
Immortal Supreme Roamimg Multiverse

Allen was a reincarnared first into cultivation world but without any golden finger. Fighting against all cost he reached the peak, only then did he obtain his golder finger, ability to travel to different anime worlds. Follow Allen journey to finally enjoy witjout any threats in different anime, manga and many other worlds.

Nobody2NoBody · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Meeting Konan

Keeping all these things in the back of my mind I started searching for Konan. Since I know Yahiko met Konan in Amagakure I spread out my spiritual senses to find a girl with blue hair.

My senses instantly covered all of Amagakure and I got information about a girl with blue hair just sitting near an alley and beggining for food. The girl was thin and it seemed as if she hadn't eaten for days.

It was normal for ordinary people to die in that state but she seems to have some energy in her known as chakra. Though the amount was meager it still kept her alive.

Seeing this scene made my heart hurt a little and sadness slowly well up inside me. It is a feeling I have lost thousands of years ago since I was betrayed by my friends.

It seems after coming to Naruto world I am more of 21 year old college student than thousand year old cultivator. This is probably because of relaxation I feel for first time in thousand years.

I took a step and travel through space to appear near Konan. Even though she was covered by dirt and was barely alive I still felt new feelings emerging from my heart.

I went near her and she looked at me. I don't know what she was thinking but she suddenly stretched out her hand. She was probably asking for food but I had none in me.

As a cultivator I need no food to survive. I have enormous amount of soul energy in reserve and I am also absorbing natural energy of naruto world which can be slowly converted into soul energy though it was too little if compared to my own energy.

I also stretch out my hand and supplied my soul energy and guided it into Konan's body providing it with nourishment. Since I slowly controlled flow of energy to travel all over her body her body visibly changed from paleness to brightness.

She seemed more alive now. She looked shocked and she stared at me.

Slowly releasing my hand, I said,"Come with me and you will never have to worry about food."

She looked at me for a moment and slowly nodded her head. Seeing this I smiled and helped her up. I started walking and she followed me.

Konan POV

As always I was sitting near the alley begging for food. I was starving for days. A month ago I was living a simple life with my father a d mother. Life wasn't good but we at least didn't have to starve but a month ago war suddenly broke out and Amagakure became a battlefield.

Our house was destroyed and while running my parents were killed by ninja. I couldn't even see the faces of my parent's killer as I trued my best to run away. My parent last word for me to was "Live".

I did my best to survive walking from street to street begging for food. But everyone other people were also similar. Many were killed and many became beggars. Only a small portion of people had food and were in good condition.

All such people were related to ninja in village. As an ordinary civilian family I lost everything in this second shinobi war. As I lost all hope on living and was on a verge of dying, a kid appeared in front of me.

He was about 5ft tall and had black hair and eyes. He has a good looking face and constract to surrounding he seemed healthy and there was no signs that war was affecting him. It was a rare to see such person in this war devastated village.

I stretched out my hand unconsciously and seeing my hand he also stretched out his hand touching mine. Suddenly a warm feeling came and my hunger slowly subsided. My body was also getting stronger and I feel strong now. This is the best feeling I have felt since I was born.

I was shocked and looked at the mysterious boy in front of me and he invited me to follow him and I agreed. I stood up and walked following behind him.