
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 54: Fujitani Nisuke's Self-Narrative

In the evening in City A, by the side of the street, a convenience store displayed a wide array of products, exuding a warm and modern atmosphere.

A middle-aged man with a somewhat weary aura walked past a short-skirted high school girl who was contemplating whether to buy potato chips or biscuits. He arrived at the instant noodle section and came to a halt.

After a brief deliberation, he lamented his tight budget while scratching his tousled hair and picked up a bucket of braised beef flavored instant noodles, placing it in the shopping basket he was dragging along.

The square-shaped shopping basket, made of deep blue plastic, was filled with various snacks and beverages, all with unique flavors not found in the East.

"This one looks good... Hmm, it's hard to let go of this one too... Unfortunately, I've exceeded my budget for today... Sigh..."

With his hand supporting his chin, the dispirited man observed the price tags of the items on the shelves. Suddenly, he turned his head in response to the sound of cars whizzing by outside.

His gaze pierced through the clear and transparent display window of the convenience store, reaching the neon-lit street covered in the night. A streak of red taillights disappeared from his field of vision like a shooting star, drawing back the curtains of the night.

A group of high school students from City A, liberated from their evening study sessions, joyfully walked home, their figures reflected in his weary dark eyes, forever etched in his memory.

Uniformity in their school uniforms, stylish backpacks filled with textbooks, like-minded friends of the opposite sex... these were all parts of his faded youth...


After a long sigh, the dispirited man shook his head and slowly turned back, gazing at the price tags of the products on the shelves, lost in thought.

I, named Fujitani Nisuke, an ordinary office worker...

—Of course, that's no longer the case now.

He extended his finger and slid it across the price tags, starting from the leftmost one, gradually moving his entire body to the right, as if dragging the progress bar of his life.

Since childhood, I had a dream of becoming a hero and saving the world... Fantasizing that one day, I would awaken my superpowers...

Having walked two meters, he paused again. Fujitani Nisuke's melancholic eyes fell upon the Raccoon Dry Noodles, and his eyes brightened, wanting to give it a try.

So, on that summer night, I truly awakened my powers and became a masked rider of justice.

From then on, I showcased my skills and actively participated in the sequential games of Tokyo, defeating one villain after another.

While reminiscing about the past, he grabbed a bag of Raccoon Dry Noodles, placed it in the plastic shopping basket, and continued walking to the right.

As time passed, I unconsciously became an A-rank player. Players in Tokyo became aware of my existence and bestowed upon me the title of "Evil Annihilation."

Evening streets naturally attracted children, holding their parents' hands, wanting to buy Ultraman toy models sold by street vendors.

"To be honest, you might not believe it, but secretly, I am a masked rider upholding justice."

"You need to distinguish between tokusatsu dramas and reality. You should maintain a respectable image outside and focus on settling down."

Many years later, at an izakaya, during a gathering organized by childhood playmates, they mocked me for immersing myself in fantasies and being childish...

Hahaha... I didn't argue with them. I just raised a few glasses and let the matter pass.

Fujitani Nisuke's mouth curved slightly as he picked up two bottles of the cheapest beer from the shelf and placed them in the shopping basket.

Due to the existence of a visual field barrier, if we were to take it seriously, those who couldn't see the masked armor would definitely consider me a monster attacking from a distance, rather than a masked rider.

"Life... is truly unpredictable..."

At that time, I deeply realized that my world and the world of ordinary people would forever remain separate—parallel lines that would never intersect.

As he continued walking, Fujitani Nisuke arrived at the biscuit section where the high school girl had been pondering earlier.

After that, my experiences became quite ordinary. After work every day, it was either fighting for justice or punishing evil. I lived the life of a formulaic hero.

If I were to mention one great and memorable thing...

Fujitani Nisuke gazed at the Ultraman collaboration biscuits on the shelf, and his past enthusiasm suddenly revived, then quietly died down, leaving only a knowing smile.

That would be when I, together with my old friend Ultraman, defeated the monster breeder who held the third position in Perpetual Night's Lament during a fierce battle in the Pacific.

On that day, the global media reported the news of the "miraculous dispersal of the Pacific's century-long storm," and various factions speculated about who was behind it. Nobody knew it was me and Ultraman.

Hahaha... As the ancient saying goes in Z country, let bygones be bygones...

Fujitani Nisuke didn't buy the biscuits. His budget was truly exceeded. Perhaps he shouldn't have treated himself to a barbecue yesterday, but he didn't regret it.

Thus, Fujitani Nisuke continued to stroll through the convenience store's shelves, and the assortment of snacks gradually receded.

Looking back on my memories, I joined the "Countermeasure Division" in the East and became one of the few A-rank aces, resolving a series of evil incidents.

"Ah... sorry..." Fujitani Nisuke apologized to the customer he accidentally bumped into.

But sometimes, I also faced accusations like, "Aren't you a hero?!""If you had come earlier, he wouldn't have died!""My home... you owe me money!"

I usually ignore those people. I don't need others pointing fingers at me while I carry out justice.

"It's alright, no worries," the customer didn't mind.

Fujitani Nisuke continued walking, his gaze gradually narrowing, losing his vitality.

However... I am still human after all, and my heart isn't dead. After hearing these words repeatedly, I can't help but feel...


After so many years of fighting for justice, maybe it's time for me to retire and live a secluded life of eating and waiting for death...

He unlocked his phone, and the amount in his wallet displayed on the screen was already meager. Fujitani Nisuke sighed.

Whether I'm a useless person or lack aspirations, let them say whatever they want. After all, I've already resigned, and nothing is my concern anymore...

Ding~ The automatic doors of the convenience store opened, indicating the arrival of another customer.

And then, the birth of an A-rank national-level sequential game in Z country, along with the debt collection crisis brought by the runaway minister...

So why should I care about the debt the minister owes? Fujitani Nisuke let out a sigh as if his soul was dissipating.

It's really troublesome...

Therefore, in order to repay that despicable minister's debt and achieve my goals through a slacking lifestyle, this time's A-rank sequential game...

I'm bound to win, Fujitani Nisuke encouraged himself inwardly.

But then a mysterious figure calling themselves "Shadow" appeared, and I heard that they even killed Serad, the twelfth member of Perpetual Night's Lament...


...Fujitani Nisuke became discouraged again.

By the way... why do other A-rank players have so much money while I'm so poor...

Although it's true that a righteous hero doesn't need a reward, after all these years, shouldn't I have some savings... Where's the money?

Walking out of the shelves area, making a right turn, he arrived at the cashier counter with the store attendant.

Oh... It all went to that Ultraman guy, claiming to uphold the justice of light... Ran away with the money to the M78 Nebula—come back, you bastard!

He placed the shopping basket on the counter and opened his phone's payment interface.

So, as someone with a tight budget, I will embark on a month-long frugal journey in Z country...

Fujitani Nisuke looked at the store attendant as she scanned each item one by one...


Fujitani Nisuke noticed the person standing beside him.

—Who is this handsome guy?! I didn't think he was this attractive when I saw him yesterday?!

"Oh, what a coincidence. Are you getting used to life in Z country?" Alister asked with concern as he too was buying something.

"Alister, did you get plastic surgery or put on makeup? Are you using beauty filters?!" Fujitani Nisuke grabbed his shoulder, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"Nothing of the sort. Just as usual," Alister replied calmly, somewhat resigned.

"Ah... I... I'm dead..."

Upon hearing this, Fujitani Nisuke dramatically staggered as if he had been shot.

The store attendant smiled warmly, albeit with a hint of danger in her aura. "Sir, that will be $60."

"Ah, yes, $60, right?!"

Fujitani Nisuke slapped his forehead, then hurriedly presented his phone and displayed the payment code.

Beep~ Payment successful, and the pitiful amount in his wallet decreased once again.

Fujitani Nisuke sighed, then walked out of the convenience store in a dispirited manner, turned around, and waved to Alister.

"Alister, I'll be waiting for you."

"Got it," Alister replied, dismissing the advances of the store attendant, and headed to the beverage section alone.