
If Only You My Alpha

Hunted by the dark past of being tortured, she has hurt again by being rejected by her mate. She was like a walking dead and only lived but never enjoyed her life. She was drowning in the darkness and pain. Suffocated as usual, she saw the Alpha from the next pack walk into her life and bring light to her life. Is he her savior? With so many things unclear, one thing she knows crystal clear is her life will turn upside down when he calls her "mate." The rejected she-wolf has another Alpha mate?

AndrewAndy · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 18

Katrina's POV

Where am I? I can't remember anything. The last thing I remember is going to sleep in Harris's arms. I don't know how I ended up in this cold, dusty room. I look around me and try to find a way to get out of here. I stand up even though my legs feel like jello and I wander around the room.

The walls are a faded yellow color and I can see mold forming on some of them. The room is completely sealed off and the only way out is through the door, but I can hear someone's heartbeat outside of the door, so I don't think that's my best escape route. I look around the room hoping to find a window or a vent, but there's nothing.

I stand up from the floor and look around. Why can't I remember anything? Where's Harris? I have so many questions, but my head feels so heavy. I hear the door open and I quickly turn around. I see Justin and I feel my heart drop to my stomach.

Oh no. Please tell me that I'm dreaming. This can't be real. There has to be some mistake.

"I see you're awake. Are you hungry?" I decide not to respond to him. Instead, I look at the floor as I shuffle on my feet. Justin would always get angry if I looked directly at him.

"Are you going to answer me?" I stay silent and hope that he leaves. I hear a few groans that the floorboards let out before I feel a sharp stinging on my cheek. I fall to the ground and before I can react, I feel a sharp kick to my ribs. I groan quietly and try to curl up in a ball. Next thing I know, I'm being lifted from the ground by my throat. Justin squeezes my throat, and I choke slightly.

"I asked you a question. When I ask you a question, you answer it. Got it?" Justin growls while getting in my face. I can barely breathe and my vision starts to become fuzzy. I thrash around violently trying to get free from his grasp, but he just squeezes my throat tighter. My limbs grow weaker, but I still try to fight. Before I lose consciousness, I'm dropped to the floor.

I gasp for breath which in turns hurts because of the bruises forming on my neck. I cough up some blood and Justin just scoffs before leaving the room.

"Absolutely pathetic," he mumbles as the door closes. I lay on the ground coughing up blood for a few minutes.

After a little while, I crawl to the corner of the room before going wrapping my arms around my knees. I rock back and forth with tears streaming down my face.

I try to think of how to get out of here, but I conclude that there's no way I could ever escape. I'm all alone with no way to contact anyone. Wait a minute, maybe I can use the mindlink.

"Harris?" All I hear is silence. I frown slightly before trying again. When I get the same result, I start to panic.

Ok, deep breaths Kat. Maybe it's because I'm too far away from the pack. I don't know how long I've been knocked out, so we couldn't have gotten that far away from the pack. Maybe I should try reaching out to Haley now. She always knows what to do.

"Haley?" I try to reach out to my wolf, but I can't hear anything. I can't even feel her.

This is bad. This is really bad.

The tears start pouring out of my eyes even faster and I choke down my sobs. I don't want to give Justin another reason to come back in here.

I stare at the wall opposite me feeling completely helpless. There's nothing I can do. This is the end for me. I hear the door open up again, but I don't get up from my spot. I use my hair as a sort of protection from the person, but I know that won't do much.

"I don't get what everyone sees in you." My head snaps up at the unfamiliar voice. My eyes widen when I see that it's Harris's uncle, Patrick. My heartbeat increases and I see him smirk. I'm sure he's glad that I'm afraid of him.

"What do you want from me?" I ask in a small voice.

"Me? I don't want anything to do with you. In fact, if I had things my way, you wouldn't even be alive anymore." I gulp loudly and then wince at the pain in my throat.

"Who are you?" I ask. Hopefully he doesn't realize that I already know who he is. A small smirk makes its way across his face and I can feel my heartbeat thundering against my ribcage.

"I'm your worst nightmare." The smirk on his face widens and I shiver slightly. He's about to say something when a man steps in the room.

"Alpha," he says before bowing. Alpha? What's going on? He has a pack? The man gestures towards outside and Patrick nods his head.

"I'll be back for you later. Don't try anything because you will be punished." The evil glint in his eyes makes my bottom lip quiver and I can feel more tears spilling out of my eyes. He smirks, obviously satisfied by my reaction before leaving the room with the man.

What am I going to do?

Patrick POV

I kidnap Katrina, that slut. Justin prepares us a cabin to hide. Us, yes, I have a small pack forming, and I'm proud of it. My pack members are loyal, and a lot stronger than Justin. Any of them can fight Justin and easily kill him.

When I see the safe place Justin prepared for us, I cringed inside. I look around and see a shady looking building. The looks on my pack members' faces show nothing but disgust, and I almost start to laugh.

"Is this seriously the cabin you were talking about?" My eyebrows arch as I wait for his answer. He rolls his eyes and nods his head.

"Of course it is! No one would ever expect us to be here!" He answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I inwardly sigh while looking at the rundown house.

The place is covered with dust and it smells revolting. The walls are moldy, and the floorboards creak with every step that's taken. I don't think I can work in these conditions.

But anyway, I'll just stay here for a while before Katrina wake up.

I hate having to cooperate with Justin to do this to my nephew Harris, but this is necessary. Harris will get over it. He's a tough guy, so I'm not worried about it. I know he'll thank me later on. I'll find him a more suitable mate, and then he'll be happy.

I will make Justin kill Katrina since I don't want Harris to trace things back to me.

He's going to be so happy to find out that I'm actually alive. He won't even care about the fact that his "mate" was killed. Everything is going to be perfect. I know he'll be confused for a little bit, but I already have a made up story to "explain" the reason why I've been missing for all this time.