
Imaginarium Crusade: Dominating The World with my Imagining powers

Hey guys this just a story I just thought by lying on the bed go ahead and read the story. and tell me how you like it. After being left alone in the world and met a disastrous fate I was given celestial powers a sage who can solve any problem in the world and he can accessed by only me in this magic less world called a world of science. Sage live in my mind the power were given to me to defeat the Fiends who killed my parents and to restore faith in humanity.

Zimyx · Fantasía
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9 Chs

A New Identity

the black clouds were now clearing up as Anik opened his eyes slowly regaining consciousness he can see the simple wooden ceiling above him.

after few seconds he realized that he was lying on a soft, cushioned bed in a Moderately decorated room.

The sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over the entire space. Confused and disoriented, he sat up and looked around, trying to figure out where he was.

"Wh-Where Am I?'' As he said those words he felt a sharp stinging pain in his head and he started moaning in pain ''Owww! My head! Wait-wait-wai How am I alive?I don't understand how am I alive? As far as I remember, a giant wolf was following me and I jumped from a cliff, but the ditch was very deep, I should've died, but how did I come to this place and how did I survived?''

As soon as Anik was thinking about all this, the door right in front of his bed opened and a woman came out of it.

Her skin was very fair, she had long hair, it seemed that she was a little old, but she was beautiful. A wooden plate was being held in the hands, in it was a big bowl, a towel and some gel like paste. Because the slight smoke was coming out of the bowl, one could understand that there was hot water in it.

Seeing stranger anik was left surprised and worried. The strangers happy face was turned to concerned one seeing the boy in pain.

"Oh my goodness, you're awake!" she exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're alive. We thought you were dead, but your heart was still pumping slowly, so we moved you here. You're not cured yet. You should rest more. Please lay down on your bed."

he obeyed her command and lay down on the bed. He was confused and frightened, and his mind raced with questions. "Who are you? Where am I? And what happened to me?" he asked in a frightened voice.

She did not replied to his questions instead she came in slowly, placed the plate on the table near his bed. She placed her soft hands on anik's shoulder and layed him on the bed and walked few steps on the floor and grabbed the stool placed near the cupboard to near his bed and she sat.

Anik observed her closely, trying to understand who she was and why she was helping him. He could see that she was worried, and her face was filled with concern. He tried to sit up again, but the pain in his head made him lie back down.

The woman slowly removed the thin blanket covered by Anik and slowly lifted his straight right leg and started opening the bandage tied on his leg, the first layer of bandages came out, then after that the wooden sticks came out, then she again started opening the third layer of bandage.

Anik remained completely silent, watching all the movements of the woman carefully, he could not feel his leg and saw that his leg was swollen fully from his knees to his feet and could see a giant vertical cut on his legs the cut was sealed with threads.

The woman took the towel from the plate and soaked it in hot water and started cleansing his legs slowly. she removed the blood marks on his small legs

She always felt disheartened seeing such severe condition of the boy whenever she looked at him. she always looked at him with eyes full of sorrow.