
Chapter 40


[Congratulations! Thanks to your efforts you have gained the skill: Beginner Pain Resistance level 1]

Allan stared at the skill he had just 'learned' with hatred.

This skill is not very common but it is well known in the game due to the requirements and uses it has.

To gain this skill, all you have to do is endure a certain amount of pain for a period of one hour. The skill is relatively easy to learn.

Actually, Sam's punishment wasn't that terrible, what bothered Allan was that he forgot that pain levels could be modified.

It wasn't until he obtained this skill that he suddenly noticed that little detail.

That is why this skill is not appreciated by the players, if one wants to bear the pain, he only has to lower the intensity in his menu. Attempting to obtain this skill is considered suffering for nothing.

Thinking of all the pain he suffered in vain that could have prevented Allan makes him want to cry.

It wasn't until Sara arrived and entered the inn that Sam was forced to stop.

After seeing what her father had done to Allan, Sara was so embarrassed that her screams could be heard all over town.

Once Allan was released from torture, Sara repeatedly apologized for what he had to go through.

The only good thing Allan got out of all this is that Sara finally forgave him.

But Sara didn't want to let Allan go until she made it up to him in some way.

Hearing this, Allan came up with a way to be compensated for the inconvenience.

"A banquet?" Sara asked.

"Yes, a farewell banquet in which all the people who have helped me during my stay here are present" Allan replied.

Actually, what he wanted at first was to pay for the banquet with the money he had accumulated these months, but since Sam had offered so kindly and without any reason to cook for free Allan would not do something so rude as tell him not to.

Sara's matter was settled and he had obtained a cook for his celebration, the next thing to do is to get the food and for this Allan went to the market.

The market is one of the liveliest places in the whole town, whether in the morning or in the afternoon, there are always people buying, selling and haggling all kinds of products.

Allan's target in this case was the food stalls.

Four things are essential to celebrate a banquet are food, drink, guests and entertainment.

Although Allan prefers to consume meat, the guests on this occasion are very varied and from very diverse groups, so Allan intends to get meat, vegetables and various fruits so that they can decide for themselves what they want to eat.

While the rest of the products can be found in any local store, Allan had a very specific store in mind to buy the meat.

"Hi Fred," Alan said when he entered the store.

"Hello Alan! Come in, I'll be with you in a second" Fred replied as he finished boning a rabbit in the back room.

Once Fred came, he said:

"What a surprise to see you here especially considering that you have been here very recently. What can I do for you?"

"You see, this is so ..."

"Hoo, a farewell banquet, say no more, I will give you everything you need with a good discount"

"No, that won't be necessary," Allan said as he considered what kind of meat to order.

Unlike with Sam, Allan had no intention of taking advantage of Fred, especially after all the help he has always provided.

"I insist. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't even give you a discount for your own party?" However, Fred was very insistent.

In the end Allan had no choice but to accept his help again.

"By the way Fred could you tell me where I can buy alcohol?" Allan asked.

In all this time in the game Alan has experienced many things however he has not touched a single drop of alcohol in his entire stay in the game, so it is normal that he does not know where good alcohol is sold.

"Mm, alcohol. In your case, I would try looking at old Felix's store, normally he does not sell his alcohol to strangers, but if you give him my name, I am sure that he will make an exception" said Fred after thinking a bit.

After chatting for a while, Alan thanked him again and he left the store to Felix's shop according to the instructions he received from Fred.

Along the way Alan could not help but appreciate that there were more and more players in Tutorial Island there is no doubt that the continuous interviews and announcements made by the company have made more and more people interested in the game.

Still, it is evident that people are considering it as a normal game. Proof of this is that places such as restaurants receive a greater number of daily visitors seeking to learn to cook than places such as the bakery, in which fundamental cooking skills can also be learned.

Speaking of visitors, Alan hasn't visited the library in a long time. The last time he visited that place it was so crowded that there was no place to sit, the same goes for the Martial Hall.

During his stay in town Allan was able to meet the instructors who teach there, it turns out that the Martial Hall does not teach any particular combat technique. The founder of the Martial Hall built it to teach the city's inhabitants how to defend themselves.

At no time was its objective to teach techniques that could be applied on the battlefield or in similar situations, which makes sense since that is what the guards are for, if someone wants to learn more than how to attack a doll they should enlist.

However, the existence of guards has never been highly appreciated by players in any game. In addition, being part of the guards would imply obeying orders and following schedules, things that players are not very good at.

After all, who would want to obey an NPC's orders just to learn basic sword techniques?

That is why until now the number of players who have received instructions from the guards has been only one.

While Alan was thinking about these things, he did not realize that he had already arrived at the right place.

Felix's store did not seem very impressive at first glance it was a small old looking store which caused a feeling of humility, and unlike Roderick's suspicious store this store was on the main street where there are many people coming and going constantly.

When Alan entered the store his impression of him did nothing but improve the place it was clean and tidy with everything in its place.

At the reception an old man was reading a book while he rocked gently in a chair.

When the old man noticed Allan's presence he got up, he smiled and said:

"Welcome to my humble liquor store Allan"

"Do you know me?" he asked surprised.

"Hohoho, of course I know you, I don't think there is anyone who has not heard of you, after so much time in town is inevitable to be known" said the old man.

"Let me introduce myself I am Felix the owner of this humble place" Felix introduced himself as he looked at Allan curiously.

"May I know here have you come here? I don't think it's because you enjoy alcohol, if that was the case, you would have come before" asked Felix.

When Felix heard Alan's intentions, He seemed to like the idea.

"Ho, a feast? It has been a long time since there has been a celebration in town, the truth is that I miss them, but unfortunately it is impossible" said Felix with regret.

"Eh? Why? Fred told me that if I gave you his name, there would be no problem buying some alcohol" asked Allan surprised, until now everything seemed to indicate that Felix was attracted to the idea.

Seeing Allan's expression, Felix knew that the boy had misunderstood something.

"It's not that I don't want to sell you alcohol, it's that it's impossible," said Felix.


"Yes, the reason why I don't sell my alcohol to strangers is because the reserves I have in the store are not enough, so I keep them to sell to the inhabitants of the city" said Felix as he continued.

"Almost all the alcohol produced here is sent to the mayor's house, that pig drinks wine as if it were water" evidently Felix did not like the mayor either.

"If it were only a small amount then there would be no problem but what you are asking me is enough alcohol for a banquet which unfortunately is impossible for me" said Felix with a sigh.

"Even if I emptied all my reserves it would not be enough. I am very sorry but you will have to look for someone else "

"Okay, I get it, still thank you very much" Allan said to the old man.

If Felix hadn't wanted to sell Allan the alcohol for being an outsider, then Allan would have reacted differently, however based on what happened Allan can only give up.

Thinking about the expressions of all the inhabitants of the city, Allan could not help but feel a strong helplessness at not being able to give them the feast they deserve.

However, Allan is not one to give up so he can only do one thing in this case, he has to go to the only person the mayor would be willing to listen to.

Alan is going to visit Roderick

Thank you Ordinary_Husband and diosdiablos for the power stones.

All help is appreciated.

DaoistwgQxZLcreators' thoughts