
Identity V oneshots

My first book of x reader one-shots, I hope I can do well! :)

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38 Chs

Headcanons Part 2

(I have been listening to Hajime Hinata's japanese voice for two hours while writing this, why?)

I realize that this one and last one have a lot to do with touch,,, sorry i kinda picked a topic that worked and stuck with it,,, also i have no clue how to not be all over the place with these,,,

Luca Balsa

-So before his accident, he was really mannered and trusted everyone

-but then the electric currents messed with his brain

-He's still nice

-but he has a shorter temper, and headaches, and he gets frustrated easily

-He's really focused on his invention

-Acts really cute like all the time

-little one eye'd pout

-little gasps every time he figures something

-forgets to do things for himself

-if you bring him food, or put a blanket over him when it gets late

-his heart goes bzzt

-doesn't trust easily, but he knows when a person is good

-once he trusts you

-all o v e r you

-like a puppy

-he can be neglectful sometimes, he tends to hole up in his room

-he needs someone willing to take care of him

-not like full-time, but he's forgetful, and absent minded

-but he will always make time for you

-He didn't greet you in the morning and didn't eat breakfast with you? Be prepared for an apology and to be pulled into an everlasting hug

^this isn't going well,,, maybe I should stop,,, but I want to have a chapter out

-Will melt in your arms if you intimately take care of him

-rubbing his temples to relieve his headache, softly scratching his back or rubbing his legs when they get too stiff for sitting for so long

-he really likes it when you softly play with his hair, just please don't pull it

-he will repay you, just give him time

-will do anything from begging a hunter to be friendly so you can play in the snow of Leo's Memory to setting up candles, flowers, a table and chairs, and a nice meal in the dark of the gardens.

-He'll reluctantly tell you all of his physical problems once he's sure you aren't gonna leave

-like possibility of seizures, the inability to see very well from his eye, stiff legs, and all that jazz

-he's self-conscious of these things, but doesn't let this get in the way of the relationship

Andrew Kreiss

(I am a firm milfdrew beliver)

-scared boy

-he has a tendency to take things the wrong way due to the people who were hateful to him all his life

-show and tell him that he isn't a monster, he'll believe you

-he is not familiar with touch

-at all

-all he remembers is his mother holding him close as a young child

-so touch is not going to be a factor until slightly later in your relationship

-that being said

-you'll have to comfort him, but he's pretty good at comforting you too

-Claustrophobia, so everytime he digs in a match, he's gonna be nervous and probably go to you straight after the match

-once he's really comfortable in the relationship, or really determined to do something for you (regardless of the status of the relationship) he's gonna be brave

-the first kiss is ~~perfection~~

-like, before, you've left little pecks on his forehead or cheeks, but you're never sure if he's ok with an on the lips kiss

-one day, he's really tired, and has a lot of matches

-comes back drained of energy

-you're there with a hot bath ready for him, and fresh cookies you baked in your free time

-after his bath, before you leave, he just pulls you close.

-you think it was just a hug, and before you knew it, his hand softly tilted your head up and his lips are on yours

-then he gets tired, so he just pulls you into his bed

-we will get back to this in the sleepy time hcs

-anyways, he's cute, and helpful, and very loving

Victor Grantz

-selectively mute

-really sweet and helpful

-very "action oriented"

-it is very easy to fake how your words sound

-but facial expressions, body language

-he sees it all

-he doesn't like people who aren't who they say they are

-but he would never be rude to a person

-Victor would write letters to you a lot if you're close

-he'll be ecstatic if you write letters back

-eventually, you're relationship will grow where words aren't needed

-You two are able to read each other's body language that you practically know what the other is thinking

-The others are,,, kind of weirded out

-like you'll talk to the others, but the bond between you and Victor

-Well, they're all happy for you both

-Being able to read each other also means you're great at comforting each other

-really small, but frequent touches

-brushing your hands against each other as you pass

-he'll have a hand on your arm just because it feels nice

-Wick is able to transfer touches too

-during a match, when he sends you a letter, he'll send a kiss with Wick

-You receive the letter, Wick licks your cheek or hand when you accept, if you give Wick a little kiss on the forehead, he will send the message to Victor

Edgar Valden

-I don't like him

-that might get me hate, so let me elaborate

-I can't handle people who are snobbish very well, I don't know how to explain it, but his one of his quotes describing people as commoners and not at his level bothers me and acting entitled to everything (the same way I don't like Byakuya Togami)

-but the way netease paints him, and the way that I/some other people choose to see him are really different

-the way netease makes him so stuck up bothers me

-He is passionate

-His passion died down when other people demanded things of him that he didn't feel good about

-I really like the idea of Luca and Edgar knowing each other while they were both high class

-and because of Luca, Edgar found the passion in his work again

-He was no longer painting for other people but for himself

-makes it sad when Luca doesn't remember him

^maybe I should write about that

-anyways, about Edgar

-help me out, I have not done enough research on him to feel like I know him

-but its hard,,, cuz his attitude rubs me the wrong way

-if you are an Edgar fan, reach out to me to discuss things about him, I want to learn, and choose to love him and if he has other sides.

Sleeping together headcanons

(these are short,,, sorry)

Sleepy time


-Does he sleep?

-You have to pull him away from his work

-but not really, because he's still a gentleman, he still has some of his manners as a nobleman

-Sleeping however is comfortable, honestly

-he probably likes to sleep on his side, but that sometimes hurts his head, so sleep on your backs and hold his head to your chest

-he feels really safe like that


-early in the relationship, he isn't used to touch

-the first time you sleep together is an experience

-he might've had a nightmare, you comfort him back to sleep and he asks you to stay

-start falling asleep barely touching, wake up completely intertwined

-its,,, really comfy

-he's really cold, so being as close as possible warms him up, plus you can be under as many blankets as possible and not overheat because he's like a little cooler, while you're a heater.



-like holds your wrist to his shoulder as your head rests on his chest

-but also happy if it is the other way around

-likes to see your face as you sleep, and pat your head or rub your back if you look like you're having a bad dream

-also would like you to do the same

-a very stable equally give and take relationship


-the satirical answer i'd give is that

-oOoh He DoEsN't WaNt To DiRtY hImSeLf bEinG aRoUnD CoMmOnErs

-but i'm gonna be serious and fair

-He found passion in painting, once you get close to him, he is passionate about you too

-He's the type to touch, but not be touched

-Hands of your shoulders are common with him

-He would either sleep on his side or his back

-Not the type to spoon, but he will hold your hand, or have his cheek against yours while sleeping

-like a "head on the shoulder" position

-likes his space when he sleeps, so he will push you away if you try to wrap yourself around him as you sleep

-mumbles in his sleep in his cute, high-pitched voice

Word Count: 1469

A/N: if you want more of my headcanons, i'm happy to do it for any character. I feel like this sucks, and I'm sorry for putting out a chapter that i'm not happy with but i'm so tired haha. Don't worry, I'll have a real chapter out tomorrow, hopefully. Anyways, let me know what you think, I hope you enjoyed! Have a wonderful day!