
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

Norticus · Ciudad
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31 Chs

The Inevitable Showdown

 Liam's instincts kicked in as he lunged at the hovering orb, his spear poised to strike. But as the tip neared the mysterious sphere, it halted abruptly, halted by an unseen barrier. Recoiling swiftly, he readied himself for another assault, eyes darting around for any sign of the puppet's resurgence.

 He scrutinized the orb through his magical eye, expecting a sinister, red aura. Instead, he was met with a calming green glow, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded. The orb remained still, a silent enigma in the dim cavern. Liam tensed, waiting for it to make its move.

 Then, unexpectedly, a voice emanated from the orb, deep and contemplative. "Truly unexpected," it mused, seemingly to itself. "This is simply amazing. You shouldn't have the nexus, you didn't inherit the bloodline, yet somehow, this..."

 Liam stiffened, the voice addressing him directly now. "Tell me, was it the eye? Did the transplant have any unexpected side effects?" The voice was calm, almost inquisitive, but it sent a shiver down Liam's spine. 

 Liam's initial confusion quickly morphed into recognition as the voice continued to speak from the orb. Each word, each intonation struck a chord within him, igniting memories he had forgotten. As realization took hold, his grip on the spear tightened, his knuckles turning white. His eyes blazed with a fury long suppressed, and he took deep, measured breaths to quell the storm raging inside him.

 When the man's voice inquired about the eye, Liam let out a laugh, a sound that echoed ominously through the cavern. It was a laugh tinged with bitterness and resolve. "You know how many times I've thought of this moment?" he said, his voice laced with a dark mirth. He tapped his spear against the ground, each thud resonating with his words.

 "When I burned down the orphanage, when I had to live on the streets... Ah, but don't get me wrong, the money I stole from your office was quite helpful back then," he continued, his laughter subsiding into a cold chuckle. He stepped closer to the orb, his gaze never wavering from the glowing sphere.

 "All that time, looking over my shoulder, thinking you'd find me... There was one thing I hoped for," he said, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. He rested his spear on his shoulder, his eyes narrowing. "That you weren't dead. That there would come a day when I could rip you apart myself."

 With a fierce grimace, Liam swung his spear with all the force he could muster. The barrier around the orb halted the blow, creating a shockwave that sent rubble flying in all directions. Liam pressed on, relentless, the clash between his spear and the barrier unleashing a torrent of energy. But the force was too much; after a few moments of struggle, Liam was thrown backward, landing with a heavy thud.

 "Marvelous," the man's voice emanated from the orb, his tone betraying a hint of genuine intrigue. "I detect no enhancements or magic within you, yet your physical capabilities far exceed those of an ordinary human."

 Liam, dusting himself off, barely registered the man's words. He fixed a cold stare at the orb. "Why now?" he demanded, his voice echoing in the cavernous space.

 "The world is vast, far beyond your current understanding. The magical realm, in particular, is much more complex than you can imagine," the voice responded, a note of condescension creeping into its tone.

 Liam scoffed, his voice laced with bitter sarcasm. "How enlightening. Let's see if I've got this right then," he began, his gaze never wavering from the orb. "There are forces at work, trying to keep me away from the magical world. And these same forces have been preventing you from reaching me. Am I warm?"

 The orb pulsated with a faint light, from which arcane symbols unfurled and swirled around, weaving an intricate array. Within this magical vortex, a transparent silhouette of a man coalesced, his features becoming distinct and familiar. Liam's fists clenched involuntarily; the man's appearance had remained unchanged over the past seven years. He was middle-aged, tall, and slender, his visage framed by eyeglasses and a soft, unsettling smile. To Liam, he was known simply as the doctor, a title that now carried the weight of bitter memories.

 Unperturbed by Liam's palpable animosity, the man, now a ghostly image, gazed around with an air of detached fascination. "Observe this place," he began, his voice tinged with a scientist's curiosity. "What do your eyes see? What do you make of all this?" His words weren't seeking an answer. 

 "It's governed by principles we understand, yet its very existence is an enigma," he mused, his voice rising with fervor. "Despite its rudimentary form, our influence here is marginal. It's a paradox, a concept both known and unknown."

 Liam sneered, the man's unchanging nature only fueling his disdain. "Still the same," he spat, his words laced with scorn. "Self-absorbed, delusional, a mad scientist wannabe." The doctor's ethereal form faced Liam, the smile unwavering as if the disdainful words were nothing but a gentle breeze against his skin. 

 The doctor's voice wove through the cavern, a thread of detached fascination. "Liam, you're akin to this enigma. A paradox," he declared, eyes locking onto Liam with an unsettling intensity. "Your symbiosis with the Oculus is improbable, yet you wield it with inherent ease." He edged closer, his excitement palpable. "You're not just operating it; you're thriving, without the slightest backlash. Don't you see? It's nothing short of a miracle."

 Liam absorbed the words, feeling the sting of each one. Miracle? Unlikely? The terms swirled in his head, igniting a searing anger within. His expression remained cold, a stark contrast to the rising fury inside. 

 "Unlikely? A miracle?" he echoed, his voice a growing tempest of cold rage. "Then what about the others? The kids before me?" His words cut through the cavern's silence, sharp and accusing. "What was the point of all those experiments?"

 The doctor appeared taken aback, his brow furrowing in confusion. "The experiment was never destined for success," he confessed, a tinge of disappointment in his tone. "The Oculus is an ancient artifact, beyond our full understanding. Far too potent for mere human use."

 His voice lifted slightly, finding solace in his justification. "But the endeavor wasn't futile. The data gleaned from those trials was groundbreaking." He faced Liam, attempting to convey reassurance. "You needn't be burdened. Their sacrifices were not in vain. They laid the foundation for a greater cause. Surely they'd take pride in the strides we've made through their contributions." His smile, meant to be comforting, only twisted the knife deeper.

 As the doctor's words settled into the cavern, a heavy silence followed. "Come with me, Liam," he beckoned, extending his hand with a gentle, almost fatherly demeanor. "You are my crowning achievement. Together, we can unlock realms beyond your wildest dreams." His voice was soft and enticing.

 The stone walls echoed with Liam's hollow laughter. "You're not mad, you're delusional," he retorted, eyes blazing with scorn. 

 The doctor sighed, a look of feigned sorrow etching his features. "A pity you fail to see the potential," he murmured.

 Suddenly, the doctor's attention shifted, his expression turning to one of mild annoyance. "Time is against us," he lamented, eyes darting to the remains of the puppet. 

 Liam's sneer grew. "Not so easy when your victims can fight back, is it?" he taunted. But the doctor hardly seemed to hear, his focus narrowing on Liam.

 With a shake of his head, he expressed his regret. "Such a waste to lose a specimen as unique as you. But the Oculus will suffice." At his command, the orb beside him radiated an intense light, an oppressive force filling the cavern. Liam found himself paralyzed, voiceless under the orb's might.

 The doctor's hand inched closer, an invisible, voracious force pulling at Liam's eye. 

 Liam's magical eye never wavered in its function. The world around him transformed under its enhanced vision, revealing the cavern, the orb, and the doctor's illusionary figure as intricate magical arrays. But against all expectations, the crippling headache that usually accompanied such intense use of his eye was absent, a fact that Liam noted but had no time to ponder.

 His focus zeroed in on the orb, now exposed in its entirety. Its core, a complex network of magical symbols, glowed with an array of colors – greens, reds, and a few precious golds. Liam wasted no second, his magical gaze honing in on the golden symbols. Under the intense scrutiny of his eye, the symbols began to fracture, the first crumbling to nothingness, lifting the crushing pressure off Liam.

 He sprang into action, nimbly sidestepping the doctor's reaching hand. The doctor's face twisted in disbelief. "How..." he stammered, utterly confounded. Liam's laughter echoed through the cavern, a sound of triumph and mockery. "The look on your face is priceless," he taunted, not giving the doctor a chance to recover.

 With rapid movements, he focused his magical eye on the remaining golden symbols, shattering them one after another. As the last symbol disintegrated, the orb's mystical energy fizzled out, dropping to the ground with a hollow thud. The doctor's figure began to dissipate, his expression frozen in shock and frustration.

 Without a word left to say, the last thing the doctor saw was Liam's defiant smile and a cheeky raised middle finger.

 Exhaustion finally claimed Liam as he collapsed to the ground, the accumulated fatigue from hours of relentless fighting and the intense usage of his magical vision proving too much for his body to bear. Every muscle screamed in protest, refusing to obey his commands. His consciousness teetered on the edge, threatening to plunge him into darkness. But the dangers of the dungeon loomed over him, urging him to stay awake, to stay alert.

 Yet, as he struggled against the overwhelming tide of weariness, a familiar sound pierced through the silence. His earpiece, silent until this moment, crackled to life with a voice filled with worry and urgency. 

 "Liam!" it called out, echoing his name with a deep concern. It was her voice, the one he had longed to hear amidst the chaos and danger, the voice of Aurora, his partner.

 A wave of relief washed over Liam, soothing his battered spirit. A sound of surrender and contentment escaped his lips, knowing that with Aurora now aware of his situation, everything would indeed be alright. His grip on consciousness loosened, his body and mind yearning for the respite of sleep.

 As the darkness of slumber engulfed him, the last sounds to grace his ears were Aurora's worried voice and the rapid approach of footsteps, signaling the arrival of help. During this vulnerable moment, Liam found comfort in his trusty partner's presence, watching over him as he drifted into sleep.

With this, the first arc of the story is done.

I'd appreciate it if you could comment and let me know what you think about the story so far.

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