
illusions of life

in the fictional world of Eos, where power is everything, the Loran family holds immense power and influence. Adrian Loran, the youngest child of the family, has lived a sheltered life, unaware of the darkness that lurks beneath the surface. but as he grows and meet different people who challenge his family's lifestyle, actions and legacy, Adrian's perception of the world becomes distorted.

deadinlife · Real
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2 Chs


In the vast ever-expanding empty space, where wonders meets miracles never thought to happen, where something as massive as a galaxy appears as small as as a neutrino for the observers if any. There exists a universe, nothing special of it just like billions of other galaxies surrounding it. Its inhabitants call it Eos.

In the unfathomable depths the Infinitum, Eos is a universe of untold magnificence and mystery unfolds. Born of the cosmic soup of the Big Bang, or as so its inhabitants think, it swells and breathes with the rhythm of creation, a symphony of stars-sprinkled nebulae swirling in an eternal waltz, it glimmers like a celestial painting, a mélange of cosmic brushstrokes and blend into a masterpiece of resplendent hues.

spirals of silvery stars dance across an inky canvas, their light weaving a tapestry of light-years long, Clouds and dust embrace the Steller symphony, igniting bursts of color as newborn stars come into being. Amid this celestial ballet, the Eos universe sparkles with the promise of life, a radiant jewel in the cosmic crown of the Infinitum.

In the vast expanse of the Infinitum, the planetary system of Eos swirls and glimmers like a cosmic treasure trove. Five planets, each with their own secrets and stories, encircle the brilliant heart of their solar system: the fiery sun, known as the Corruscent.

Among the five planets, two of these planets, Morvias and Kadra, hold the treasure of life within their gravitational embrace, each fostering unique ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna.

the first planet, closest to the sun is Thymos, a scorched, volcanic world with little to almost non existent atmosphere and a dense, molten core. its surface is a fiery, inhospitable landscape, with fiery volcanoes which spew molten rock and geysers spew superheated steam into the thin toxic atmosphere. its surface is a labyrinth of jagged rock formations, sulfurous geothermal vents, and immense chasms that plunge deep into the planet's fiery core. the intense heat of the planet makes it impossible for liquid water to exist on this its surface, and the constant volcanic activity releases gases like carbon dioxide, Sulphur, and hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere, rendering it unbreathable to most known lifeforms.

The second closest to the sun is Morvius, a blue, water-rich planet teeming with life, from the vast oceans that cover much of its surface up to eighty percent, what's left for land is covered by verdant rainforests that blanket its landmasses. on this majestic planet humans have taken root and flourished. this water-rich world is home to vast oceans, mighty rivers, and abundant rain forests. The climate is mild and hospitable, allowing for a wide variety of life to flourish on its surface. 

Morvian humans have established sprawling cities and technological advanced civilizations, with an intricate network of trade and communication that connects the different nations and continents 

the third planet from the sun is Kadra, a verdant planet known for its lush jungles, vibrant biodiversity, and mysterious ruins left behind by an ancient, extinct civilization. though this planet was considered too harsh for human survival, still its resources are harvested for human development and industrialization.

the fourth planet from the sun is Avril, this is a mysterious harsh and barren planet covered in rust-colored deserts, its rust-colored deserts stretch as far as ones eyes can see, their dunes sculpted by the fierce winds that howl across the planet's surface. its thin atmosphere composes primarily of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and its temperature extremes would be lethal for most known forms of life, although its far from the sun, its still a wonder why its so dry,

The last planet is called Etheria, a cold, icy world that orbits the outermost regions of the system. its surface is covered in frozen tundra and treacherous mountain ranges, its by far the largest planet of them all, dwarfing other planets which appear as small pebbles to its majestic size, its said that there exists life on this planet but people just push it off as theories, since it is impossible for life to prevail in such a harsh environment but is it though?

my very first chapter i hope you are caught up, if not please tell me where to improve

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