
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

Norticus · Ciudad
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31 Chs

Skill Tree


 1. Oculus: A rare and ancient skill that bestows the user with a magical eye, capable of perceiving and interacting with the world in ways beyond the ordinary.

 2. Branching Skills:

 -Arcane Vision: Allows the user to see and interact with magical constructs, even altering their nature or unraveling their secrets.

  -Spectrum Sight: Grants the ability to see the world in three distinct colors - green for safety, red for danger, and gold for opportunity, providing insightful guidance. 

 1. Earth Control: The fundamental ability to manipulate earth, soil, and rock, shaping and moving them according to the user's will.

 2. Branching Skills:

 -Terra Ring: The user can create rings of fine earth fragments, bound by a magical force. These rings can orbit the user and be reshaped into various forms like gauntlets or projectiles.

 -Seismic Sense: Allows the user to detect vibrations and movements through the earth, enhancing their awareness of their surroundings.

 -Granular Grasp: Improves control over fine earth particles, enabling the creation of sandstorms or dust clouds.

  -Stone Skin: Enhances the user's defense by coating their body with a thin, flexible layer of rock, providing protection without hindering movement.


  1. Artisan Animation: The fundamental ability to breathe life into drawings, turning them into three-dimensional, tangible entities.

 2. Branching Skills:

  -Vivid Vitality: Drawings manifest with enhanced realism and detail, making them more lifelike and durable.

 -Dynamic Doodles: Enables the creations to move with agility and purpose, following simple commands from the artist.

 -Chromatic Control: Grants the ability to infuse drawings with vivid and changing colors, affecting their attributes (e.g., red for strength)