
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Juegos
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113 Chs

Chapter 21: Your Life Ends Tonight

"I am just an ordinary person, at least for now."

Alister placed the empty soda bottle into a public trash bin, listening to the sound of it colliding with the others inside for a second. Then he turned around and continued walking on his way back home.

The modern city was immersed in darkness, with towering skyscrapers, brightly lit commercial shops, and colorful neon signs.

The bustling scenery on his way home caught Alister's attention, even though he had grown accustomed to it. It stirred something inside him.

It feels like the cycle of fate...

Alister sighed, casting a fleeting glance at an E-Rank player passing by in the distance. He watched as the player's figure gradually disappeared into the night, becoming one with the deep darkness.

-"E-Rank, 9,994,313th place."

Yes, even though Alister was currently ranked 5,326,932nd in the E-Rank, surpassing two-thirds of the E-Rank players, he couldn't announce his player identity to the world like that player did.

Why is that?

He is the holder of an S-Rank ability, a highly valued advanced player in the world according to the current information. He is a strategic asset that the national forces would undoubtedly allocate resources to.

But why doesn't he reveal his identity?

Alister walked along the sidewalk, his presence blending into the bustling world. He quietly pondered, his thoughts wandering.

Maybe it's because of her...

That's what Alister thought.

Principle number one: Maintain a healthy skepticism toward everything. The only thing he can fully trust is himself.

Perhaps the national forces could protect those he designates, but there's always the chance of unexpected circumstances. He could gamble with his own life, but he would never gamble with the lives of those around him.

The opposite of protection is destruction, an unchanging law of the world.

Once his abilities are exposed, those with ulterior motives might try to use them for their own gain... Temptation, bribery, threats...

Everything he values would be used as bargaining chips by them. It's a very likely scenario.

Alister doesn't want Yumikou to be involved in the disputes of the sequence game. For her, as an ordinary person, it would be fatal.

"But of course, anything can happen..."

Perhaps Yumikou is also a player, and perhaps he is overthinking it. Maybe the world isn't as malicious as he imagines...

-But these are things to confirm later.

For Alister, the only thing that is certain right now is that his player identity must not be revealed, so Yumikou will not be implicated in the sequence game's conflicts.

Alister's eyes flickered, passing by a street poster, showcasing a well-received game illustration.

With a light blue and cloud white color scheme, the poster featured a graceful white-haired girl in the center, with the prominent art title "Divine Game" below.

"Not bad, is this for the new version?" He observed for a second.

Principle number two: When it comes to games, he always chooses the highest difficulty to challenge himself.

If you delve deeper...

Alister doesn't like being a sheltered flower.

Moreover, to become a true powerhouse, one must not remain a sheltered flower.

Perhaps the national forces would allocate him superior resources, but without the trials and struggles of life and death, without experiencing helplessness and hardship at the bottom...

...Character would always be lacking, prone to arrogance and unnecessary rebellion.


The definition is extended once again.

Alister withdrew his gaze from the poster, and with the gentle evening breeze brushing against his face, he adjusted his collar and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

-I am an ordinary person with a somewhat peculiar mindset, at least that's how it appears for now.

Choosing to forgo the pleasures of a bright future and instead following the shackles called "tempering," walking in the gap between life and death.

It's fine if people think I'm abnormal, I don't mind...

At that moment...

"Good evening, young man."

A robust E-Rank player crossed his arms and suddenly emerged from a dark alley, blocking Alister's path. His tone left no room for refusal as he said, "Why don't you come in and join us?"

Alister paused his steps, silently observing the figures behind him. Another E-Rank player had blocked his retreat.

Seemingly without any choice, Alister revealed a dangerous smile and replied, "Alright."

The player blocking his path narrowed his pupils for a moment before regaining his composure. He sneered, seemingly unimpressed, and led Alister inside.

The other player followed behind Alister, maintaining a cold and emotionless expression, ready to prevent their prey from escaping. He spoke in a cold tone, "You're surprisingly calm. I guess you know better."

Following the lead player's steps, Alister arrived at the depths of the alley, reaching a secluded spot away from official personnel and surveillance.

In front of him was a frail man sitting in a wheelchair, the martial arts guard he had defeated earlier, and a group of onlookers...

"I will torture you thoroughly, and I will also torment those around you," the frail man smirked, pushing his gold-rimmed glasses up. "Lucky to be chosen by me, your player journey ends here. Are you happy?"

My player identity has been detected... There must be a Perception-type ability user...

Alister understood the situation and revealed a self-assured gaze, not letting any of the people present escape his scrutiny.

"Hmm, quite happy," Alister calmly replied.

Laughter filled the deep alley as the onlookers mocked Alister, but he could tell that their actions were merely to please the frail man.

Returning to his thoughts... What was I thinking just now? Alister contemplated.

Ah, right, I was talking about being abnormal, and how I don't mind...

I accept such evaluations with equanimity.


"You, go and get his phone," the frail man ordered one of his subordinates. "Let's see who he was chatting with before."

If someone dares to threaten those I care about...

Alister squinted his eyes, a dangerous aura gradually enveloping the alley.

I don't mind becoming the "Shadow," the disruptor of order, even if it means going against the world.



"How did they find me?"

Before the subordinate moved, Alister stared at the frail man sitting in the wheelchair, his gaze filled with interrogation.

As the words fell, the frail man slowly turned his head, locking eyes with Alister, a meaningful smile playing on his lips.

After a brief pause, he explained the cause of the prey's demise with a hint of mockery:

"You concealed it quite well. When observing a player, your breathing, heartbeat, and pulse are almost indistinguishable from an ordinary person's."

To be able to achieve such a level, I have to admire your acting ability.

"But, it's only almost indistinguishable..." The frail man smirked and pointed at himself. "My Perception ability eventually caught on. Do you understand?"

A subordinate leaned in close to the frail man's ear, then turned to look at Alister, showing ill intentions as he chimed in, "If it weren't for your keen eyes, we wouldn't have discovered this guy was a hidden player. How should we torture this prey to cause the most suffering?"

The frail man also scrutinized Alister with a malevolent gaze, his lips curling into a sneer. "We'll have to think about that..."

After a series of tests and observing the reactions of the people present, Alister had confirmed the outcome.

In summary, the frail man was undoubtedly the true leader and not just a scapegoat.

After dismissing the concern of misidentifying the person, Alister was free to act as he pleased.


I haven't gone looking for you, but you've come to me willingly.


Your life ends tonight.

Thus, the "Shadow" declared.