
Identity V oneshots

My first book of x reader one-shots, I hope I can do well! :)

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I wanted to try something new; Headcannons! Mainly relationship headcannons, but also just regular character hcs in the mix

Since I may have gotten a little behind,,, but I have something big coming up!

Anyways, I'm doing headcanons for the characters I've written for so far, plus a few I want to grasp a better understanding of. I've never done this before, so correct me if I say something wrong or if I don't do it right^^

(I might be writing headcanons for a few days, because I'm working on a special thing, but if they're boring or not written right, let me know so I can produce something better :) sorry for rambling)

Without Further ado

Naib Subedar

-He's like,,, my favorite,,, i love him so much

-As a soldier and mercenary, I feel like he values loyalty a lot

-Until he gets to know someone, he probably won't interact much, but once he's close to someone oooh boy

-jokes, friendly insults, play fights, I feel like he's only broody when he's sad, or has bad memories, but he tries to make the most of his days

-steals food. He likes food and will take things off your plate

-(don't worry he will share his, but count yourself lucky, he doesn't share food with anyone)

-Rescue and Body Block: always.

-if both of you are injured, he's always healing you first

-He's seen some rough stuff and, personally I would love to be the shoulder he could cry on, definitely deserves someone who'll be there for him.

-On the outside, he's pretty calm and collected (unless he gets really angry or flustered) but behind closed doors he's cuddly and touch-starved.

-He's ok with really light PDA: hand-holding, maybe a kiss on the cheek from his s/o, but he's fine with doing whatever he wants.

-For Example: He wouldn't let you give him more than a nose boop if he's around others, but if you're sleepy at a gathering, you better bet he's putting your head in his lap, possibly absentmindedly stroking your hair.

-After a match, "good-game" kisses, "you did amazing" kisses, "I'm sorry I couldn't get you in time" kisses. Just,,, resting together after a particularly hard match. Laying down, hugging each other, laying your head on his chest, matching heartbeats slowly getting calmer as you drift off to sleep,,,

-can you tell i just want to be held?

-Probably never been in a relationship before

-he became a soldier at a young age

-didn't really have a chance to be involved romantically with anyone

-so he's probably starved for affection

-Really stiff the first time he sleeps with someone (not the nasty, I don't do that)

-like, he's never cuddled with anyone before, so it'll take some time for him to get used to it, but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it

-When it is sad boi hours, he's not gonna want anyone to see him cry, but please,,, comfort him,,, my boy has been through so much,,,

-he's gonna get mad at you sometimes

-You take a risk in a match; he doesn't want you to get hurt

-he will probably yell, but end up crying or regretting it as long as you don't yell back

-if you do yell back,,, well, it might leave things sore for a bit

-but you both really care about each other, so it won't last for long

-All in all, it'd be a really happy relationship or friendship,,, just slow and steady and a few rough spots you'll get through together

Kevin Ayuso

-He's Texan, I'm Texan, we have a connection.

-lots of contractions

-Y'all're, how're, best've

-Southern Hospitality, and is a gentleman through and through

-Kevin, to me, is really flirty but knows when too much is too much.

-Unless he's drunk, then he's more likely to not be as gentlemanly, but not often does he forget his morals.

-Will lasso you at random times (as long as you're ok with that)

-if not, please tell him

-Definitely makes comments on how attractive [body part] is

-"Your legs are lookin' fiiiiine" will touch them as he says that

-probably an ass man, but is not complaining if his s/o has a chest

-he,,, gives you his hat,,, just for fun. It's too big, but that makes it cuter

-He is gonna have his off days where he feels like he makes too many mistakes, cheer him up! Compliment his strength and let him protect you, that is what he wants, to be able to protect someone he cares about, unlike what happened when he was a child.

-He likes to carry you

-that being said, it is constant

-maybe it's an excuse to touch your legs

-jk jk,,, unless

Demi Bourbon

-Hi, yes, can she marry me?

-She is really outgoing, will drag you to any social event

-likes to show you off

-can and will supply you with as much alcohol as you desire

-she'll be sad, but respect it if you don't drink

-Alcohol isn't her only personality trait though

-She really likes hugs, so at any moment in time prepare to be pulled into her chest

-Also likes to play with hair, and wants you to play with her hair

-She's the one to get other people out of their shell, so I feel like she'd pair well with an introvert, or another extrovert.

-Demi can step on me and I'd thank her.

-She's flirty too, so she probably would step on me, you, whoever asks

-But like in an attractive way

-Though she's extroverted, she loves little moments of intimacy.

-Bathing together after a long day, just talking to each other

-brushing each other's hair while preparing for bed

-soft goodnight kisses planted all over each other's faces

-Really likes waking up to her s/o's bedhead, she thinks it makes them cute

Norton Campbell


-So, to me, he seems to have like

-the emotionless type of depression

-Not to say that he doesn't ever have fun, or feel happy, or sad but

-He loses touch with his emotions so often

-His s/o is going to have to be really patient with him

-He comes off as rude and intimidating at first glance

-He just doesn't want anyone to become close to him

-but just be kind to him, show him that you're trustworthy and that he isn't a burden to others

-He will eventually come to you of his own accord

-has to be a friendship first, there is no jumping to anything in this relationship

-but the closer you are, the more playful and accepting he becomes

-("Naib sleeps with stuffed animals" if you know, you know)

-a friendship and a relationship are two different things, however.

-no PDA

-not until he's really comfortable with you

-which isn't for a long time

-Even when you're dating, touching is minimal

-but when you pull off a risky, impressive move or rescue and heal him, he will reward you with hugs and a head pat

-if you pull off something risky and get hurt,,, He will be angry, but it's obvious that he's using anger to hide his fear

-lots of reassurance on both sides

-show him that he deserves happiness, and that no matter what happened in his past that as long as he strives to better himself than that's the best he can do

-and he'll tell you he loves you, and tell you that he's grateful for you

Eli Clark

-Soft Boy

-Easily flustered, but really good at hiding it

-so if you do something cute and flirty he will retaliate, but as soon as he is alone, blushing and freaking out ensues

-Eli is an ambivert

-He doesn't have as much of a social battery that gets drained as introverts do, but he doesn't like big crowds very much

-Will use Brooke Rose to (spy) check up on you

-Loves hugs, and soft touches

-probably wants a hand on you at all times, if possible

-waiting for a match: he's holding your hand

-doing a task, or prepping for something: he will be right there helping you, or sometimes getting in the way trying to be close to you

-Is way too scared to look into your future, so he just lives in your presence everyday, enjoying every moment and not taking anything for granted

-As for conflict in this relationship

-he's really respectful, and not much bothers him

-so unless one of you does something absolutely terrible, there won't be much conflict

-Probably cuddly, but not like koala bear grip

-definitely rubs your back and shoulders

Because its late, i'm tired, and it's cute:

Sleeping Together Headcanons:

What position would be preferred


-Sweetheart's cradle, or front-to-front

-likes to face you

-really likes to have you near his chest

-do you hear it? His heart beats for you

-wants to be as close as possible, but only in the privacy of whichever room you're in

-all the times he's held back his touches because of the people around are instantly released as he pulls you to him, no room for anything between you.


-probably a big spoon

-likes to protect his s/o

doesn't like to be a little spoon


-loose spoon

-likes her space when she sleeps, but still wants to be close

-If you two start sleeping really close together, by the time you wake up, you'll still be touching, but you will be spaced out


-in the beginning of the relationship/the first time you're sleeping together definitely no contact, back to back

-he is not going to be close to you at all

-but as you grow closer, slowly it will shift to back-to-back touching, occasionally, when he is feeling affectionate, he'll be a big spoon, or if he has had a really bad day, he would want to be held as a little spoon, or held curled up in front of you


-Back-to-back touching, spooning, or just touching in someway

-he doesn't want to smother you, but he wants to ensure your safety and comfort at all times.

-maybe you're both sleeping, and Brooke Rose decides she wants to get comfy right inbetween you. She gets too cold if your backs are against each other, so you might shift to having your legs tangled together and hands touching, but being separated enough to have her fit in the space between you.

Word Count: 1724

A/N: Again, sorry. I know this is new, but I kinda like it^^ I'll have short things posted for about a week or so because I'm writing something cool! Er well hopefully it'll turn out good. As always, I hope you enjoy! If there is something you agree with or disagree with, or something you want to add, feel free to tell me! I try to research the characters, but I miss things a lot. Have a wonderful day!