
Immortal Supreme Roamimg Multiverse

Allen was a reincarnared first into cultivation world but without any golden finger. Fighting against all cost he reached the peak, only then did he obtain his golder finger, ability to travel to different anime worlds. Follow Allen journey to finally enjoy witjout any threats in different anime, manga and many other worlds.

Nobody2NoBody · Fantasía
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3 Chs

First World

The only reason I was able able to reach the realm of Immortal Supreme, the strongest is because I am a soul cultivator. I realized this in the middle of my cultivation journey and due to unique characteristics of being soul cultivator I was able to survive.

The biggest advantage of being soul cultivator is as long as your soul remains you will never die but every cultivator can do it. But what set apart souk cultivator is that all their power originate from their soul and even tiniest remaining soul can withstand whole power of cultivator. That is, creating flesh for soul is just a simple matter for soul cultivator and a soul cultivator can possess anyone and devour their soul to increase their own soul power.

Due to this I was able to survive in any situation and the devouring soul not only not leave any side effect but all the useful knowledge from devoured soul can be extracted and used. Of couse unwanted and harmful remains of soul would be destroyed.

Also it was hard to kill soul cultivator because they can split their soul in many parts and hide among ordinary people. You can't kill them unless you destroy all their soul.

That's how I reach the top of the cultivation world but now I am leaving and I have no regrets. From today onwards, I will travel through multiverse and live my life as I want and the first world I am going to is Naruto world.

Travelling through the door, my soul travelled to Naruto world. The first thing I saw is battle between ninja. Since I am only in my soul form these ninja could neither sense me nor see me.

The ninja battling belongs to Hidden Leaf and Hidden Earth village. Since there were a lot of dead bodies on the battelfield, there were still some lingering soul. I quickly devoured the soul and obtain the information about current Naruto world.

It seems this is Second Ninja War and it had begun just a month ago.But still ninja were dying everyday.

Thinking of Second Ninja War, the only thing is know is about battle between Hanzo of Hidden Rain and Three Sanin, Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade.

But these ninja didn't knew of this battle. So the battle mustn't have occured yet.

And it seems I am in the Land of Hidden Rain Village. It seems the Hidden Rain Village has become the battlefield for Second Ninja War.

I wanted to travel to the timeline admfter Third Ninja World war but it seems it is quite diffocult to travel to specified time through the door. I need more training in travelling through door so I can go to the timeline of my choice.

Anyway since I am here I better go and watch the legendary fight that established the fame of Sannin.

I quickly created a body for my soul using soul energy. As soul energy is the purest form of energy it is easy to create a fitting body.

I wanted to create an adult body but I suddenly remerbered an interesting thing. In this war, Jiraiya will teach three orphan kids about ninjutsu. And among them is Konan along with Yahiko and Nagato.

Got to say, Konan is my favourite female character in Naruto. It was painful for me to watch her die in the Anime but since I am in this timeline I must see her. And the peace mission of Akatsuki is also very admirable. It's a pity they went astray after Yahiko death.

At first I wanted to come to Naruto world because it was the anime I enjoyed the most in my first life. But now I am here with enough strength I can prevent all those meaningless death and war.

So I changed my appearance to a 5 year kid. I am 5 ft tall and have black eyes and hair. And I also control my enormous power to make other see me as ordinary civilian.

Since I am in this world I will live freely. I have only want two things in this world. First is peace of this world and second is to learn the power of this world which is quite easy as chakra is just a down cast version of soul energy.

As I travelled through the Hidden Rain village I saw the misfortune of civilian and ninja. A world of war. It is just like a primitive world. The two powerhouses, Madara and Hashirama wanted peace and they could have created a peaceful world too if only Black Zetsu wasn't there.

If you want to turn Shinobi world into a peaceful world the only way is to fulfill everyone wish.

If you look objectively, it wasn't to create a peaceful world if there was a man more powerful than Kaguya. Her wish was to turn world into army of white zetsu to resist Otsutsuki clan. The whole shinobi world was in chaos was because there weren't powerhouse to resist Otsutsuki clan neither was there anyone capable enough to kill Kaguya.

Maybe that is the reason why Sage of Six Path just watched as world was in chaos. Well I will meet him sooner or later anyway.

The whole Hidden Rain Village was in chaos and homeless children were just walking by asking for food. There was shortage of food in whole village that no one could spare for unknown kids in streets.

Many civillians were dying and it was a sad to see. Even if I have killed millions to raise my strength it was only because survival was possible only by killing and becoming stronger.

It was same here but also little different. If I was a native of this world then here also killing and plundering is the only way to keep yourself and your village alive.

But as someone who have seen peaceful modern world and brutal cultivation world I have say with confidence that peace is better.

This second ninja war is caused by economic disparity between village and villages other than Konoha couldn't sustain the villagers. So the battle broke out for resources.

It is because all ninja village sees the prosperous Land of Fire that they want it but no one thought of developing their own land to rival Land of Fire. The only thing ninja know is killing and plunder.

Carrying the tradition of 1000 years of killing and plundering they have become narrow minded and the most they can think to make their village prosper is by taking Land of Fire.

If I want peace in this world there is lot to do.