
Immortal in Apocalpyse

[Forget the summary and read the real deal. Summary... is kinda not interesting, but please try the real deal.] In the apocalyptic world, where zombie, beast, monsters, etc roam, some people opened the ruins. From the ruins, a person woke. His aura was fierce and sharp, nobody could look at his eyes. He was an immortal. With his power, he could have finished the apocalypse, restored the world to normal. But he didn't do that. In the middle of the zombie, beast and monster, he created a house to live. A place where zombie are servant, monster are mount and beast are food, he decided to live a peaceful life. But the creator of the apocalypse didn't liked that and tried to create trouble for him. But- Can the immortal live a peaceful life, will he help the human or will everything come to an end? ********* Cover not mine. The thing appearing here are of pure fantasy. It didn't resemble real world and if it did resemble it would be pure coincidence. Rookie author, so, my grammar may not be that good and the story may have flaws. But, I hope I will get your support.

DaoistvR0T1f · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Immortal in Apocalypse (2)

Part 2 - Immortal in Apocalypse

At the floating island that hovered in the sky in the middle of the ocean. The island appeared just recently and hasn't been a week since it was discovered.

Inside there, two guys panting heavily opened the lid that opened the golden coffin which was filled with engravings. The engraving was dense as the whole coffin was filled with it.

Not to mention, it has many mysterious ropes binding it. It looked like the coffin hid something precious, that the person who hid it didn't want anyone to find it.

As the two young men opened the coffin, they found a young man who looked like he was in his eighteen in a deep slumber.

His face was beyond explainable. He looked handsome, so handsome that no one could describe his appearance.

His eyes were closed tight and he was wearing a black robe. His body was slim and didn't look far beyond normal. But, he was still in fresh condition. He didn't look like a person who was dead, nor did he look like a corpse that was buried centuries ago.

Seeing the body of the man, the two men couldn't help but blink and fell into deep thought. They didn't know what to do with the body and felt like they had wasted their time.

As they were staring at the corpse, the eye of the dead man suddenly opened. Seeing the corpse open its eyes, the two young jolted back.

They hit the wall and sat down with widened eyes.

The boy stood and properly opened his eyes. As his eyes were opened, the sky trembled and thunder roared. Lighting struck the mountain and all the beasts, and monsters ran in chaos.

The whole world trembled as the man woke up.

"B-Brother, G-G-Ghh...Ghost!"

The man trembled in fear.

"Y-Y-Yes, brother."

The two brothers hugged each other and shudder as the boy's eyes fell on them.

"Are you two the ones, who opened this coffin and freed me from the seal?"

The boy asked. His voice was soft and sounded like a melody. It was filled with unknown energy that soothed the heart of the two brothers and their fear dimmed down.


"Hmm...You two don't look special. So, it means the seal must have weakened and the runes must have lost their power..." The boy murmured. Suddenly, he raised his head and felt something.

"Oh, so the world has lost its spiritual property. There isn't a single drop of spiritual energy. That's why the runes lost their meaning since they didn't have the power to work, and the seal couldn't handle the load alone."

The boy talked to himself and nodded down satisfied with his own thoughts.

After that, he stood and stretched his body. The cracking of bones echoed in the room, as the boy moved his body. It looked like all the bones were stiffed.

Despite being in the coffin, he didn't have a single speck of dust on his body. His clothes looked new. The dust floating in the room didn't dare to land on his body and they all were moved the moment they came closer to his body.

"Since you two freed me, I won't kill you, despite being sore in my eyes. I will leave you some power since the world looks a whole different." He clicked his fingers, and a ball of light hovered in the air.

The ball of light cut into two parts and entered inside the body of the young man.

"Since, my work here is done. Let me go and kill that bastard before he escapes."

Mumbling that, he jumped from the floating island leaving the dumbfounded youths whose bodies changed rapidly. The change appeared rapidly as it could be seen with naked eyes.


"I, Wukong will surely take my revenge." The boy who referred to himself as Wukong flew into the air at an incredible speed that surpassed the modern rockets.

His speed even surpassed the speed of light and he appeared to his destination, thousands of miles further in some seconds.

"There you are!"

Wukong roared.

"P-Please forgive me! Let me live!"

Kane who was possessed by a middle-aged man's spirit bowed looking at the figure hovering in the sky with fear in his eyes. His body trembled from his sight and he couldn't raise his head.

"Hmph!" Wukong snorted and raised his hand.

His hand glowed dark and red, and three circles floated in the sky. The circle had many holes on it which were filled with dark balls.

Every dark ball had glowing words that were engraved on it.

The circle bound Kane. As the three circles bound him, red light with dark light surrounding it emitted from the ground which soon turned into a thick laser that was shot in the sky.

The dark-red laser burnt the Kane body to ashes. The ashes also disappeared. After exterminating everything including bacteria, viruses, air, everything, the laser calmed down and disappeared.

"My purpose has been served. Now I could rest in peace." Wukong lowered his head. His emotionless face and dark blue eyes glowed.

After floating for some minutes, he zoomed into the sky, to a place that was unknown to him. To a place where no humans lived. To a place, which was called hell by the humans. To the place, where nothing but violence took place.


Short chapter, but this will be the average length of the chapters.

1000 is average, I will try not to write less than this. I Hope, I would get the support of all readers.

Well, rookie am I and trying to improve day by day.

Let's hope, I would improve and get support!