

Nobody could survive Asher Brenton's icy exterior, nobody even tried or cared enough to see the underlying frozen sticks that only made his disorder worse. He turned everything off on the night of his devastating reality; there wasn't much hope to keep on going . The palid travesty looked like the color of Kalina's irises, the girl who was known as the ice breaker. Kalina Sanders was definitely a walking challenge. With her curiousity and thrive, her goal was to inspect Asher's life due to the undeniable attraction she felt towards him. That magnetic pull to him was something foreign to her and she wanted more. She craved more, but what she knew couldn't save Asher, right?

Daoist3B2DGS · Adolescente
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24 Chs

Chapter Nine

I couldn't believe Leslie would do that. His group never went anywhere near Asher, so what changed?

The world around us was filled white noise, it was just me and Asher. I could barely catch my breath as the sound of the air conditioner was heard and birds chirped outside, but our eyes finally met and my heart hammered at the intensity of his blues, it was like he recognized me finally, it was a fleeting moment but it was enough for me as he walked out of the class.

I pressed a hand on my left cheek, feeling the heat that painted on it and I couldn't help but smile for the little moment.

Leslie clutched me by the arm to the side of the classroom with disappointment dripped in his lightly colored eyes. "Why did you have to interrupt us?"

"Since when do you guys gather on Asher?"

His eyebrows went above his forehead in shock.

"Wait, so it was true - you do like him?"

I poked his chest viciously, "it's none of your business." I snapped, he was a different Leslie. A much violent one; the red patch on my arm was evidence enough.

He noticed it too as he retracted his hand from my arm and covered his face with his hands for a moment before it fell to his sides.

"I'm sorry, Kal. I just didn't like how you talked to me in front of everyone and it's a bad day for me."

"I'll pass it just this time. It's only because it's the big day for you." I clarified, still bothered by what he has done. I just didn't fathom injustice when it came to people, especially that I didn't have a great relationship with my parents.

"You know what would really make me happy?" he smiled quirkly, his jacket tight on his biceps, "if you could come to my game and maybe you can invite your sister to hangout."

I thought about it. It has been a long time since I bonded with Vera over a hangout, she barely has time for me.

"Sure, I will tell Vera." He bumped his fist against mine followed by a jokeful salute before he went away.

I had some free time before my second class, it was to get a move on the Asher research as I rushed to the library, where they had computers, Vera held off a lot of details, but I didn't blame her because the cops were on her tail since she signed an obligation agreement.

I typed in his sister's name but the whole search was blank. I widened my eyes at the empty page underneath the search box, he really didn't want anyone to reveal anything about his sister.

Another attempt went wrong before I experimented with the search about the list of accidents in Yerevan and there it was. Averly Brenton Fire Accident, it was on top of the list and I clicked on it fast before I checked the surroundings behind me. The last thing I needed was to be caught by the principal or worse, Asher.

Averly Brenton's death was an eternal tragedy to Armenia. The mystery of Averly continued as rumors spreaded around like wildfire that her twin, Asher Brenton, was the cause of the fire and an unknown source stated that the murder of his twin sister was caused by another person. . .

I squeaked in surprise before I covered my lips with my palm.

Murder. Someone murdered her and it wasn't her brother.

Then, who and why?

And if so, why did Asher need to hide that piece of information from everyone and why did he let people accuse him of the murder of his own sister?

I was flabbergasted as I read the article over and over again. Asher definitely concealed the person and he moved on his own. He didn't want the police to be on his side, Averly's picture stared at me and I looked closely as I zoomed in on her pink necklace that had an L in the middle with two miniature hearts.

It couldn't be Leslie, she didn't know him. . .

Bile raised up my throat as I pushed it down as the doubts started to creep up on me.

The only way to know was if I gathered the clues and I had to put Leslie under my radar.

I definitely had to go to the match.