
Idiot in Genesis (prototype book)

Solomon Bluefield is a top ranked defender, one of the strongest on earth though he wasn't always this strong, read along as he reminisces about his past feats and endeavors which made him who he is today.

niyajack · Fantasía
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9 Chs


This should do just fine. I felt sudden surge run across my body, i felt stronger, Looking at my phone I decided to call home.


"hello?" I heard the low voice of my mother come through the phone, I was elated to hear that she was alive.

"Mom, are you fine? Is everything ok there?"

"OH thank God you're fine, soloman you had me scared, what's going on? The news has been issued out a curfew to stay indoors." She asked with genuine concern.

"Ma, I want you to lock the doors and close all the windows, and where's my sister? Is she still inside?". I started to panic a little, my sister usually wouldn't be home at this time, she'd most likely be the gym.

"Yea, she's showering right now." She said.

Phew, crisis averted!


"Where's dad?"I asked panic bubbling up again

"..." She was frozen it seems

I cut the call immediately and called his number, ..... he didn't pick up.

fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

I called again, this time it rang.

"Soloman?, what the hell is going in?? Whats up with those cards" What?

"dad, Check the news!!!, get home now or hide in your office or something." I said, panic and dread were leaking into my voice as I spoke.

"Listen soloman this is no time to panic you know that I'll be fine, so dont worry, we've barricade ourselves wel-*SMASH* AHHHHH!!!!!".

The call was cut, I smashed my fist down the desk, FUCK!! Dammit.

I tried calling again though the call did go through, he didn't pick up again.

At this time I was huffing out of fear, my heart was pounding as if trying to break free from my ribcage. i took a deep breathe to calm myself down, not all hope was lost my father was a tough man, far tougher than me, that's when I had decided to leave.

I went around the class, I even walked around the teachers cadaver without paying any mind to it, at the back where Ben and his friends, they were talking about something.

"Ben, I need your help, I wanna go home and see my family. Would you like to join me?" I spoke before he could say anything, staring into his eyes.

"Soloman, listen man, I-I can't do that. I'm planning with my friends to get home aswell, beside don't you live nearer?". I had expected this outcome, ben and most of his friends lived much further away than me.

"Welp, It was worth a shot." I said before leaving.

As I was leaving I heard a snide remarks from Tobias, something about finally growing a pair, a classmate who i really never got along with. Now I'm not a person who wished harm on others usually, but if God was to strike him down with lightning I wouldn't be too upset.

I immediately packed my backpack and slinged it onto my back, I held my sword in my right hand and began leave the class I was given looks of doubt, most student saw me leave and were expecting me to die. I mean they could be right but I didn't care cause I had a plan to escape.

First is to reunite with the boys, then to work together to escape to the underground subway, from there we would split up go our separate ways.

My friends weren't in the same classes as me. I do believe the closest to me right now is Anthony. As I entered in to corridor, I looked around I saw some more dead bodies far off down the corridor, there were now two options, left or right, the left stairs were a bit further away though the right were next to me, I immediately took a right turn and headed to the stairs.

As I got to the stairs I heard snickering, goblins? I walked over as stealthily as humanly possible, as I went down the stairs I soon arrived onto the intermediate landing, I peeked around the corner at as stealthily as I could, I saw the goblins huddled around a human body, it was a girl, I saw them cut chunks as her flesh out and them eating them. The blood around the girl had pooled, looks she hadn't die too long ago, watching them feast on her filled me with an indescribable rage for some reason, i wanted nothing more then to absolutely pummel their heads into the fucking ground, shit, i had to compose myself. As i thought of a plan, I observed the goblins there were around three of them, two with swords, one with a spear. Alright, here goes nothing. I quickly left my hiding spot.

"Oi, ya green skin fuckers!!, you hungry, come get a bite of me!!." It got their attention immediately, I patiently watched as they rushed towards me, I immediately got my backpack off my back and tossed it at them, it hit the one in the middle, as he fell I saw him hitting his head hard on the floor, one down two to go.

There was only two more bastards to kill, i held my sword with both my hands, I immediately stepped back as they got onto the intermediate landing aswell, the goblin with the spear immediately thrusted at me, I dodged quickly and immediately parried his blow, it moved his spear in awkward angle which allowed me to counter attack by kicking him in the chest with all my might, as i delt with him i looked to my left the, goblin with sword went onto the attack. Seeing him fight just for some unknown reason drew me to the edges of absolute fury for no particular reason, I didn't give him a Chance to attack or to run as I swung my sword at him quickly in leftward arc, it cleaved through his chest though he was still alive, I quickly looked to my right, the spear goblin had gotten up and was preparing to attack me, 'i'm gonna fuck you up' was the line of thought that ran through my head. After pulling my sword out, I grabbed the sword goblins dying body and tossed him at his compatriot, who had a look that could only be described as baffled, i ran in and grabbed the spear, trying to pry it from his hands, I used it to pin his neck, it had effectively pinned him to the wall, were upon I kneed him in the stomach, he gasped for air but I wouldn't let him. Then I pried the spear from the goblins hand and used it to stab him in the stomach.

[Level up × 2!]

[Dragon rider quest completed!]

[Kill 5 goblins to prove your worth!]

[Please claim your reward in the Dropbox!]

I breathed in & out rapidly, I was tired. As I looked around I felt that indescribable rage leave me, after picking my sword which I seemed to have dropped in the fight, i immediately waddled down the staircase

I looked at the goblin knocked out on the floor, I quickly slit his throat.

I looked over and saw the girls dead body, I couldn't recognize her though she was most likely an underclassmen of mine. I sighed, I decided to drag her out of the open so her corpse doesn't get more desicrated than It already is.

As I flip her over I saw that there was something under her body, it was a weapon, it looked odd, I'd never seen anything like it, it had a hammers body, topped with a spike on it and a blade on its the back. It was long too probably the length of my leg atleast, it looked quite useful.

Well lets continue....

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