
Chapter no.1

When whole palace was busy hosting grand dance by the beautiful ladies,I was the one who was watching and dreaming of becoming a title of the next queen of the kingdom from the entry gate as I was not allowed to enter because I was just a slave.in the middle of the dance , suddenly the music got off due to electric shock.They were all in surprised and silent for more then a minutes.unconciously I sang a song....

OH...the girl who had a dreamed of becoming a queen is next to your door,

Yes I am not from heaven or hell,

I am also a girl who is from this kingdom,

the only thing is I am a slave,

I don't have an opportunity,

To be in this grand dance,

But I am the one,

Who had never stopped dreaming,

Because I want a taste of freedom,

So I keep on dreaming,

So If one day I shall fulfill ,

That day will be today...ohhh.,..

Clap...clap..clap..the sound of applause...

The handsome crown prince came down from the stage to near by me and held my hand,and he took me on the stage with him and he announced to all ....

I don't need my queen to be so beautiful,

I don't need a queen to be from rich family,

And not even really need to be highly educated,

But the only thing is I need my queen to be like her...

Who had never stopped dreaming ,to want a taste from freedom,what ever the situation came across her but she had kept on going.so from now she will be my queen.so at last I was the one who was holding the title of queen.