
episode 1

(The episode opens with Juliana: a 16-year-old girl who has long purple hair, white skin, wearing a white apron, green shirt, white pants, and black shoes scrooping vanilla ice cream and puts it in a cone; then gives it to a 7-year-old african american girl)

(The girl smiles and runs off)

(Juliana looks at her phone, while looking bored)

Aub (sang): Seems somebody is bored, while working at this fine establishment (with one hand on his face) what a predicament (smiles) yes, what a predicament indeed

(Aub: a 15-year-old boy who has short green hair, brown skin, wearing a white apron, purple shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes playing a piano)

Juliana (looking annoyed): Do you have to make a song about everything?

Aub (sang): No I don't, but I love to mess with you, my dear friend. But, that's not the best thing to do in this place.

Juliana: (smiles at Aub) I'm guessing that is an apology

Aub (sang): That was what I was trying to say, do you accept the humble apology that I gave you? (holds out his hand)

(Juliana walks to Aub and smiles)

Juliana (sang): Yes I accept your apology, my dear friend, besides I was very a sour mood before and for that I apology to you

Aub (sang): Of course, besides everybody is in a sour mood

Vivienne (sang): Well, I hope you two aren't trying to do a duet, because we have a (points to the door) line.

(Juliana and Aub looks at the line of customers)

Vivenne (opens the door): Welcome

Aub: (gets up) Well, it's time to work

Beau: Oh no, Aub, you are going to continue playing, we are trying to try a different vibe

Aub: So, you want to me to sing?

Beau: Yup, sing that beautiful voice of yours

(Aub blushes)

Aub: No problem

(Beau is a 20-year-old boy who has silver hair, brown skin, wearing a white apron, red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

Beau: I will be working with Vivenne and Juliana.

Juliana: So, no trip to the coffee shop?

Beau: Yup, no trips

(The line of customers come in the shop)

Aub (sang): Welcome to Beau's ice cream shop, what flavor speaks to you

(Flashes of Beau, Juliana, and Vivenne giving out ice cream cones)

(Aub playing on the piano)

(The screen switches to Beau, Vivenne, Aub, and Juliana eating ice cream in the empty shop)

Juliana: Hey, guys look at this (shows her phone) 'There is a meteor heading to Earth

Aub: Like where?

Vivenne: How about here?

Beau: Come on sweetie, that doesn't make sense

(Vivenne moves Beau by the window)

(Beau sees the meteor coming faster)

(The meteor comes crashing and everybody ducks)

(The meteor crashes into the ice cream machine)

(The ice cream machine releases chocolate and vanilla)

(The goo out of the meteor makes both chocolate and vanilla glowing)

(A hand comes out of a pile of chocolate and vanilla)

Juliana: What is that?

(A head comes out of the pile of chocolate and vanilla)

Aub: Seems that both the vanilla and chocolate is mutating

Beau: I feel that we probably should lock up the shop and walk away.

A voice: So, you're going to leave us?

(Beau, Aub, Juliana, and Vivenne looks back and sees 11-year-old girl who has black curly hair, brown skin, wearing a white shirt with a roller coaster on it, brown jeans, and white shoes; has a snake tail that has a ball-shaped end on it and 11-year-old girl who has blonde hair, white skin, wearing a blue shirt, white jeans, and blue shoes; has a snake tail that has a star-shaped end on it)

The african american girl: Hi

The blonde girl: Sup

(Juliana turns to her friends)

Juliana (looks at Beau) (whispers): You see them too?

Beau (whispers): Yup

Aub (whispers): Good, I'm not hallucinating

Vivenne (looking curious) (whispers): What should we do?

The blonde girl (looking annoyed): Maybe not rudely whisper about us

(Vivenne, Juliana, Beau, and Aub looked shocked)

The african american girl: We can hear you loud and clear

Vivenne: We're so sorry, my name is Vivenne and these are my friends.

Aub: We are surprised by you two appearing

The african american girl: We were surprised by that too, before I was just chocolate ice cream

The blonde girl: And you could tell I was vanilla ice cream

Beau: So, how do you feel about being alive?

The african american girl: I feel great and I would like a name.

Juliana: A name? I got a cheesy name

The african american girl: I know, it's Icreama, thank you. It's a cute name

Juliana: You can read minds? Cool!

Beau (looks at The blonde girl): And you?

The blonde girl: I would like the name Vanilla, I know that is cheesy too, but I love it.

Icreama: That's great, so are we friends or family?

Vanilla: I guess we are family, since technically we were both ice cream

Aub: No offense, but this is odd.

Vanilla and Icreama: No offense taken

Juliana: So, where are they going to live? We can't leave them here

Beau: How about we take them to my house?

(Juliana, Aub, and Vivenne looked shocked)

Beau: Just because I won't let you all go there doesn't mean I won't let them stay

Aub: Well, that is a solution

Vanilla (looking at Beau): I see a lovable future with you, so fine

Icreama (looking at Beau) (sitting on a counter): I agree

Beau: Great, let's go, since the store is closed so I can call for repairs

(Episode ends with everybody exiting out of the shop)