
Fortune About Love

Zhihao and Xinran froze on the spot, shivering down to their spines, sensing the eerie aura emanating from the old woman. Zhenwei was unfazed, his demeanor still relaxed yet stern, and opened his voice, "Excuse us, but this man needs your treatment."

There was no reaction and she maintained her stoic, serious behavior. Her eyes did not even blink when she stared at them. "He had a backache, slammed against the wall. We thought you could do something for him."

The sound of the tube-shaped bell rang out and echoed through the serene atmosphere among the bamboo around the cottage. The woman, for the first time, averted her sight and turned around. "Come inside."

Before stepping inside, Zhenwei whispered, "You two better watch your mouth and do whatever she said. I'll watch outside."