
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Illusion World

Clare looked around to make sure she was actually at the academy. She thinks she was in the foggy forest with the oldest man and got lost. How could she arrive at the academy in the blink of an eye?

She stepped into the academy where there were seven friends or comrades. There was also Professor Armstrong standing among them.

"You here?" Clare wasn't alert. She wanted to make sure that he was right in the academy. But her friends are in the town of Auntumn?

"We were looking for you everywhere. I thought you..." Zoya rambled on and quietly looked. "Ignore it. We were so panicked to see you disappear under the bed. We went to see Professor Armstrong. Lucky Professor Armstrong was able to bring you here."

"Bring me?" Clare wasn't sure. What power could make a person relocate over such a distance? If it was teleportation, he should be able to see Professor Armstrong carrying it.

"Don't think about it. You're good is enough." Luke stopped Clare when she wanted to talk again.

"What about Vrochis?" Clare asked again.

"I think you should rest." Jules immediately pulled her into the castle.

Just set foot on the castle floor, everything changed. Clare's clothes switched to the uniform when she first entered the academy. All the first-year students flocked to the academy.

There was no one by Clare's side. They all disappeared instantly from her sight change at the start of the academy year. How could this happen?

Clare sensed that something was wrong. Then, she saw the figure of an old witch standing smiling at her in the castle. Clare hurriedly went inside and put out her strength to attack her. The golden white light emitting from his two hands caught everyone's attention. Clare is the center of everyone's attention!

"What do you want?" Clare scoffed. She closed the light back in her hand and stared intently at the old witch while everyone couldn't see the old witch's soul.

The old witch smiled triumphantly. "Surprise!"

Everyone has centered on Clare with a ghastly look. The academy elders came out of various doors and surrounded Clare. The teachers and Professor Ganger were glaring at Clare. The students also looked at Clare with sundry gazes. Some were strange, scared, angry, and so on. That makes Clare successfully miss the opportunity.

"I want to see how the people who taught you attacked you. What are you going to do?" The old witch laughed. That is all she does.

Clare was speechless. She stepped back while the steps of the teachers were advancing towards her.

"You are immortal. You were not accepted into the academy!"

"You'll bring calamity to the world. We must prepare you."

"Please... That's not what you get." Clare says falteringly. She didn't know what to do and didn't want to attack them.

They are all attacked. With spontaneous action, Clare let out a ray of sunshine in her hand and floated in the air dodging the attack. It is the first time Clare has experienced flying without the help of a Pegasus. She flies with balance!

Clare couldn't believe any of this. Everyone attacked him simultaneously with sundry magic. Professor Ganger also floated in the air to pursue Clare when keeping on dodge. Some of the teachers also chased Clare by flying arrows from below. The whole academy went into chaos. Clare flew in various directions avoiding various attacks until several items were damaged.

Clare continued to fly up and down several passages until she finally arrived in front of Professor Armstrong's room. Professor Armstrong knew his identity as an immortal, so he dared to go inside for protection.

It is the scary thing in his life as an immortal witch. She couldn't find her friends and was locked in Professor Armstrong's room.

As she walked through the room, she saw Professor Armstrong in front of the window staring at the outside of the castle, looking calm.

"Professor..." Clare called out to him expectantly.

When Professor Armstrong turned around and saw Clare's presence, his gaze sharpened, leaving Clare bewildered. Suddenly, a rope wrapped around her neck, sending her flying into the air as Professor Armstrong raised his hand.

"Professor... It's me..." Clare gasped and tried to untie the rope. Her breath started to catch on her neck was in excruciating pain.

"Immortal witch, how dare you to act in my academy!"

Clare shook her head, trying to speak, but it was too hard for her neck to think like this. Supposedly, Professor Armstrong knew that she was an immortal witch. They even ordered seven people at once to protect her. If the situation is like this, there isn't a choice but to fight. They are not original. It is the old witch illusion.

Clare saw the old witch laughing in the corner of the room, watching her hang like that. Infuriated, Clare immediately launched an attack at Professor Armstrong first so that the rope around his neck fell off, and she fell.

"You even dared to attack your teacher. You are great." The old witch clapped her hands disdainfully.

Clare glared at her as she got up, her eyes turning gold. "This isn't real. You brought me into your world and tortured me."

"Real or not, you will die in it. You only have a choice, kill all or die here." The old mage answered him lightly.

Clare was getting angrier. When she saw Professor Armstrong attack her suddenly, Clare dodged and jumped toward the window. The window glass shattered, and Clare flew outside and then left quickly.

While on her way to the forest, someone released an arrow and hit her shoulder. Clare fell to the ground, curled up in pain. She pulled out a dart stuck in her shoulder.

When she got back up, she saw the figure who had shot her earlier. It's Luke!

"Luke... Don't..." Clare kept shaking her head as she backed away. She can't attack the people closest to her.

Luke didn't budge at all and continued to stare at her coldly. Clare knew it wasn't real. They wouldn't attack her because they knew Clare was an immortal wizard. But time in the old witch world is pushed back, and they don't recognize Clare.

Clare ran again. She floated in the air, trying to go to the academy to survive. But who would have thought Luke also flies like her? Luke chased her with a terrifying cold aura and blocked Clare's direction.

Clare has nowhere to go and behind her is Luke. For some reason, seeing him made her heart slip. So, she couldn't make any attacks in self-defense.

"Doesn't it hurt?" The old witch came back into the air and stood behind Luke. "I see he's very close to you. Do I need to send another friend of yours? But it seems that among your friends, only he can kill you."

"Even if you torture me like this, I'd rather die."

Suddenly the air became colder. A light appeared on Clare's body in her reflection. The old witch looked at it without blinking and allowed Luke to act on Clare's action to carry out the brutal action.

Clare performs a soul-splitting technique. With this, her soul will separate from her body. She had thought about it when she was in Professor Armstrong's room and heard she couldn't kill the old witch. That's why she dropped out of the academy.

Luke attacks Clare, but Clare's body seems to be translucent. There was nothing he could do, only watch what happened to Clare.

Clare forced herself to separate to the delight of the old witch. The old mage got a chance to enter Clare's real body and control it after exiting this artificial world.

Because there will be an explosion that will kill the old witch, the old witch takes back her artificial world and turns everything into a misty forest.

The academy disappeared, the rest shrouded in trees and thick white fog. There is still Clare, who is doing soul-splitting to the spiritual explosion. The old witch was also affected and fell to the ground. Clare's body and soul had separated. Clare's body just fell to the ground as if it was lifeless.

"Nice, hahaha..."

The old witch cheered with joy to see him. He finally had the chance to occupy Clare's soulless empty body. When he pulled Clare's body with his strength, something hit him.

The old witch's body collapsed, and so did Clare. Clare's soul had awakened and directly hit her with a golden light full of corrosive properties.

"If my body can't kill your soul, then my soul can." Clare was in the air with her hands had a golden glow.

The old witch snorted. "You can't kill me."

"You said I couldn't use my powers properly. Thanks for the teaching." Clare smiled. She aimed her hand and suffocated the old witch from afar.

The old witch suffocated and no longer touched the ground. She repeatedly tried to attack Clare, but Clare managed to dodge it. The old witch pulled into Clare's grasp with blazing golden radiance. Her neck pressed harder, and Clare used her left hand to crush the old witch's soul into a mist.

The old witch screamed wildly as her body transformed until it finally crumbled. It takes a lot of strength to kill this one witch. Clare uses a lot of power until she weakens and returns to her original body.

Clare was panting. She was unconscious for some time in the misty forest alone.

Whether by luck or what, none of the monsters found it. Clare woke up from her stupor and saw a white mist obscuring her view. Her head hurt, then she felt something from her hand.

Clare looked at her right hand, had a flash of white light, and brought up a music box that last disappeared on her birthday. The music box was still circling along with the music, absorbing the mist blocking the forest. The fog gradually faded into the music box. Clare felt her body recover then the music box disappeared into her body again.

Clare looked around. She was still in the forest with the scary dry trees. Moments later, some orc was found by her. Several orcs saw her and immediately shouted. Inevitably Clare had to run so the orc wouldn't hurt her anymore.

Several orcs saw Clare and immediately chased after her. Not two orcs but more than before. It seemed that the mist had kept the orc from finding Clare all this time. Clare had cleared the fog. It is to seek death.

Clare continued to run fast without looking back. She didn't see the road and focused on her faraway escape. Her strength still hasn't recovered. She can only run like this and find a safe place as soon as possible.

Not seeing the road, Clare's feet tripped over a raised tree root. Clare fell and knelt under something. More precisely, the figure of big and black legs. He looked up and saw a hideous lizard face above the music.
