
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Let's Fly!

After the incident of Clare destroying all the glasses in one fell swoop due to her experiment, Clare is alone outside the academy contemplating her fate. She doesn't know that she has telekinesis ability, even though it's a common thing for humans like Clare. Strangely, why is Clare even considered special? In the academy, many telekinators enter the 2nd and even 3rd class dormitories, why is only Clare different? Clare was sure that it had more than just telekinesis, but Clare didn't know what it was.

Aug aug aug

There was the sound of a puppy approaching Clare, Clare immediately turned to her left which was apparently right, there was an orange puppy running towards him until he finally recognized that this puppy was Chasper, the puppy she saved in the forbidden forest.

"Chasper? How did you get here?" Clare said confused and then she thought, how did Chasper recognize her as master?

"Looks like you're here." Someone said from behind.

Clare immediately looked back and saw the Elf doctor who was approaching her. Clare immediately stood facing the doctor and prepared many questions.


"I know what you're asking. Apparently Chasper is recovering faster than he should and you can take him with you. But suddenly Chasper disappeared, I looked for him here."

"How did Chasper recognize me?"

"You've tied it in your mind. That's why he recognized who the owner was. The animals here are different from the animals you usually find," he said. "Since Chasper is with you, I gave it back to you. You can take it to the dormitory."

"Thank you doctor, I will take good care of it." Said Clare happily.

The Elf doctor smiled crookedly before she finally went back to the castle and headed to her place.

Clare turned to face her little Chasper and sat back down staring at Chasper shining brightly.

"Dear Chasper, are you bothering the doctor? Don't do it again okay."

"Aug Aug...." Chasper barked and then spun around cheerfully indicating he wanted to play.

"It's late, better sleep. Tomorrow I will introduce you to Tumbelina."

Clare stood up and was about to return to the castle with Chasper in her arms.

"CLARE!" someone shouted made Clare stop and look back.

There were three friends waving and signaling to come to them. Clare immediately complied and approached the three of them without further ado.

"What's wrong?" asked Clare.

Jules glanced at Chasper and instantly he was no longer the Jules they knew, "Oh god, whose puppy is this? How cute, can I take it?" Jules said spontaneously making Chasper run and hide behind Clare's feet making everyone laugh.

"Jules, you look scary. Even the puppies themselves are scared to see you." Zoya giggled and got a smack on the shoulder.

"His name is Chasper, just got out of the clinic. I found it in the Forbidden Forest." Clare explained honestly.

"Forbidden forest? Are you there again? Louis told you?" Jules said annoyed starting to accuse Louis.

"I came myself, I don't know why I got there."

"The forest has a high attraction that can attract any human to come, it's very dangerous," explained Blaire.

"But what's wrong with looking from above?" Zoya said grinning.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled full of plans, Clare who saw it just looked around not understanding and curious about what they were planning.

They took Clare to a place still around the academy. Zoya immediately ran who knows what she was looking for after they reached a place.

Clare's mind kept asking, why did friends bring her here? Since then Chasper has been barking to be picked up, of course Clare immediately carried him so that Chasper wouldn't make any noise.

"How come Zoey is old." Jules muttered, frowning.

"What's really going on?" Clare starts to speak.

"Didn't I say earlier that there would be something to show? It's time."

"What do you want to show?"

"You just wait for Zoey to come, after that you'll understand." Blaire said patting Clare's shoulder.

Zoya too comes with difficulty pulling something troublesome.

"Wow, help! It's so nice for you to relax." Zoya protested, having trouble pulling the rope.

Apparently what Zoya pulled were 4 very beautiful pegasus and of course the pegasus didn't obey Zoya because she couldn't be hypnotized.

Clare's mouth fell open at the sight, it was really the first time she had seen a pegasus, in fact she had only seen a unicorn a few years ago.

"Actually we brought this yesterday, but you refused to go," said Braire.

"How did you guys find him?"

"It's easy, using Uncle Rowler's tool I can lead all four out of the woods, isn't it easy? It's just Zoya who is inexperienced bringing them here." Jules sarcastically boasted making.

"It's very easy if you bring the tool, you keep it yourself." Blaire said folding her arms across her chest.

"Remember the phrase 'Turn off the water tap after use'? I did the same thing" Jules said scratching the nape of his neck that didn't itch.

"Not saving, but stingy!" Zoya pouted tiredly.

"Well, what's this pegasus for?" asked Clare.

"You forgot my words, won't we see the forbidden forest from above? Not only the forbidden forest but Neuvrost Academy even this city," said Zoya getting a nod from the others.

"Fly...." Clare muttered starting to sweat, the problem is Clare is afraid of heights.

"What is wrong? Don't tell me you're afraid of heights." Blaire said.

"No, who said?" said Clare lying.

"You sweat after hearing the word 'Fly' what if you're not scared?" Blaire was suspicious

"I'm not afraid," said Clare then looked at her friends who were researching her. "Clare Davish doesn't deserve to be afraid."

"Right, it's not worth being afraid of." Zoya muttered.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's fly!" Jules shouted excitedly.

They immediately mounted their respective pegasus and tried to tame them in their own way. For some reason the Pegasus that Clare chose was so obedient while Zoya looked troubled, the pegasus Zoya chose was too wild and barbar while Jules's was so fierce and kept on neighing. Blaire? Her Pegasus was so arrogant but Blaire finally managed to get close to her arrogant Pegasus.

After being able to tame each of the pegasus, they immediately climbed on the back of the pegasus. The pegasus changes color, Jules gets a faded blue, Blaire gets gray, and Zoya gets a faint-looking young, only Clare didn't change color but that wasn't a problem.

"Already pretty? Let's gooo!" Zoya said then they ran the pegasus.

Slowly their pegasus flapped its wings and floated in the air. Very visible, Clare who was so tense and reluctant to look down while her friends were enjoying the atmosphere in the sky that was so pleasant.

"Aaaaaaaaa...." Clare cried hysterically.

"Wohooooo...." Zoya shouts enjoying the atmosphere.

"Clare, don't be afraid. Just enjoy it, you won't fall even if you jump." Jules shouted trying to calm a tense Clare.

Clare, who initially closed her eyes, tried to open her eyes again. At first she didn't dare to look down there, but after getting up the courage Clare finally did. She also kept Chasper with her, and Chasper looked happy looking down there. Slowly Clare looked down there which was so high, not afraid but surprised and started to get carried away. She was amazed to see such a beautiful land with high mountains.

"Aren't you scared already?" Blaire asked next to him.

"A little." Clare replied looking at her beautiful surroundings

"Aug Aug Aug Aug...." Chasper kept barking at the sight of birds flying in front of them making Clare chuckle in amusement.

They go around the city with a pegasus, many building and vehicle lights are on, it looks very beautiful and modern. The forest looks dark, but looks beautiful when the fireflies explore the forest in groups to make the forest look radiant.

Today is the most beautiful birthday for her, Clare did not expect her birthday to be this happy, hope that this year Clare will always be lucky and be the best. She didn't want trouble to hit her again and again.