
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Ciudad
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53 Chs


"So this is the place?"


"For a secret base, it very how do you say unsecret?" Odin said as he looked at a neon-colored building. Only a few vehicles were parked nearby and they also had the same neon bright colors.

Odin walked to the building and entered it by the back door as he walked everyone ignored him. He soon went down a set of stairs and entered a dark hallway walking more he encountered a red door with two buff men guarding it.

Odin kept walking and phased through the door the nanites easily allowed him to change his atomic structure to go through objects if he wanted. He was soon met with another hallway but this one had a table at the end five people sat on these chairs each had a different animal on the chair.

Odin walked to the only empty chair and sat on it. he relaxed Himself and looked at the time on his HUD he patiently waited until it was the appointed time.

The table was silent the people looked at each other but said nothing from time to time they checked the hallway but did not see anything. Soon it was the next hour and Odin removed his level 1 anti-reflective cloak and his sudden appearance caused the people to become startled they stood up quickly and guarded themselves.

"Well hello, there you called for me?" Odin said as he placed his elbows on the table his smile looked real but they felt as if it should not be there. The people slowly sat down but looked very alert after odins stunt.

'Hey, do you mind if I do something I had a change of mind after so long?' a voice said in odins head. Odin subconsciously turned his head but that was taken as a yes by his future self.

His eyes had turned into a crimson red before turning grey. Odin stood up calmly and walked around the table the people looked at him warily they felt that the man in front of them had changed.

"So I came in a dropped a hit and left but why have you called me?" Odin looked at the dim light it somehow hid the faces of each person but his.

"We wish to know what are your intentions?" one of the people said as they placed their hands on the table. sharp metal claws were revealed on them a weapon that the person used or maybe jewelry.

"My intentions that's actually simple I wish to have fun!" Odin said excitedly as he looked at the person his smile became wider making the atmosphere more creepy.

"I thought this would be about the company I made and how is it trying to release advanced technology or something maybe not well I don't care."

Odin started to play with a pen on the table the simple spinning tricks calmed the people. The red pencil and dark nails contrasted with the dim lights.

"I can see you guys are very wary you have fear but that is normal unknown variables are a hassle."

"But I will tell you your small fears are not enough I am something to be fear no matter what if I decided that it must be I will make it so."

"If I need to destroy this world just to kill one man then I shall do it if I need to kill an entire reality to just have a chance at killing an enemy I will do it in a heartbeat."

"I am feared for the simple fact that I do not give up."

"You are weak and can do nothing remember one can not change anything but also remember even millions can't change anything for only one with strength can make wrong into right and right into wrong."

"Money status physical mental will and spiritual strength those can do things not useless divided sheep like you."

"My gun is blind and so are my eyes for I am true justice the weak shall suffer while the strong will suffer in silence but overcome it in time."

"I choose violence because peace is simply for the disillusioned do not choose a lie when the truth is in front of you."

"Goodbye, you guys were annoying in the future."

Odin pulled out a revolver from his coat and aimed it at the person next to him pulling the trigger a green flame escaped and disintegrated the man. The others tried to attack but they also died quickly they didn't even hear or see Odin shoot them.

"Neutron overload."

Odin's body started to fall apart the nanites started to glow in a white-blue glow as the heat rose. the security guards opened the door but before they could even understand what happened the nanites blew up.

Odin regained his consciousness and found out he was in his bedroom his nanites were reconstructing his body nearly done.

"What happened?"

[sending optical recording footage]

"What the fuck?"

Odin digested the footage and then fell into deep thought. Another Odin took over his body but he didn't know why how were they annoying in the future.

'Trust me on this you would thank me if you knew.' he heard his voice say.


He received no response his head felt empty as if no one was there he decided to clear his mind as he knew he wouldn't get answers and decided to meditate.

'Also I forgot but remember to clean cyanide once you pick it up from the old city ruins.'

'The prototype?'

'Yes also make sure you don't become too suicidal I have too many memories where I end up shooting my brains because of you guys.'

'How far are you into the future for that to be a problem?'

'I'll tell you too far to even count at this point but I now end up fighting random gods there is literally an eggplant God maybe I'm going crazy again?' the voice said as it slowly faded.

'You there?' Odin asked but received no answer he sighed before getting up and walking out of his bedroom. He checked his jacket to see if there was anything and only found the revolver he used he didn't have this one so it was a gift from his future self.

The revolver had a long and heavy barrel the many patterns in the gun glowed with dim lights. The hammer looked like a small lion's head while the trigger looked like the tongue of a snake.

"Chimera?" Odin said as he saw the barrel turn into the head of a hydra the gold light surrounded it before it returned to its silver color.

He inspected the ammunition but found out he didn't know the type it looked like a small hornet round but the actual bullet looked like a drag tip. He went outside and fired the round into the sky without care. A shock wave was produced and a green light left the tip of the barrel.

'Forgot to tell you to only use 1% if not it won't be good for you.' the voice said before it disappeared.

The bullet traveled far before it detonated and a mass of green fire enveloped the sky small sparks spread before more smaller explosions appeared.

<sorry for the late chap got food poisoning>