
Immeasurable: The Last Son Of Viltrum

The life of a young viltrumite is perilous enough on its own. But being the last son of Viltrum one of the most bloodthirsty and hated empires. Follow the young viltrumite as he experiences the trials and tribulations of being an up coming hero, and dealing with the weight and expectations of being the protege of Superman. - you know what they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Blacklionpride · Cómic
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Battle for Viltrum

Book 1: Beginnings

Chapter 1: Battle for Viltrum

Viltrume 50.2LY from Earth

August 1st, 1999

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, before the Viltrumites set off to conquer the stars, a growing portion of their society reached the conclusion that their god-like physical power and near-immortality gave them not only the right but the duty to govern over the lesser beings that surrounded them.

When their opponents rebuked their ideals, those Viltrumites that valued strength embarked on a horrific task. They expunged all Viltrumites that they perceived to be weak or unfit in a planet-wide civil war. Years later, the population was decimated. The once beautiful planet of Viltrum stood in ruins after the events of the war that would eventually be remembered as "The Purging".

The survivors adopted a brutal doctrine of eugenics. They created several selective breeding programs in order to ensure that only the strongest of their kind would survive and continue to prosper on Viltrum. From the ruins of "The Purging" rose a new race; a race of brutal conquerors made up of the strongest and most cunning survivors of the great war.

The Viltrumite Empire was born.

With their affairs at home in order, the Viltrumites turned their attention to their neighbors on the planets that surrounded their own. Led by the strongest of their number, Argall, the Viltrumites created the organization responsible for the galactic expansion of the Empire.

If you were to say to the average Viltrumite that within the next few years your empire would be brought down to a fraction of its former glorious empire. And the denizens of said empire would rebel against their rule and help the Guardians of the universe with the mass extinction of their race. And eventually they would be beaten back to their home world of Viltrum.

They would probably tear off your limbs and beat you with it. So, on Viltrume with its world wrought with death and destruction. And the formerly lush, beautiful world with an abundance of verdant rain forests and surreal glass deserts.

A place that was formerly smelling of fresh lilacs with air that was so rich it rivaled the sweetest smelling nectars. Is now a world filled to the brim with the mass destruction of its cities and the air tainted with black tar like smoke. With the crimson life of friend and enemies and the awful stench of rotting corpses, turning the once crystal blue oceans and lakes murky red.

"HOLD THE LINE! until lord Thragg arrives", was roared by General Kregg over the sound of explosions and war cries. As he flew back to the Viltrumite strong hold. General Kregg was a man of great stature standing at an impressive height of six foot four, wearing the Viltrume standard garb.

General Kregg is a typical member of the Viltrumite race. Outwardly he appears to be a Human Caucasian male in every way. He is a tall rugged looking man, with jet black hair and a thick mustachio that sits prominently above his lip.

His entire body is covered with muscle, most prominently on his upper torso, which is built like one of the world's best body builders. Kregg's hair is usually kept close cropped and has a widow's peak is now matted with blood and sweat with the former being mostly the enemies. As a result of the period of vulnerability that he experienced while fighting, Kregg lost his right eye.

"What's Lords Thragg's ETA soldier?" Was spoken by Kregg to an average looking Viltrumite soldier. As they were heading to the war room inside one of their last military strongholds. "We have no clue sir there's no response from the other outpost," spoke the soldier scrambling to keep up, as the other bustling Viltrumites parted around the angry general like the red sea.

"Well, I want a response immediately there's no time we have to get in contact with lord Thragg." Kregg roared out.

"This is a matter of life or death for all viltrumite's" Kregg growled

'Dammit those filthy Lantern's will pay, hopefully lord Thragg can get he —' was all he could think before fire and ash filled his vision.

From the moment he was born, Thragg was subjected to a grueling training regime. Its sole purpose was to maximize his raw physical power and to create the most capable and dangerous tactical mind amongst their kind. Thragg is an exceptionally large and muscular man that resembles an earthling caucasian male. His upper torso is almost distorted by its thickness and girth. His broad shoulders and long arms are covered with multiple layers of muscle, and he stands at an impressive six foot ten and stands at least a full head above the average Viltrumite male.

He has dark close-cropped jet-black hair and a thick black moustache. His normal garb is almost identical to that of the average Viltrumite soldier. It is a form fitting body stocking, with a circular symbol broken up by 3 vertical lines in the center of the chest. His lower body is completely covered by a simple grey skirt, and he wears sturdy grey boots.

The main difference in his garb is that while the average Viltrumite soldier's uniform is made up of grey and white colors, the white portions of Thragg's have been replaced with a bright crimson.

When not expecting battle, Thragg also drapes a thick fur lined cloak of unknown origin over his shoulders. The cloak itself is a red color and hangs all the way down to his ankles in a cape like fashion.

Furthermore, it was the most successful, when others perish and their will broke, he stood not just as the strongest viltrumite child but one of if not the strongest Viltrumite.

At its completion, Thragg possessed a level of strength and ruthlessness that outstripped every other Viltrumite in existence.

Presumably, upon reaching maturity, Thragg served as a member of the Viltrumite World Conquering Committee and was a loyal member of the Viltrumite Empire. He was exceptionally loyal to the Viltrumite Grand Regent Lord Argall and served him loyally up until the moment of his murder.

Argall's murder caused chaos in the Viltrumite Empire, and it was during this time of trouble that the Scourge Virus was released upon Viltrum. In less than a year, 99.9% of the Viltrumite race fell to the deadly virus. It was from the ashes of this debilitating attack that Thragg seized control and under his leadership the crippled empire endured.

But now he has something else to fight for, his son, his heir to the Viltrume empire, Lucan.

His son was born to his queen, his wife the strongest female viltrumite he ever laid eyes on Thula sister to one of his best soldiers and now fallen brethren, Lucan. Thula was tall even by viltrumite height standing and at an impressive 6 foot 7, with beautiful dark skin like the purest of chocolate, and eyes that matched the purest of gold, and a large afro on her head that she put into one long braid with a knife at the end, before battle.

Sadly, his wife passed during birth due to complications and a new strain of the scourge virus.

Thragg could feel it in in his soul that his world was being ravage and his people being on the brink of extinction. But he and his fellow viltrumite's would keep fighting, declaring war on any and everything, that dears to stand against him and the Viltrum empire.

The viltrumite's knew that they were being overrun and so did the enemy, and now as Thragg places his son in the small space pod that holds all viltrums knowledge and legacy.

Even with the ceiling crumbling and dust particles falls all around them with the world rumbling and shaking from the seismic attacks being levied on Viltrum.

"My son, you carry me and all of Viltrum inside you, all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. I'm sending you to earth, with the belief that you will be able to properly blend in with the earthlings. That is my will, and these are my last words go on my son and spread glory to The Viltrum empire!" with theses last words Thragg ended the recording and set the pod on a course to earth. As he gathered his strength Thragg broke on to the battlefield with a roar that shook the heavens.


Alright guys thank you for tuning in to my first chapter of immeseurable last son of krypton remeber if you like it to read and review it and also i have a P@treon.com/Blacklionpride where im four weeks ahead. just remove the @ and turn it to an a