

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · Fantasía
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30 Chs


I nodded at his warning, ' A little bit of pain won't make my son back out and he always says 'no pain, no gain' during his physical training so, no need to worry about it.' Thinking so, I left the mansion and the capital and rushed back home.

(Flashback ends)



After hearing everything my mom said, I had only one question in my mind: ' Why is she so dumb?'

"Mom, why did you make that deal?"

"To... to help you, Max. I agreed to work for the duke so that you can have a better start for your future and it will be very beautiful."

"Ahhh... pls stop it, mom. Please stop thinking like that, if you become a slave under some weird old man, how can that make me happy? Do you think, I can live happily without you?"

"No Max, you got it all wrong, I will only work under him for 6 months and then I won't be doing his work. He just wanna use me for my powers to eliminate his enemies, that's all."

"*sigh* How naive can you be, mom? He will use you, that's a fact but, not to kill. He will use you like a whore he bought to bang. How can you agree to this mom?"

"Max, you are making a big deal out of this, he can't lay a finger on me, I am too strong for him to force me."

"Yeah, you are strong, but what if he orders you to let him fuck you, then what can you do?"

"That... that, he won't give that kind of order."

"Did he mention in the contract that he won't abuse you sexually?"


"Is there a condition like, 'you need to follow all my orders'?"

"Yes, something like that."

"See you basically gifted yourself to him on a silver platter. Do you think, you can get out of his clutches after working under him? he will probably use some underhanded methods to keep you with him."

"You are blowing things out of proportion, Max. Nothing will happen like that. Even if he wanted to make me surrender to him, I would just have to resist him for just 6 months and I can be free again."

'Every female cast in hentai and NTR genres thinks like that only. Why can't my mom use that genius brain of hers in things other than cultivation?' Haa... Fuck, it's waste of time to argue with her, fortunately, we have 3 more months for her to fall into his trap, let's deal with him then.'

"Huu... whatever, let's leave it, mom, I want you to promise me something."

"What is it, Max?"

"Please never repeat these kinds of 'sacrifices', it will be good for both of us," I said with a disappointed look on my face.

"...Ok Max, mommy will never repeat this again, I promise."

"Ok, thank you, mom. I will be going outside now and will be back by lunchtime."

She just nods to me and I left the house. I am currently walking around the village and looking at all the houses and people. Maybe due to the presence of mana or some other reason, even these normal villagers look very fit and beautiful. Of course, my mom is one of the top beauties even in this world and obviously, I am also handsome enough to be at the top of the world. I quickly need to adjust to the standards of this world.

While thinking like this and walking aimlessly, 'System, I feel something wrong.'

[Host, be specific about what you are feeling wrong about.]

'It's about my mom. She is talented and a powerful mage, and by looking at the way she carries herself, anyone can say that she is from a noble family. She must have trained in her house from an early age and she should have discerned the thoughts of the grand duke, but she still accepted his deal.'

[Maybe, maybe not.]

'No, I think something is wrong, or else she won't be like that. System, can you check how this happened?'

[Host, there is no medicine to make someone sharp, there are idiots even in noble houses, maybe your mom is also the same.]

'No, you don't get it. I feel something is wrong, please check it once.'

[Host, even if there is something wrong, what should I do? If someone or some spell is influencing your mom, I would have picked it by now.]

'Hmm... wait, what if it is because of me? I mean, my soul entering into this body may be the cause of it. Because I can see from the previous Max memories, that Lily is a very sharp person.'

[Seriously host, now I think there is something wrong with you. How can your soul coming into this world can affect... your...mom?]

'System, are you ok?'

[I am ok, host. Maybe you are right about your mom, let me check something.]

Hearing this, I thought, 'I hope that the system can find something.'