
Illicit Affairs

18 years old Inez Sivan moved from the Shadow World to the human World, living in a new city where everything is foreign to her. According to prophecy, she was the chosen one who would end the vampire King's relentless quest for control over the human realm. As fate would have it, the dhampir girl meets the most popular human in school, and they both felt an unexplainable connection. How will prophecy be fulfilled when the chosen one gets smitten by Chase Parker? What would you do if you found out that your pretty girlfriend is a bloodsucking creature of the night? Would the human realm be redeemed, or the forbidden love between the two would carry an unfathomable tale to tell? A tale so great that the world is shaken by it. Mind you, Inez must defeat her vampire father to save the human realm. This happens to be the only way to stop his unrealistic and power-hungry nature.

Emma_line · Fantasía
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131 Chs

Chapter 46

"Inez and her team came here in search of it and now I guess they were captured by King Cain but there is another way to find out where they were. The only place she would go if she is in danger."

"The Sivan's home?" Noah asked.

"The Sivan's home." Corner replied. 

"Time to ride." Noah said as the three of them hopped on their motorcycle. 

All the houses on the streets were abandoned and even if it's dark, Corner and his family could see through them. They were not just blood suckers for nothing. 

A few minutes later they pull a stop in front of the house. 

Chase and Denise could hear voices from outside and also the sound of motorcycles. 

"Stay inside." Chase whispered to Denise as he went closer to the window. He peeped through and opened the door when he saw Corner.

"It's Corner." He said to Denise and she sighed. 

Corner entered. "They've got Inez and all the demons are retreating. She will be gone when it's 12am."