
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Cómic
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142 Chs

Chapter 54: Decision

Chapter 54: Decision

Author: Geraint

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(3rd Person's POV)

Three years later, at the start of his middle school life, Ichika was shock again when he was sitting again at the back near the window. He can't believe that he always ended sitting on a protagonist seat and then glancing to his side which is Toru sitting again right next to him. She was smiling happily while staring at his paled face.

"Toru, Am I really curse or something?"

"Ichika-kun, the same thing should be said to me."

"It's really terrifying! Four years of our school life, we always ends in this sitting arrangement!"

"Well, I don't really care as long as we are in the same class again."

Ichika's cheek twitched hearing that from her.

Growth is noticable from Toru's invisible body which can be seen from her worn uniform. From the chest to the bust, her body figure became more shapely and curvaceous.

From Ichika's side, he became more taller and his appearance is getting closer to his adult form which is handsome and charming.

As both of them grew together, Toru noticed something in her class. Most of them came from the elementary school as them. When Toru look around, checking each of their classmates, she saw the majority of the girls are gazing at Ichika. They are all captivated by his charm.

Toru remembered that they used to hate and despise him because of his behavior when they are still elementary school. But now they all grew up, their behavior made a sudden flip when they are middle school.

This might because they saw him in their graduation getting a lot of awards and achievements. His teachers acknowledge him including the one who doesn't get along with him. He is also carried his team in basketball to the finals and win a championship, crowning him the MVP of the game. He graduated the elementary school with several gold medals hanging in his neck and trophies standing next to him. The school became famous because of him.

Now, their classmates who witnesses this, they have started to like him. Some of them came from the far places and attended their school just to meet him. Ichika just became the most popular guy which gave Toru a bad feeling.

"Toru, is something wrong?"

Ichika asked her while lazing on his table and yawned from sleepiness.

Toru just smiled at him while looking out for her female classmates.


As Ichika sighs, he spoke and complained.

"You know, Toru? When I opened my shoe locker this morning, it was filled with letters that it bursted out of my locker. It was a pain in ass that I had to clean up the mess."

"Hehehe... Haven't you notice? You've actually became famous after graduation. Especially to the girls at our school. Most of them even followed you here."

"Ugh... It's happening again!"

Ichika felt really tired, remembering again the same situation when he was still in his home city of Musutafu.

"Are you saying that the same thing happens to you before?"

Toru was surprised.

"Yeah, when I'm still studying back home in Musutafu. Back then, my shoe locker was filled with nothing but challenge and love letters from the upperclassmen. It's troublesome to clean up the mess. But unlike that time, I have a friend who's popular than me but now..."

Ichika became depressed while explaining to her.

"Ichika-kun... Do you know a lot of guys envious of your situation? They'll get furious of you if you spoke like that."

"Who cares about them? Also, lately Toru, you haven't touching my right hand to show your real appearance to your friends."

"Eh? That's!"

Toru became flustered.

"See? Ever since you became the most popular girl in our last school, you rarely touch my right hand now."

Ichika moved close to her while staring at her invisible face.

Toru can't tell him the reason and became embarrassed as she hits him in the chin with a destructive left hook and uppercut hybrid punch.


Ichika falls down from his chair.

"Waaahhh! Ichika-kun!"

Toru panicked and immediately check on him but Ichika immediately stood up and grabbed her fist with both of his hand.


Her invisibility got nullified revealing her appearance to the class.

Ichika's eyes are twinkling with inspiration because of Toru.

"You really have a talent for boxing! Toru, let's aim for the world! I'll promise as a coach to make you a champion, the best female boxer in the world!"

Toru's face became red,

"Mooo! Ichika-kun! Please stop teasing me!"


When the door slid and opened, everyone returned back to their seat noticing their teacher has arrived.

After that, Ichika was voted as the class representative while Toru was the vice-class representative.


Walking home together after their first day of the class in middle school, Ichika was accompanying Toru to her apartment building.

"Ichika-kun, do you know the girl sitting in front me? The one who wore a glasses?"

"Oh, you mean that girl?"

"Yeah, she said her family own Okonomiyaki restaurant. Let's visit her shop next time."

"Sure, but I can make something better than that."

"I know but--Huh?"

When the two of them turned into the corner,

*Sniff* *Sniff*

They smelled something burning.

The two of them are busy talking with each other that they didn't notice immediately.

"Over there!"

Toru pointed on a direction and they quickly ran together.

*Fire Siren~*

Hearing the siren of the fire truck, the two of them are completely shock seeing the apartment building where Toru lives being eaten by the flames.

"No way."

Toru can't do anything but stood there and watch her home burns.


She immediately turned to her side when she heard her parents calling for her.

"Mom! Dad!"

She ran and jumped to her parents, hugging each other with the warmth of the family.

"I'm glad you're safe!"

Seeing the damages around the building, Ichika immediately concluded that this is a work of the villains. He look around and found a injured person with a handcuff, being taken in inside the police car. Two Pro Heroes are guarding him.

Ichika really wanted to beat up that villain but he doesn't want any unwanted attention. He doesn't have any choice but comfort Toru and give her a helping hand if needed.

Toru's mother squatted down and held Toru's shoulder,

"Due to this incident, we don't any place to live. We only able to save what we brought out with us and everything else got burned down... Listen to me, Toru. Can you live with your cousins for the time being? There's an important business trip we have to attend."

"Mom! That place has nothing but boys! Aunt always goes out for work and I'll be the only girl there with those bunch of perverted boys! Also, it's far away from school!"

Toru became angry and complained.

"But we can't be picky--"

When they noticed Ichika standing behind Toru, all their eyes went to him. Toru's mother smirked as an idea immediately came to her mind.

"That's right! Toru told me that you live on a luxurious building near here that owned by your father, right?"

Toru realized something and she found out what her mother is trying to do. She tried to stop her mom out of embarrassment.

"Mom! Ichika lives with his dad and I don't want to give him anymore trouble!"

"Yeah, but my dad is currently working as a teacher at UA Highschool in Shizouka. Unfortunately, he currently not home."

When Ichika responded, Toru was pushed forward by her mother.

"That means, you live alone, right? Then can you take care of my daughter for the time being. We still have to look for our next home."

"But I'm a--"

Ichika was hesitating but he was interrupted before he can finish his speech.

"It's fine!"

The mother winked at him.


Toru was shock of her mother.

Her mom's eyes are giving a signal to Ichika that as long as he take responsibility, go for it. Ichika understand her just reading from the atmosphere of the conversation and his cheek twitched.

"Hey! How can--"


Before Toru's father can say something, he received by a powerful liver blow from her wife and he lost consciousness.

He was carried in the shoulders by his wife like nothing.

"Ara, looks like darling is tired."

Ichika now learned where Toru came after.

Toru's mother bowed her head at Ichika and begged,

"Ichika-kun, I will be really relieved if you're the one who take care of Toru. You see, Toru always happily tell us a lot of things about you. From that, I can tell that you are good kid."

Ichika's eyes widened then he smiled,

"Sure, I'll take care of her."

He decided to accept it.

"Thank you, I leave her to you."

The mother bowed her again.

When she checked at her daughter who was froze with flushed face.

"Wake up!"


Toru screamed.

After that, Toru's parents went on a business trip and Ichika took her home.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)