
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 81: Only Death Remains on this Night

The late night swallowed people's hearts like an abyss, with continuous gunshots and wails echoing in the pure white cubic corridors of the research institute!

With a loud bang, another clone researcher was shot dead, and the shadow and blood were displayed on the wall at the front corner, chilling to the bone.

"They're coming. Everyone, get ready!"

As the fully armed enterprise security personnel commanded the team, the only way out of the institute formed a defensive line, and nineteen clones raised their guns with full concentration.

Due to the sample's ability of super-speed regeneration, conventional means of attack were ineffective. The only strategy was to use electric paralysis rounds to stun the opponent and contain them again.

The air was oppressively heavy, and one could hear the muffled sound of the clones using their breathers around, as if conflict was about to break out at any moment.

Click...Death's Leader, hidden around the corner, seemed to be reloading.

The next second, the clones instinctively frowned and tightly held their firearms.

"Hahaha, are you coming?!"

"Open fire!"

As Death's Leader's affable voice came through, even before he showed himself, the security personnel ordered to shoot. The gunfire erupted, and the specially made electric paralysis rounds from the research institute shot out!

Dadadada...The firepower of multiple personnel covered the entire pure white cubic corridor!

However, the one hit by the bullets was the body of the previously killed clone researcher!

Immediately, at the moment everyone realized something was wrong, flashbangs were thrown, and the strong light instantly hindered the visual function of the front-row clones!

Death's Leader swiftly slid out, smiling, turning the barrel as if shaking hands with a good friend, and pulled the trigger!

The FNFAL assault rifle, a world-famous rifle used by mercenaries around the globe.

The gun continuously roared, and the death toll reached three.

While killing three clones, the firepower suppression from their blind shooting came again due to their impaired vision!

Leveraging the inertia from the slide, Death's Leader gained tremendous speed. Skillfully and swiftly, he resumed a rapid state, dodging the interweaving barrage of blindfire with tilts and sidesteps!

Faced with the player's force field defense device collected by the research institute, Death's Leader decisively abandoned the FNFAL assault rifle and manifested a new enhanced individual military weapon in his hand!

The AWM sniper rifle, a military version developed from the original AW sniper rifle, boasting excellent overall performance with bolt-action loading.

"Hahaha, in war, you can't hide behind trenches!"

Almost zero time was taken to aim and load. With a smile, Death's Leader pulled the trigger!

The deployed force field defense device was instantly destroyed, and the heavy bullets penetrated the defense line at an incomprehensible speed, causing multiple deaths!

The death toll reached seven.

Bang...A hidden clone finally fired, and the electric paralysis round hit Death's Leader's right hand!

"We got him!"

—If you think that way, you're dead wrong.

At the moment of getting shot, without any hesitation, Death's Leader acted.

He discarded the AWM sniper rifle, rushed towards the side wall, and with his left hand, manifested a Nepalese military knife. He skillfully used the impact of hitting the wall to sever his right hand!

As soon as the action was completed, he threw away the remnants of his right hand, and in the next instant, his left hand manifested a 92FS standard military pistol. He forcibly resisted the incoming electric paralysis rounds and fired again!

Bang, bang, bang! The death toll reached ten.

At the same time, more than ten electric paralysis rounds hit various parts of Death's Leader's body, causing him to stagger and lose consciousness due to the large dose of paralysis effect!

"Everyone, containment!"

As the enterprise security personnel issued the order, the remaining clones quickly got up, unleashing firepower on Death's Leader while advancing!

Dadada, dadada, dadada...They took turns suppressing with firepower, giving Death's Leader no chance to catch his breath!

With the deployment of the containment device, it seemed like this containment operation was coming to an end. Death's Leader collapsed on the ground, still with a smile.

However, his body instinctively trembled, and a clone quickly lifted Death's Leader's bulletproof vest, revealing— "Get down!"

—Plastic C4 explosives hidden inside the vest were about to detonate!

Boom! A deafening blast, accompanied by flesh and blood splattering in the pure white corridor, dyed it in the color of bloody death!

Death's Leader was shattered into a mist of blood. At the same time, the death toll reached sixteen.

"Not bad."

A simple evaluation sounded, and Death's Leader, who had regenerated his right hand from the thrown remnants, pointed the 92FS standard military pistol at the surviving clones and fired, and the sound of them falling to the ground followed.

The death toll reached seventeen.

"You devil—" Another surviving clone shivered and fired, "—die, die, die!"

Bang—the first shot missed, and then, with a loud bang!

The death toll reached eighteen.

There were only two security personnel left in the research institute. The enterprise security personnel discarded their guns decisively and rushed over, trying to control Death's Leader while shouting loudly:


The remaining clones struggled to get up, raised their guns, aiming at Death's Leader, and together with the enterprise security personnel, fired a shot!


Plop...Death's Leader and the enterprise security personnel collapsed together, seemingly affected by the electric paralysis effect.

The world seemed to quiet down, with no more conflicts.

"Phew...ah..." The last clone gasped heavily, and fog formed on the visor of his breather.

Finally, this...devil, was...eliminated.

Bang! The death toll reached twenty, and all were dead.

Death's Leader's arm appeared from under the body of the security personnel, firing a ruthless final shot, and a faint breeze of smoke emanated from the gun's muzzle.

"Warm-up complete..."

Still smiling, he pushed aside the bodies, picked up the dropped beret, adjusted it slightly, pressed it down, and put it back on.

Death's Leader's smile remained, as if he was just delivering mail, he left the research institute, disappearing behind the bloodstained sealed door. The title "Rank 1 in D-Rank" was as deep red as a grim reaper, even more terrifying than death itself.

"The inspectors of the Seventeenth Bureau, I'm coming to kill you..."

—The declaration of the surviving veterans of the old generation's war.



Outside the research institute, around the enterprise building, the patrol vehicles of the Public Security Bureau have long surrounded the area. Red and blue neon lights kept flashing, pedestrians avoided the area, and all the police were on high alert.

"Boss, after dealing with this case, can I go off duty?"

"After dealing with this case, get as far away from me as possible!"

The director seemed fed up with his subordinate's request for leave, and he knocked his head and urged him to leave quickly.

Looking around, most of the North District Public Security Bureau's forces were assembled here. The SWAT special operations team had already been deployed and was ready to deal with the illegal research institute underground.

"It's been a long time since we've seen such a vicious case, selling military weapons in violation of regulations, they really have guts!"

"Have guts!"

"Don't mimic me!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Don't call me 'boss,' call me director!"

While teasing, the SWAT special operations team had begun to act.

SWAT members, dressed in black military uniforms, deployed accordingly. One group entered the research institute, the second group provided cover, and the third group occupied sniper positions.

The director and his subordinates only needed to be responsible for handling the aftermath of this case.

"What a meteor shower. Boss, I really want to visit the astronomical projection at the observatory..."

"I don't want to see it?!"

The director angrily tapped his head, then straightened his police cap, took cover behind the patrol car, and remained on high alert...