
Chapter 43:


Clone-Bill rushes at full speed, the great tiger-man watches him arrive at him. He opens his mouth surprised by his speed.

- Yaaa!!!! Another clone of Clone-Bill with a white scrillstross, a sword with a wind element. Around the sword the will swirl. The great tiger-man does not let go of his eyes, Clone-Bill sends him a blade of sharp area. The great tiger man clenches his teeth concentrates his stross in these hands and block Clone-Bill attack . Once the shock wave disperses. The animal notices that he bleeds a little at his forearm right, he raises his eyes gently and he notices Clone bill is missing. He remains motionless for a moment A taste of sweat falls on the ground, he turns left right but he does not see him he looks up in the area but still sees nothing. A tiger man is behind the imposing tiger man , he holds his breath and exhales while turning trying to pierce the tiger. They will chain several attacks although the great tiger man has the advantage in the blow exchange. While the smaller tiger man is retreating, the big tiger man stops and he comes close and say gives me a memorable fight. His opponent rushes and sends several attacks that the great tiger man blocks with his shield without counterattacking this time . The little tiger man's hand is bleeding but he will not stop attacking.

Tiger-man: - Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!

The Great Tiger Man: - This is the end for you dear compatriot .. He puts his sword behind him preparing to cut it at once . However, a glowing red light rushes towards him, he takes it but moves back. The light is a person it is Clone-Bill. the other tiger man in the master team Gaspar is straining he's breathing hard and puts a kneecap on the ground . Meanwhile Clone-Bill does not waste a moment to retaliate by bypassing the great tiger man trying to stab him in the back. He gets hit but protects himself with his stross , he does however bleed from the back . Another clone of Clone-Bill appears that is huge. He prepares to strike him, the great tiger man must raise his eyes to see his face which is massive even among these similar. I gotta move fast!He turns quickly with his electric sword , Clone-Bill attacks blocking his attack with his fist . Although they attack a tremor, Clone-Bill destroy his sword with his fist . Eh! Clone-Bill does not waste a moment and makes another punch on the shield of the great tiger man. The great tiger man takes flight receiving his attack but his shield is intact.The two arms trembling holding the buckler having a knee to the ground . What a jolt! Its power has multiplied tenfold. A light rushes towards the great tiger-man He concentrates his strosse on his shield, his shield grew, he holds the shield with two hands and takes the light rushing towards him. The shock wave is violent the other gladiators and mutants will be surprised of the attack . The tiger retreats while sliding but does not seem to affect by this attack. Clone-Bill looks at him, two lights spring from his back, the two lights head behind the tiger. One of the lights turns into a Clone Bill and attacks giving a push kick , the tiger blocks with its giant shield but it flies away in the areas . This time another Clone appears by rushing towards him , the tiger man clenches his teeth and throws his giant shield towards the Clone while he is in full flight. 

By launching the shield it changes course by propelling itself with these elemental different stross . The clone that copied the shield is cut in two . A Clone is behind him ,the stross of the tiger's tail allows him to project these elements which allows him to fly and change trajectory which allows him to dodge the attacks . The tiger sees the original Clone-Bill in the charging areas and receives a punch from the mutant that bites his arm and a side. Ah! The big tiger spits blood. 

Clone-Bill: - It's not too early. 

The tiger-man crashes on the ground violently, he breathes his last screams,he loses his vision and dies . Clone-bill was on his feet and seemed to be squeezing after his battle ferocious. He sees another gladiator in front of him , a tiger with an earthen sword and a robust Orc with two swords of fire and protection elbow wind . 

A day later Next to the underground city where Nathan is sitting on the ground. In front is Metarvusse who meditates with Nathan, their strosse gushes from their body .

Nathan: -Metarvusse how much longer are we going to spend? 

After a few seconds, Metarvusse opens his eyes delicately.

Metarvusse: - To increase the strosse, you should be used as often as possible until exhaustion then rest . The next day , the quantity , the strength of the strosse will have increased. yes the strosse regenerates and strengthens with time . A strong will , a precise objective also changes the nature of the strosse ...

Nathan: - Are you sure about that? I don't feel like I've made any progress.

Metarvusse: - Wait for tomorrow and you will see a big difference. 

Nathan: - ...

Metarvusse: -If you want I can show you attacks using the stross.

Nathan: That would be great.

Metarvusse: - You will soon be a master stross user.

Nathan: - Do you think I'm the fourth type of Stross? Do you think I'm the fourth type of sttoss? 

Metarvusse: - No... It is very rare to see individuals with the fourth type of stross. And in addition mythical animals having the fourth type of stross its almost non-existent, they are even rarer . In the majority of cases individuals with the fourth type of stross when he eats a mythical animal is mutated . Their stross changes category, either users become users of the second type of stross or they become users of the third type . 

Nathan: - so does the nature of the stross become less powerful? because the fourth type of stross is the most powerful, if I remember correctly you said it.

Metarvusse: - No!! the quantity, the stross power multiplies because mythological creatures have greater power through their stross, they are more connected to the stross than all other races. Their bodies are more compatible with their stross ,the fact of eating a mythical animal allows the individual to take the physical capacity and to inherit somehow the power of the beast .

Nathan: - but I don't really have any talent, I don't even have any element in addition to having eaten a mythical animal.

Metarvusse: - you just learned stross, normally it takes 4 to 5 years to become a master stross user.

Nathan: -For real! 

Nathan seems happy , Metarvusse closes his eyes and scratches his chin saying: But as you ate a mythical animal, finally a part you would be supposed to become a master strosse user.

Nathan: - What? Are you trying to cheer me up or not? 

Metarvusse: - Get up! Metarvusse opens his eyes. Look at my movement ..

He sprints his tail is ink on the ground, those hands too. He propels himself with those legs, those hands, and his tail. Its tail allows it to propel itself faster than a normal sprint It runs while moving. With each step he makes his tail propels him faster with each step . Nathan is surprised . Metarvusse moves in all directions all around Nathan.

Nathan: - Wow, amazing!

Metarvusse rushes towards Nathan, Nathan watches him lean towards him. At the moment, or it is close, it gets in profile and ash suddenly it creates a current of wind when it ash it makes it back.

Metarvusse: -Copy this movement!

Nathan: - you had to do that. Asshole! It's not fun to have dust on your face. 

Metarvusse: -hum, sorry!

Nathan: - Huff! 

he exhales and thinks: His move was really genial, I will try to reproduce it.

Nathan puts himself in a sprint position, he stands four feet with his tales ink on the ground . All these scales appear on all his body.

If I remember correctly, Metarvusse was positioned like sprinters. Metavusse had used these hands, these legs and its tail to ink on the ground and then project. 

Although he makes a big jump Nathan land face first on the ground.

Metarvusse: -Hum.. He understood how to position himself and that it was necessary to ink well on the ground and that it was necessary to concentrate its stross in the hands, the paw and the tail. 

Nathan: - Rhaaah!!! I have slipped, I will succeed its can happen to everyone . 

Metarvusse: - This is not an easy stross move. This is hard for someone like you and...

Before he finishes his sentence Nathan reproduces his movement to perfection and runs. Nathan moves in a straight line towards Metarvusse and spawns suddenly sending dust on Metarvusse .

Nathan: -It's not exactly like you! Nathan bites himself afterwards the thumb bled. 

Metarvusse: -He may have no talent for strosse but he has a good instinc on control of his body. He has a facility to reproduce movements using the strosse. 

Nathan remembers how Metarvusse moved when he moved. He tries again, he projects himself in sprint position and changes course to run around Metarvuss. With each leap of sprint, the stross of sound of these hands, these feet and its tail multiply its speed .

Metarvuss: - He understood it seems! He mastered well this movement that I learned.

Eliana: -Oh!! You're doing well 

Nathan stops and looks at her. 


Would you test your ability by confronting me?

Nathan: - ... He was going to answer when Metarvusse suddenly answers before he learned to say anything.

Metarvuss: - Good idea! A fight would be very interesting.

Nathan: - Ok but don't cry, I will not hold back even if you are a woman .

Eliana: -Hahahahahahaha! You think you're funny? You forgot the times I beat you. I'll make you regret your arrogance in a few seconds..

Eliana warns, one foot in front of the other in the back, she positions her sword towards her waist . On the other side Nathan is in sprint position .

Nathan: - I'm going!

Nathan is at a certain distance from Eliana , he will jump towards her. The water gushes from his scrillstross, when Nathan is close enough she will try to cut it with a circular stroke however Nathan will see it coming. Nathan's tail throws him up high dodging Eliana's attack.

When Nathan falls on the ground he falls on those feet. He slides down as if he were skating , he is behind Eliana trying to attack her with his tail , she turns around by blocking his attack with her sword however Nathan's attack is powerful and that makes her back off.

Eliana: -Woah! It turns by making a rotation in the area by landing on these feet . She slides down the big jump and looks ahead. Meanwhile Nathan does not waste time , he positions himself in sprint position and moves. He makes a left elbow and folds when he is close by he changes for a punch from the right side.

Nathan: - Take this shot! She easily stopped his attack thanks to the sudden increase in her stross.

Eliana: - My water stross allows me to stop the blows. Your attack is as useless as throwing a rock in the water .. When the rock hits the water, the water slows down the rock. 

So the two clash for a long time. She had the advantage, she was more skilled, she had a better control of her element and these attacks were superior to Nathan.

Nathan was inferior in every way, but he did not stop. He had his pride! he was inferior to many superhumans, yet she who was before him was a woman who seemed normal to him without metamorphose. he couldn't accept it. And at one point his stross suddenly changed a brown stross covers his right arm and a turquoise stross covers his left arm. It was the first time its element took shape. 

 To be continued!