
Immortal in Apocalpyse

[Forget the summary and read the real deal. Summary... is kinda not interesting, but please try the real deal.] In the apocalyptic world, where zombie, beast, monsters, etc roam, some people opened the ruins. From the ruins, a person woke. His aura was fierce and sharp, nobody could look at his eyes. He was an immortal. With his power, he could have finished the apocalypse, restored the world to normal. But he didn't do that. In the middle of the zombie, beast and monster, he created a house to live. A place where zombie are servant, monster are mount and beast are food, he decided to live a peaceful life. But the creator of the apocalypse didn't liked that and tried to create trouble for him. But- Can the immortal live a peaceful life, will he help the human or will everything come to an end? ********* Cover not mine. The thing appearing here are of pure fantasy. It didn't resemble real world and if it did resemble it would be pure coincidence. Rookie author, so, my grammar may not be that good and the story may have flaws. But, I hope I will get your support.

DaoistvR0T1f · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Wasteland of Hell

Part 3 - Wasteland of Hell

The corpse of the beast lay on the ground which was being eaten by a group of wolves that were twice the size of a normal wolf.

The land was all barren and not a single greeny could be found.

Beast roamed this place and monsters ruled here. Zombie passed her frequently and the place was nothing but hell.

Strong survive here and the weak become the prey. If you are weak, you will be eaten, this is the rule of this place.

Not the horde of beasts, monsters, and zombie makes this place fearful, but the creature who lived in the center of this wasteland was the real deal.

A huge dragon lay here which ruled this place. Its hard shell looked impenetrable. The enormous body covered 5 km, and its two big horns were 10ft tall. The long tails had spikes on them and its wing were huge and hard.

The dragon looked terrifying. Fortunately, its eyes were closed. That's why the living being there did what they want. When the dragon woke up, they would be like slaves.

In this land which was labeled as hell, Wukong looked at it with satisfied eyes. With a swipe of his hand, the land trembled.

The terrain changed drastically. Grass grew out of nowhere and spread up to a 10 km area. Tress tall as 10 story building grew in seconds and covering 1 km area, a pond appeared.

In front of the pond and two trees behind which bore varieties of fruits in single trees, a wooden house was erected.

It was small and all basic furniture such as a table, chairs, bed, and finally a fireplace appeared from the void.

In this violent land, a peaceful house was built in seconds. Birds that couldn't be found anywhere started living in trees and chipped happily.

Small animals such as squirrels, and dears, played in the grass and drank pond water. A peaceful world was created in the middle of hell.

"Now that my basic stuff is all arranged, let's live like this for thousand years."

Wukong announced with a satisfied expression on his face. He took out his robe and flashed his bare chest. His chest was muscular and he had six packs.

He sat on the bed in a mediating position and started transferring information about the world from the air to his brain.

From the moment he was sealed to the present, he sucked all the information from the air. Since air never dies, and it lives for eternity, it stores everything inside it.

While technology couldn't find it and people may find it very weird, the wind is an undying element, and one could absorb information from it.

But they need to be superior to the air and could make air bow to them. And they need special techniques, not everyone could get information from the air.


After a whole month, Wukong opened his open.

"So much information. It seems 2 billion years have passed since I was sealed inside the coffin. The world has changed several times, not we are on a planet called earth whose history isn't that long. It is only 4.5 billion years.

The celestial world has disappeared from this world and seems to be hidden in another dimension. Interesting...Well, who cares, I will spend my life leisurely for now."

Wukong summarized the information in his mind and clicked his finger.

Stoves, cars, bikes, cycles, and much more modern technologies appeared outside the house. He also wanted mobile and tv, but since there is no internet, he decided not to create them.

There seem to be an advanced internet called air net that is used at present. Many modern computers and mobile work with that net.

"I suddenly rave to visit this world's humans. Their technologies are kind of peculiar." He smiled as he had never expected something like tv and mobile.

While he was smiling inside his house, someone was banging something outside the grassy field.

A barrier that was invisible to naked eyes had covered the grassland. The dragon who was sleeping soundly hit the barrier with its tail and spat fire on it.

He even shot fire laser and even used a hundred times weight strike at the barrier. But not a single crack formed on it.

Except, the land behind the barrier crumbled and a huge crater formed.

The dragon panted heavily.

Getting annoyed by the banging sound, Wukong frowned.

"Who the hell is disturbing me?!"

He shouted and exited the house.

The peaceful land was the same as last month.

Squirrels played on the grass, dears gaze at the grass, some cats and dogs played on the field and snakes crawled around.

The trees danced as the warm wind blew. Apples and bananas grew on the tree while coconut and mangoes fell down.

Wukong arrived near the barrier and looked at the massive monster.

"Human" The dragon opened its mouth. Its voice was cold and its tone was arrogant.

"You insect." Wukong glared at the dragon.

His aura emitted.

"W-What?! How can a human can emit such immense pressure!" The dragon roared as its legs dug on the land.

It knelt and its head fell near Wukong.

"Now that's where an insect should be."

"Y-You!" The dragon had never been insulted in its whole life. Not to mention, it has never knelt before anyone.

But the human pressure was enough to put it in such a stage.

The dragon couldn't help but tremble.

Wukong looked at the dragon. Seeing it has some arrogance on its face, he flicked his finger on the dragon's head.

As the finger hit the head, a huge force was created.

The dragon was pushed backward and a crack appeared on its scale.

The casual flick gave such damage, that the dragon grunted.

It couldn't help but bowed its head and asked for forgiveness. But not a single word came from its mouth.

"Now, you will be my slave. Consider it as your honor." He turned his head and moved his hand.

A small dark light hovered in the air before entering inside the dragon. A mark formed on its forehead and a bright light illuminate the daylight.

As the light flashed, all the wolves howled, all the monsters roared and the zombies got attracted to it.

As the light stopped flashing, The dragon turned into a cute girl with a small horn on its head and beautiful wings on its back.


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