walked stupidly back to the bathroom. The effect of waking up, her life still hasn't been collected. So that's how it is.

A few seconds after Clare entered the bathroom, they seemed to burst out laughing. Blaire grabbed the clock on the wall and turned it back to 6 o'clock which was the actual time. Clare has been tricked! They didn't even think Clare would be so stupid when she woke up.

The three of them returned to their respective activities and prepared all the necessities for the evening.

A few minutes later, they were still in the room with their belongings and one time talking at length. When Clare came out of the bathroom and looked at the clock which was still past 6, her face darkened but wasn't directly angry. She chuckled and glanced at her friends one by one in annoyance.

The party will be at 9, Clare intends to sleep as much as she can because she knows she won't sleep until midnight. The sleep program has been interrupted. In fact, she was acting ridiculous earlier, she was sure her friends were laughing at her.

Clare was wearing normal clothes and looked at her friends who were chatting with the three of them. Clare had no intention of coming along, and immediately took out her personal tablet and played games to pass the time. She couldn't sleep anymore after taking a shower.

"Hey, you can't do that. It's mine!" Jules growled.

"You lost the bet. Gotta keep your promise." Zoya sticks out her tongue mocking Jules.

"Oh come on, it's just a game." Blaire intervened.

Jules didn't accept defeat and immediately shuffled the cards on the table in annoyance. "I don't accept it."

"Ramsey, I don't care about that. You've lost. I told you I'm good at this." Zoya boasts.

"You must have used your manipulation and changed the numbers. I don't accept it!"

"I don't use manipulation. I'm having good luck."

"I do not want to know. I always win, there's no way I can lose. You're using manipulation!"

"Ramsey, do you want me to enter a foreign world again?"

"Don't use my surname, you want me to turn into a frog?"

"Shut up, don't use violence!" Blaire was already frustrated to see them arguing and glanced at Clare. Clare replied with an innocent shrug of her shoulders.

Zoya still doesn't want to lose. "Why can't I mention your surname? You are indeed a Ramsey. If you turn me into a frog, I won't let you out of the illusion!"

"Oh I see, fine please. I'll make you dog food then and let Chasper eat you."

Hearing Chasper being carried away by Jules, Clare glanced at the two of them in surprise. What's wrong with Chasper?

"You are crazy!"

"Yes, I have crazy. Why? You're cheating so I'm playing rough." Jules replied in an irritated tone.

Once again Clare felt offended. Jules uses her effective line to argue about Clare's madness! Twice Jules brought something about Clare.

"How many times have I told you not to cheat? Your bad luck. Even someone will say that you will end up unlucky." Zoya replies by remembering what Blaire said back then. Blaire had seen Jules' unlucky death before and now Zoya brought it up.

"Yes, but that was then. Maybe now it can change after the evolution of its power. I think there is a problem, my luck is always good unlike you who cheated."

"You never even won the lottery. I have ever. Ask Clare how I won the lottery twice in a row."

"Clare's memory is not good, how can she remember it? I already guessed that you used manipulation to win the lottery. Even someone stiff wouldn't know what you were doing."

They continued to argue by indulging in disgrace to each other. Not only the disgrace of the two of them, even those who did not participate in the debate were affected. Clare and Blaire desperately wanted to tug on their ears from getting slapped.

"Once again you say, I swear I'll silence you." Blaire spoke with a pressure that managed to silence them. Blaire's inner aura came out and made any creature shudder in horror, even Clare was no exception. "It's finished?"

"Not yet!" Jules and Zoya answered at the same time. They weren't too afraid of Blaire's power because Clare was the strongest here.

"Hey, that's great, haha," Clare said with a hollow laugh. She herself was tired and immediately made both of their hands raise in an instant. "I've been silent because you worked on me. Now you are mocking me indirectly. Am I going to be quiet again, huh?"

Suddenly Clare's aura darkened and they raised their hands even more until they both tiptoed and screamed begging to be released. Don't know why, lately Clare has been emotional.

"Oh, Clare. Have you practiced? You should make the most of yourself tonight...." Jules spoke in a pleading tone. Obviously, she wasn't comfortable in that position.

"Ohh, I happen to be free. Luke is busy and I practice alone. I've been practicing this morning too." Clare replied with a smirk.

"Practice again. You don't want to step on Luke's feet in the morning, right?" Zoya reasoned.

Clare actually felt uncomfortable and immediately lowered their hands again. He glanced at Blaire and hinted that he was helpless anymore. Clare's heart is still too soft than Blaire's.

Jules and Zoya sighed and looked at each other with hostility. Not knowing who started the fight again, suddenly they threw things at each other, including pillows, until the room broke like a ship. Again Clare and Blaire are affected. They struggled a bit with their speed which was faster than Clare and Blaire. Less than a minute the room was full of pillow foam. Even the fairies and Chasper had foamed up and decided to corner the room watching them.

Clare had no other choice. She stopped the mess, the foam and pillows floated in the air as Clare's hands emitted white light. Clare has put out her power well and this is her best result. Everything floated and stood still while Clare's hand remained still and then dropped at the same time.

His three friends looked at him blankly and again continued the fight earlier. Especially Jules and Zoya who shot each other like shadows out of the room. Clare and Blaire were tired and had to follow them out of the room.

In the front room of the dorm, there was Luke who just wanted to leave the dorm. Suddenly startled by the door opening loudly and releasing Jules and Zoya who were giggling at each other. Followed by an exhausted Clare and Blaire at the door, watching his two friends riot in the front room. Again, the state of the front room is like a room like a broken ship.

Clare used her power again and emitted a white light from her hand. Objects that are thrown move and return to their original place. Then use a broom stick to hit the ass of the two friends. Even though it's still a mess, at least it's better than the room.

As if there was no deterrent, Jules and Zoya were like madmen. They came out of the dormitory and sped off very fast. Blaire without warning followed her while Clare was tired and sat in front of the door as her strength had dwindled a lot.

Luke watched her, couldn't help but smile faintly at Clare like that. Clare glanced at him nonchalantly, waved as if to shoo him away and went back into the room.

Today is tiring!