
Chapter 6 It’s bad! Master's "illness" Attacked Again!

"Oh? Taurus had done such a thing?"

"Yes, because humans have changed the river courses and sealed the original river movements, a large area of our demon race is facing the problem of drought. After hearing this, our lord rushed into the human territory alone and smashed the dam used to seal the river courses with only one punch. It really scared everyone!"

In the past few days on their way back to the demon city, the official A called Haz had been describing the glorious deeds that the lord Taurus had done to Hacker. He seemed to be responsible for the internal affairs of the demon race, and the recording of the words and deeds of the lord.

"You're right! At that time, I specially organized an army to support the lord, but our lord had already come back with the head of the human king who had given the order to seal the river. Being chased by an entire human army, he shouted at us from afar, 'all of you, calm down! Don't be afraid!' It's the first time in my life that I have experienced such a pleasant battle!"

Official B, whose real name was Bassey, also said. As the army commander, he thought highly of the current lord, and when he mentioned the glorious deeds of the lord, his eyes lit up.

"Although our lord is extremely valiant in the battlefield, he is really a blunderer in life. His sleeping appearance is a disaster at all. He not only grinds his teeth, kicks the quilt, talks in sleep, but also occasionally has a problem of sleepwalking. I still remember that he once held the vase in front of the door of his bedroom and kissed for a whole night. On the second day, the soldier on guard even found a hole with a diameter of about 7cm on the side of the vase…"

The official C Levy couldn't help but join the topic, but as his adviser, he had revealed more skeletons from the lord's past in those days.

The three of them scrambled to tell Hacker about the lord in their eyes. On the way, they seldom stopped, so although Hacker could not get in a few words, he was listening happily.

"It's so good that Taurus can make friends with you guys. That child used to be depressed. I was worried that he would feel lonely after my leaving him for so long."

The three officials were infatuated with his sunny smile. He looked like an ordinary human, but why was he behaving so charmingly! Was this the real power of father's love?

Wait! That's not right! As Master Hacker was such a good man and he really cared about the lord, there's no point in becoming so nervous as soon as the lord knew that he was coming.

"Master Hacker, may I ask you a question?"

"What? What's the problem?"

The three officials nodded to each other, and finally Levy, who was smartest, asked.

"Master Hacker, what are you here for?"

After staying with each other for the past few days, the three officials did get along well with Hacker, but even so, it would still be impolite to directly ask him about the father-son relationship. It would be better to beat around the bush and start from the purpose for coming here. Perhaps from that they could infer part of the reason why the lord left the army and ran away alone.

"It's not a big deal, but I haven't been out for a long time, so I want to see how Taurus is now and ask him for a favor."

"Favor? What kind of favor?" Three echoes were heard.

This was a good chance to flatter him! To help the lord's father solve the difficulty was equivalent to making a great achievement in front of the lord! At that time, not only would the withdrawal of the army be forgiven, but they would also receive compliments from the lord!

"In fact, I've been worrying about blind dates recently. It's difficult for me to find a suitable girl by myself, so…"

"I see! We are familiar with this business! Master Hacker, if you trust us, you can leave it to us! We promise we can help you find a satisfying partner!"

Hearing that it was a business he was familiar with, the serious man Haz was overjoyed on the spot. Even the two colleagues beside him couldn't help snickering. Wasn't this a chance so easily gotten!

Wait! For the three of them, this task was indeed not challenging, but they felt that something was wrong. They sorted it out a little bit --- Master Hacker was the father of the lord, and then Master Hacker needed a blind date now, which meant that Master Hacker was going to find a mother for the lord…

Well, there were a lot of possibilities behind this, and the problems involved were likely to affect the entire demon race. After all, the matter of the lord was the business of the whole demon race!

So, they had to take it seriously!

The first possibility was that the lord's mother had died. And now Master Hacker wanted to find a stepmother for the lord, so he wanted the lord to make a choice personally!

The second one was that the lord's mother was still alive, but the two of them had been separated. But Master Hacker, considering the old relationship, wanted to tell the lord and then his mother about the blind date in this way, so as to arouse the lord's mother's jealousy and dissatisfaction, in order to create an opportunity to retrieve this relationship!

The third one... Master Hacker was driven out of his house because of the quarrel with the lord's mother. Since he had no place to live, he had turned to the lord. By the way, he also thought of using this extreme way to release the resentment of himself towards the lord's mother. Fuck! Who had come up with this plot! Isn't it degrading the dignity of Master Hacker?

In a word, the one who was so charming and cared so much about the lord was definitely not that kind of scumbag!

"Oh? Are you willing to help me find someone? Thank you so much! But it's a pity that I don't have anything to thank you…"

Hacker, who had been fumbling for a while, climbed down from the back of Lina and was about to find some gifts from himself as a reward for the three demon officials. Suddenly, a light rose from the ground and a magic circle rolled everyone in, including Hacker and the three demon officers. In a twinkling, the four of them disappeared from where they stood.

"Oh! What's going on? Where are the generals?"

By the time the remaining demon soldiers fell into chaos, the four of them had already disappeared. Lina, the "Calamity Silver Lion", sighed helplessly and dialed a private "phone" with Taurus.

"Well? Yes? Sister Lina? You and master have arrived near the demon city?"

No, there's a small accident. Our master's physique which makes him easy to be involved in the matter has worked again, and your three officials are also involved. So... I'll send you a magic location to retrieve the army you left. Then we can go together to find our master."
